Student Research Projects
- Numerical Simulation Of A Two-body Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter, Taeed, Amir Reza, 2022
- Development of a software for hydro-aerodynamic analysis of propellers using blade element momentum and lifting line theories, Tayouri Khorasgani, Saeed, 2021
- Modeling of interaction between waves and a submerged flexible breakwater, Jafarzadeh, Elham, 2021
- Effect of a submerged rigid obstacle on hydraulic performance of a submerged flexible mound breakwater, based on model experimentation, Vahab Mohammad, 2020
- modeling and simulating of hydrodynamic coefficients of sub off models, Mobini Dehkordi, Mohammad Reza, 2018
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of AUV's Length Variation on Drag Force, Nader Tehrani, Ali, 2017
- Determining the Added Mass Coefficients of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle using Boundary Element Method, Shahbazi Khorzooghi, Mehran, 2015
- Effects of Free Surface on Lift and Drag Coefficients of an Underwater Vehicle, Oqabaei, Mohammad, 2014
- Numerical Modeling of Hydrodynamic Coefficients for a Prototype Submersible in Accelerated Motion, Shadlaghani, Arash, 2014
- Experimental and Numerical Study on Caspian3 Supply Vessel of KEPCO Company, Shahabadi Farahani, Mohammad, 2014
- Determination of Hydrodynamic Coefficients of an AUV with Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experimental Fluid Dynamics Methods, Javanmard, Ehsan, 2013
- Sensitivity analysis of experimental measurement of drag coefficient of an AUV in a towing tank, Mansoobi Hosseini, Hamid, 2013
- Numerical and Experimental investigation of Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) with consideration of free surface, Nazem poor, 2012
- Experimental Study on Curved Water Wave Absorber in Towing Tanks, Hodaee, Mohammad Reza, 2011
- A Numerical and Experimental Study on Hydrodynamic Coefficient and Flow Around a Combat Surface-Craft in Towing Tank of Subsea Science and Technology Research Institute, Ahmadi Malayeri, Milad, 2011
- Experimental Measurement of Hydrodynamic Coefficients of Semisubmersible Platform in the Water Canal, Ganji Arjangi, Amin. 2014