“Experimental modeling of the interaction between waves and submerged flexible mound breakwaters”
Elham Jafarzadeh , Abdorreza Kabiri-Samani , Shahriar Mansourzadeh , Asghar Bohluly
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 24 June 2020
Abstract :
A submerged flexible mound breakwater can be employed for wave control in shallow water as an advanced alternative to the conventional rigid submerged designs. This study presents a flexible breakwater with an innovative geometry based on model experimentation. Experimental studies were performed to compare the wave energy dissipation by the flexible mound and rigid structures, over a range of test conditions, for example, three different diameters of structure, three water depths, and different regular wave heights for three different beach slopes. Results indicate that the present submerged flexible mound breakwater is stable, being appropriate for most operational sea conditions. Large amplitude waves can induce significant motions of the structure; therefore, the interaction between radiating and scattering waves is highly contributing to the wave energy dissipation. The wave energy dissipation at breaking zone of the present submerged flexible mound breakwater is significantly greater than that of the other types of flexible and rigid formerly investigated structures.