“Determination of a plunger type wave maker characteristics in a towing tank”
Sayed Mohammad Reza Hodaie, Sh. Mansoorzadeh, Mohammad Reza Chamani, Sayed Masood Beheshti Maal
Abstract :
Regular and irregular waves are generated at small scales in laboratories using various wave makers. In the present work, characteristics of a plunger type wave maker in towing tank in Subsea Research and Development Center (SRDC) of Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) are obtained. Parameters of waves are measured using resistive wave probes after being calibrated. To calibrate wave probes, a relation between wave elevation and output voltage of probes is obtained. This is employed to develop a computer program to calculate the wave parameters such as wave height, wave period and wavelength. To verify the achieved results, video and still cameras were also used.