Improved solubilization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in water by surface functionalization with d-glucose and d-fructose,


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are difficult to be dispersed into a polymer matrix. For effective reinforcement, the strong interfacial interaction between nanotubes and the matrix is essential to donate the efficient thermal transfer from the matrix to nanotubes. In this study, multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were modified with glucose and fructose carbohydrates as biomolecules to obtain Gl-MWCNTs and Fr-MWCNTs. Good water solubilization of MWCNTs was obtained, and these hybrids were expected to be biocompatible. Functionalized MWCNTs were incorporated into a poly(amide–imide) (PAI) matrix-containing alanine through a simple ultrasonication-assisted solution blending procedure. Then, it was tried to compare the obtained nanocomposites morphologically and thermally to study the compatibility between PAI matrix with Gl-MWCNTs and Fr-MWCNTs. Surface morphology observations suggested strong interfacial adhesion between the functionalized MWCNTs and the PAI matrix. This leads to homogeneous distribution of nanotubes throughout the matrix. Significantly better thermal properties of PAI were achieved by introducing Gl-MWCNT into the PAI matrix than that was achieved by similar incorporation of Fr-MWCNTs.