Effects of postharvest application of two plant growth regulators viz., benzyladenine (BA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) with sucrose in the pulse solution on vase life of roses ‘Red One’ were investigated. Results show a maximum gain in fresh weight (18.01%) in the cut roses in the treatment with a 20 mg.L-1 GA3 + 100 g.L-1 sucrose pulse solution. In contrast to change in fresh weight, treatments of 10 or 20 mg.L-1 BA and the control recorded the maximum water uptake. A pulse solution of 10 or 20 mg.L-1 GA3 + 100 g.L-1 sucrose or 10 mg.L-1 BA+ 10 mg.L-1 GA3 + 100 g.L-1 sucrose significantly increased vase life of cut roses than the control. Treatments of 100 g.L-1 sucrose, control, 10 mg.L-1 GA, 10 or 20 mg.L-1 BA + 100 g.L-1 sucrose recorded higher petal tissue electrolyte leakage and decrease in vase life. Pulsing with a solution of sucrose at lower concentrations along with GA3 (10 mg.L-1) was promising in increasing vase life of cut roses ‘Red One’.