Seminar and Conferences

All of Seminar and Conferences (58 Papers)

Divided by the Seminar:

Iranian seminar on Polymer science and technology (ISPST 2012) (6 Papers)

the 14th Iranian national chemical engineering congress (Ichec 14) (3 Papers)

2nd Annual Clean Energy Conference (ACEC) (1 Paper)

The 2nd Conference on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (HCF) (1 Paper)

ICOM 2011 (3 Papers)

The 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition (Ichec 2011) (1 Paper)

Conference on advanced plastics technology and its application in industry. (2 Papers)

2nd Second National Conference on Nanoscience Defense Applications (1 Paper)

3rd National Conference on Modern Researches in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (1 Paper)

PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting (10 Papers)

First Iran membrane conference 2011 (4 Papers)

the 13th Iranian national chemical engineering congress (Ichec 13) (3 Papers)

3rd Conference on Nanostructures (NS2010) (1 Paper)

the 12th Iranian national chemical engineering congress (Ichec 12) (1 Paper)

The 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition (Ichec 2009) (1 Paper)

AMK 12 (1 Paper)

Macro 2008 (1 Paper)

Polychar 16 (1 Paper)

International Conference Poly-2008 (1 Paper)

NYM9 (1 Paper)

The 8th international seminar on polymer science and technology (ISPST 2007) (1 Paper)

The 6th international Membrane Science and Technology Conference (1 Paper)

First student conference on Nano technology (1 Paper)

11th Iranian national congress on Chemical Engineering (1 Paper)

IUPAC (1 Paper)

9th Annual UNESCO / IUPAC Conference on Macromolecules (1 Paper)

Tenth Iranian national congress on Chemical Engineering (1 Paper)

Ninth Iranian national congress on Chemical Engineering (1 Paper)

PPS 21 (1 Paper)

54th Canadian Chemical engineering conference,Calgary (1 Paper)

40th International symposium on macromolecules (IUPAC) (2 Papers)

6th  Iranian seminar on Polymer science and technology (ISPST 2003) (2 Papers)