PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting

  1. H. Taheri afarani, M. Sadeghi, Fabrication and characterization of polyurethane/ zeolite mixed matrix mambrane for gas separation, PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting, Kish island, Iran, November 15-17 , 2011.
  2. M. Khoshkam, M. Sadeghi, synthesis of polyimide membrane for the separation of CO2/CH4 gases, PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting, Kish island, Iran, November 15-17 , 2011.
  3. H. shirvani, M. Sadeghi, “ Gas separation properties of the polyurethane/poly (vinyl alcohol) (PU/PVA) blend membranes with different PVA molecular weights” PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting, Kish island, Iran, November 15-17 , 2011.
  4. E. Sameti, M. Shekari, M. Sadeghi, H. shirvani, membranes for gas separation based on polyurethane- zno nanocomposites, PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting, Kish island, Iran, November 15-17 , 2011.
  5. A. Khosravi, M. Sadeghi, Effect Of the structure of polyurethane membranes on the separation of higher hydrocarbons from methane, PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting, Kish island, Iran, November 15-17 , 2011.
  6. M. Sadeghi, Z. Tarashi, H. Taheriafarani, Gas permeation properties of polyurethane- Tio2 nanocomposite membranes, PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting, Kish island, Iran, November 15-17 , 2011.
  7. M. Khoshkam, M. Sadeghi, study of pressure and temperature effects on the gas separation properties of a novel flexible copolymide membrane, PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting, Kish island, Iran, November 15-17 , 2011.
  8. M. Mohagheghian, M. Sadeghi, Effect of the silica nanoparticles on the Gas sepration properties of the polyvinylchloride  membranes, PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting, Kish island, Iran, November 15-17 , 2011.
  9. M. Naghsh, M. Sadeghi, Separation of Ehylene/Ethane and Propylene/Propane by cellulose acetate/silica nanocomposite membranes, PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting, Kish island, Iran, November 15-17 , 2011.
  10. M. Aminjafari, M. Sadeghi, M. entezam, M. Masoomi, Investigation and Modeling on the Rheology and Morphology of ABS/PA6 Blends, PPS 2011 Asia/Australia regional meeting, Kish island, Iran, November 15-17 , 2011.