Urban management, as an inseparable part of environmental management, plays a significant role in improving the country's environmental performance. Establishing a balance between these two topics can play an effective role in improving the environmental status of the country. Evaluating the environmental performance of cities is an approach that has a history of several years on a smaller geographical scale, and its purpose is to measure the improvement of the environmental conditions of the city in various components such as air, soil and water quality, green space and biodiversity index, etc. of the city as a result of the actions and activities of city and municipal authorities. So far, several indicators and evaluation tools have been created by researchers to evaluate the environmental performance of cities (Baynes & Wiedmann, 2012; Shen, Ochoa, Shah, et al., 2011). Each of these indicators examines the environmental performance of cities and countries from different aspects.
The aim of this project is to evaluate the environmental performance of Isfahan using quantitative indicators, to evaluate the state of the city in comparison with national and international criteria and standards and other cities, as well as spatial (spatial) zoning (mapping) of the city's environmental performance. The basis of the pixel data is the spatial basis in the quality of water, soil, air, sound and green space.
The goals of this project are:
- determination of EPA indicators and introducing indicators that can be used to investigate the environmental performance of Isfahan city.
- Investigating and selecting the best indicators to evaluate the city's environmental performance using statistical methods and decision-making methods.
- Quantifying environmental performance index.
- Environmental performance index mapping from the combination of layers related to each index and considering their weight in the GIS environment and using techniques such as WLC.
- Comparison of environmental performance index of Isfahan city with selected cities.
- Presenting a management plan to improve the environmental performance of Isfahan city.