
  • Research funding from Iran's National Elites Foundation (بنیاد ملی نخبگان) 
  • Recepient of research funding from Stem Cell Science and Technology Research Institute 
  • Front cover of Journal of macromolecular communications, 2014
  • Front cover of Journal of Royal Society Interface, 2013.
  • Recepient of full PhD funding from Imperial College London
  • Engineering and Physical Science Research Council/EPSRC Ph.D research funding
  • “Larry Hench” award for best PhD in Biomaterials in 2011 at Imperial College London
  •  “Lloyds of London Science of Risk” prize award for best peer reviewed journal paper.
  • Prize award for highly commanded poster at the graduate school of engineering and physical sciences poster event, Imperial College London.
  • British Annual Festival of Science Prize award
  • Travel grants from various funding institutes including Armourers and Braisers, Royal Academy of Engineering, Sol-gel at nanoscale workshop and Imperial student funding.