Biography 37


PERSONAL DATA                         Male                                      Married

                                    Date and Place of Birth                  24/3/1968 , Baghmalek - IRAN

Mailing Address                           Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology    Daneshgah Blvd., P. O. Box: 75918-74831, Isfahan - IRAN

                                    Phone No.                                   +98 (311) 3913245

                                    Fax No.                                        +98-311-3912350

E-mail Address            or*

MAJOR                      Inorganic Chemistry


- Ph. D. in Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Shiraz University, Shiraz - IRAN.    (Sep. 2001)

- M. Sc. in Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Esfahan University of Tecnology, Esfahan - IRAN.   (Sep. 1997)

B. Sc. in Pure Chemistry, Shiraz University,    Shiraz - IRAN (Sep. 1993)