Vajiheh Dorostkar

Dr. Dorostkar graduated in 2017. She did a part of her research work in ETH university of Swiss. She received several awards s a distinguished student. She was successful in publishing several excellent papers from her thesis.

Dr. Dorostkar is now Associate Professor at Shahrood University

موضوع رساله دكترا:

تأثير قارچ آربوسكولار ميكوريزا بر پايداري ساختمان، كيفيت فيزيكي خاك و آب قابل استفاده براي گياه در سطوح مختلف شوري

عنوان لاتين

Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Soil Structural Stability, Soil Physical Quality and Plant Available Water at Different Salinity Levels

تاريخ دفاع 1394/02/02 


