Dr. Ghasemi graduated in 2013. She did an excellent work for her thesis. Dr. Ghasemi received several awards from various scientific ceremonies and research centres regarding the synthesis of metal-amino chelates. She was also successul in publishing several high quality papers in international journals i.e., J Plant Growth Reg and Soil Biol Biochem.
Dr. Ghasemi is now Associate Professor in University of Yazd.
موضوع پاياننامه:
سنتز و شناسايي آمينوكلات هاي آهن و روي و بررسي تأثير آن ها بر ظرفيت آنتي اكسيداتيو، عملكرد و كيفيت تغذيه اي گياه
عنوان لاتين
Synthesis and characterization of iron- and zinc-aminochelates, and evaluation of their effects on the antioxidant, yield and nutritional quality of plant
تاريخ دفاع 1391/12/14