Neda Dalir

ِDr. Dalir graduated in 2015 with an excellent and excited work on physiology of nickel uptake by wheat. She published seeveral papers from her thesis in well-known journals e.g., J Plant Physiol and Environ. Exp. Bot. 

Dr. Dalir is now Assistant Professor at Tarbiat Modarres University. 


موضوع رساله دكترا:

 بررسي ويژگي هاي جذب و انتقال نيكل تحت تاثير برخي آمينواسيدها ي ريزوسفر در گندم

عنوان لاتين

Characteristics of Nickel Uptake and Transport as Affected by Certain Rhizosphere Amino acids in Wheat

تاريخ دفاع 1395/05/20 
