Dr. Norouzi graduated in 2018. He did an excellent piece of research work for his thesis and published several papers in International journals.
Dr. Norouzi is now Assistant Professor at Ahvaz University.
موضوع پاياننامه:
تأثير سابقه كاشت، بقاياي گياهي، كودهاي آلي، شيميايي و ضايعات لاستيك بر گونه هاي روي و جذب آن در گندم در يك خاك آهكي
عنوان لاتين
Effects of Cultivation History, Plant Residues, Organic and Chemical Fertilizers and Rubber Waste on Chemical Fractions of Zinc and Its Uptake in Wheat in a Calcareous Soil
تاريخ دفاع 1396/09/28