Mohammad Reza Rafie

Dr. Rafie was graduated in 2016 with an excellent grade.

He is now a member of scientific board of Soil and Water Research Institute.

He did an excellent peice of work for his research thesis. He evaluated the efficiency of foliar spray of various Zn sources (Zn-amino acid complexes vs. ZnSO4) on the yield and quality of onion.


موضوع رساله دكترا:

 تاثير تغذيه برگي آمينوكلات هاي روي بر جذب، توزيع آپوپلاسمي و سيمپلاسمي و جزءبندي درون سلولي روي در برگ، شاخص هاي رشد، عملكرد و كيفيت پياز

عنوان لاتين

Effect of Foliar Application of Zinc (Zn)-Amino Chelates on Apoplastic and Symplastic Uptake and Subcellular Distribution of Zn in Leaves, Growth Attributes, Yield, and Quality of Onion

تاريخ دفاع 1396/08/09 
