Amir Hossein Baghaei

Dr. Baghaei graduated in 2011. He investigated the speciation of lead (Pb) in soil treated with sewage sludge. He did an excellent job and published several papers from his research work . 

Dr. Baghaei is now Assistant Professor in Azad University of Arak.


موضوع رساله دكترا:

تغييرشكل‌هاي شيميايي سرب و قابليت جذب آن به ‌وسيله ذرت و آفتابگردان در خاك تيمارشده با نمك معدني و زيست‌جامدهاي غني‌شده با سرب

عنوان لاتين

Changes in Chemical Forms of Lead and Its Availability to Corn and Sunflower in Inorganic Salt and Pb Enriched Biosolids Treated Soil

تاريخ دفاع 1389/09/10 
