Dr. Zare graduated in 2016 with an excellent grade.
He is now Assistant Prof. of Soil and Water Research Institute (SWRI), the Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Organization (AREO).
Dr. Zare did an excellent piece of research work for his thesis. He did an excellent piece of research work for his thesis. The title of his thesis was:
Cadmium uptake by lettuce from soil treated with biosolids contaminated with different ratios of Cd/Zn and its human health risk assessment
موضوع رساله دكترا:
جذب كادميم توسط كاهو از خاك تيمار شده با لجن فاضلاب آلوده شده با نسبتهاي مختلف Cd/Zn و ارزيابي خطر آن براي سلامت انسان
عنوان لاتين
Cadmium uptake by lettuce from a soil treated with biosolids containing different ratios of Cd/Zn and its human health risk assessment
تاريخ دفاع 1397/02/19