Papers Presented at National and International Conferences

T. Khayamian, H. sing and W. A. Aue, Electrospray as a nebulizer for liquid introduction into the Flame Photometric Detector, 79th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland (Canada ) June 23-26, 1996.


M. Tabrizchi, T. Khayamian and N. Taj, Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry, 8th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry Buxton (England), Augest 8-11, 1999.


T. Khayamian and M. Tabrizchi, Evaluation of Quantitative Analysis by Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry, 9th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada, Augest 13-16, 2000.


M. Tabrizchi and T. Khayamian, Ion Mobility Spectrometry in Helium with Corona Discharge Ionization Source. 9th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada, Augest 13-16, 2000.


T. Khayamian, Prediction of Conductance by Water Analysis using Partial Least Squares Modeling, the 2nd International and 12th National Congress of Chemitry and Chemical engineering of Iran, Kerman 1997.


T. Khayamian, Electrospray  as a new sample introduction technique, 8th Iranian seminar of analytical chemistry, February 4-6, Ahvaz 1998.


M. Tabrizchi, T. Khayamian and N. Taj, Corona discharge as an ionization source for ion mobility spectrometry, The first physical chemistry conference held by the Iranian universities' faculty, May 11-13, Shiraz 1999.


M. Tabrizchi, T. Khayamian and N. Taj, Application of Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Chemical Analysis. 9th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, June 7-9, Tabriz 1999.


A. A. Ensafi, T. Khayamian, and Atabati, Determination of Copper by Adsorption Pulse Voltammetric Method Using a Principal Component Artificial Neural Network. 10th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, Feb. 6-8, Tehran 2001.


T. Khayamian, and M. Tabrizchi, Chemical Flame as a New Ionization Source for Ion Mobility Spectrometry. 10th International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry, wernigerode, National Park, Harz, Germany, Augest 13-17, 2001.


T. Khayamian, M. Tabrizchi, M. T. Jafari, Analysis of nitroaromatic, nitramine and nitrate ester explosives by ion mobility spectrometry using a negative corona discharge ionization source 11th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, January 29-31, Yazd 2002.


T. Khayamian, Ali A. Ensafi, M. Atabati, Simultaneous voltammetric determination of molybdenum and copper by adsorption cathodic differential pulse stripping method using a principal component artificial neural network. 11th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, January 29-31, Yazd 2002.


A. Ensafi, T. Khayamian, M. Atabati, Simultaneous voltammetric determination of molybdenum and copper by adsorption cathodic differential pulse stripping method using a principal component artificial neural network. 9th International Conference on Electroanalysis Cracow, Poland, June 9-13, 2002.


T. Khayamian, M. Tabrizchi, Application of corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry for the determination of some organic pollutants. XIVth Symposium on application of plasma processes Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovak Republic, January 13-16, 2003.


T. Khayamian, M. Tabrizchi, E. Jabarootian, Direct determination of trihalomethanes in water using a negative corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry. 12th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, January 28-30, Mazandaran 2003.


Ali A. Ensafi, T. Khayamian, H. Eatemadi, Pyrogallol red as suitable sorbent for preconcentration of Ni (II) 12th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, January 28-30, Mazandaran 2003.


T. Khayamian Wavelet in analytical chemistry, Third Chemometrics Workshop, August 27-29, Zanjan 2003.


Ali .A. Ensafi, T. Khayamian, M. Atabati, M. Mazloum Ardakani, Determination of Palladium by Adsorption Differential Pulse Stripping Method and Signal to Noise Ratio Enhancement Using the Fourier Filtering Technique, 3th International Conference Instrumental  Methods of Analysis Modern Trends and Applications Thessaloniki, Greece, Setember 23-27, 2003.


T. Khayamian, M. Esteki, Application of wavelet neural networks in multivariate data analysis, Third Winter school on Chemometrics, Pushkinskiye Gory, Russia, February 16-20, 2004.


T. Khayamian, Ali A. Ensafi, R. Tabaraki, Principal component- wavelet neural networks as a new multivariate calibration methods. 13th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, May 18-20, Mashhad 2004.


Ali. A. Ensafi, T. Khayamian, A. Benvidi, Differential pulse cathodic stripping adsorption voltammetric determination of trace amount of copper using artificial neural network for optimization. 13 th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, May 18-20, Mashhad 2004.


Z. Kardan poor, B. Hemmateenejad, T. Khayamian, Wavelet neural network-based QSPR for prediction of critical micelle concentration of Gemini surfactants. 13th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, May 18-20, Mashhad 2004.


R. Tabaraki, T. Khayamian, A. A. Ensafi, M. Esteki, Z. Kardanpour, Application of wavelet functions and wavelet coefficients in multivariate calibration methods, International  Conference on Chemometrics and Bioinformatics in Asia (CCBA-2004), Shanghai China, October 16-21, 2004.


T. Khayamian, M. Esteki, Z. Kardanpour , Wavelet neural network modeling in quantitative structure property relationship 7th Congress of the World Association of Theoritically Oriented Chemists, Cape Town South Africa, January 16-21, 2005.  


Y. Ghayeb, T. Khayamian, M. Jafari, Neural network modeling for prediction of thermal conductivity of gases and liquids 7th Congress of the World Association of Theoritically Oriented Chemists, Cape Town South Africa, January 16-21, 2005.


R. Tabaraki, T. Khayamian, A. Ensafi, Solubility of twenty one azo dyes in supercritical carbon dioxide using wavelet neural network. 14th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, August 29-31, Birjand 2005.


V. Shaer, N. Zarei, K. Borhani, T. Khayamian, Multi-residue determination of antibiotics in chicken meat by High Performance Liquid Chromatography 14th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, August 29-31, Birjand 2005.


J. Ghasemi, T. Khayamian, Z. Kardanpour, Determination of acidity constants of 4-(2-pyridylazo) resorcinol using real and stimulated spectrophotometric data. 14th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, August 29-31, Birjand 2005.


T. Khayamian, M. Tabrizchi, M. T. Jafari, Determination of morphine and noscapine using corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry 14th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, August 29-31, Birjand 2005.


T. Khayamian, Signal and image processing 14th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, August 29-31, Birjand 2005.


T. Khayamian, A. Benvidi, A. Ensafi, Application of artificial neural network for resolving and quantifying the overlapped voltammetric signals for cadmium and lead determination. 11th Asian chemical congress, Seoul, Korea, August 25-26, 2005.


A. Ensafi, T. Khayamian, S. Khaloo, Resolving and quantifying the overlapped  voltammetric signals by application of continuous wavelet transform. 11th Asian chemical congress, Seoul, Korea, August 25-26, 2005.


T. Khayamian, M. Tabrizchi, M. T. Jafari, Quatitative analysis of morphine and noscapine using corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry with ammonia reagent gas. 11th Asian chemical congress, Seoul, Korea Aug. 25-26, 2005.


T. Khayamian The investigation of heteroscedastic noise in multiway methods. Fifth Winter Symposium on Chemometrics, Samara, Russia, February 18-23, 2006


Mokhtari, B. Rezaei, T. Khyamian, Simultaneous determination of codeine and noscapine by chemiluminescence reaction using multi-way regression. 1st Iranian Seminar of Chemometrics, September 5-6, Arak 2006.


M. Esteki, H. Javaherian and T. Khayamian, Three dimensional image analysis for prediction of vinyle tri-ethoxy silane concentration in methyl methacrylate/ethylene glycol dimethacrylate copolymers using scanning electron microscopy. 1st Iranian Seminar of Chemometrics, September 5-6, Arak 2006.


F. Hasanpour, M. Taei, A. Ensafi, T. Khayamian, Support vector machine for prediction of  refractive index of glasses. 1st Iranian Seminar of Chemometrics, September 5-6, Arak 2006.



N. Kadkhodaei, M. Esteki, A. Ensafi, T. Khayamian, Three dimensional analysis in simultaneous determination of piroxicam and pyridoxine using spectrofluorimetry. 1st Iranian Seminar of Chemometrics, September 5-6, Arak 2006.


M. Rezayat, H. G. Ghaziaskar, T. Khayamian, Quantitative structure property relationship for prediction of conversion percentage of esterification in SC-CO2. 1st Iranian Seminar of Chemometrics, September 5-6, Arak 2006.


Z. Hashemian, A. Mardihallaj, and T. khayamian, Analysis of biomarkers using corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry, The IET conference on synthetic biology, systems biology and bioinformatics, University of Cambridge, UK. March 23-25. 2009.   


T. Khayamian, Bioinformatics, processing 16 th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, July 28 -30, Hamadan 2009.


S. Gharaghani, F. Keshavarz, and T. Khayamian, QSAR Study for predicting inhibitors Cytochrome p 450 2A6 using Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamic Simulation, 16th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, July 28 -30, Hamadan 2009.


S. Gharaghani, T. Khayamian, A target-based QSAR study on 4-[(diethylamino)methyl]-phenol derivatives as cholinesterase inhibitors using docking, molecular dynamics simulation and least squares support vector machine, 17th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, September 12-14, Kashan 2010.


A. Moradmand, J. Razavizadeh, B. Hemmateenejad, H.S. Ghaziasgar, T. Khayamian, Evaluation of UV-VIS and ESI-IMS as detectors in analysis of a varity of pesticides, 17th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, September 12-14, Kashan  2010.


Z. Hassanzadeh, S.Gharaghani, M. Saraji, T. Khayamian, QSPR for prediction of ionization efficiency (IE) of organic compounds using least squares support vector regression, 17th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, September 12-14, Kashan  2010.


Sh. Mirmahdieh, A. Mardihallaj, Z. Hashemian, T. Khayamian, Analysis of testosterone in human urine using molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction and corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry, 17th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, September 12-14, Kashan  2010.


S. Gharaghani, T. Khayamian, A target-based QSAR study on quinolizidinone carboxylic acids as muscarinic acetylcholine positive allosteric modulators using docking, molecular dynamics simulation and least squares-support vector regression, 18th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, May 18-20, Sistan and Baluchestan 2011.


T. Khayamian, Docking and molecular dynamics simulation for getting information about binding site of a protein and bioactive conformation of adrug used in structure-based QSAR, 3rd Iranian Biennial Seminar of Chemometrics, November 9-10, Tabriz 2011.



M. Ebrahimi, T. Khayamian, Docking descriptors for structure-based QSAR model: Molecular dynamics simulation and molecular docking on DNA-inhibitors, 19th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, February 26-28, Mashhad 2013.


S. Najafi Aslipashaki, T. Khayamian, Z. Hashemian, Trace analysis of tetracycline in human urine and plasma using aptamer solid phase extraction-electrospray ion mobility spectrometry, 19th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, February 26-28, Mashhad 2013.


S. Najafi Aslipashaki, T. Khayamian, H.R. Rahmani, Electrospray Ionization-Ion Mobility Spectrometry (ESI-IMS) for analysis of glycoproteins, 19th Iranian Seminar of Analytical Chemistry, February 26-28, Mashhad 2013.


Z. Hashemian, T. Khayamian, M. Saraji, M. Talebi, Analysis of peptides derived from protein digestion using trypsin immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles by HPLC with native fluorescence and electrospray ion mobility spectrometer detector, 20th Iranian  Conference on Analytical Chemistry, March 4-6, Isfahan 2014.


Z. Hashemian, M. Saraji, T. Khayamian, Extraction of methocarbamol from human plasma with magnetic nanoparticles decorated polypyrrole/multiwalled carbon nanotubes composite as an adsorbent followed by electrospray-ion mobility spectrometry detection, 20th Iranian  Conference on Analytical Chemistry, March 4-6, Isfahan 2014.


M. Enteshari Najafabadi, T. Khayamian, Aptamer-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles for extraction of adenosine from urine followed by electrospray ion mobility spectrometry, 20th Iranian  Conference on Analytical Chemistry, March 4-6, Isfahan, 2014.


M. Enteshari Najafabadi, T. Khayamian, the investigation of analysis of different deoxynucleotides and oligonucleotides by electrospray ionization-ion mobility spectrometry, 20th Iranian  Conference on Analytical Chemistry, March 4-6, Isfahan, 2014.


M. Zarean, T. Khayamian, Analysis of trifluralin in environmental water samples using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) assisted with dispersive μ-soild phase extraction (μ-SPE) followed by negative corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry (N-CD-IMS), 20th Iranian  Conference on Analytical Chemistry, March 4-6, Isfahan, 2014.


T. Khayamian, M. Ebrahimi, H. Hadadzadeh, Z. Jannesari  “Investigation of interactions between G Quadruplex DNA and the meloxicam Fe(II) complex using spectroscopic and molecular modeling methods” International Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  Vienna, Austria, April 17-19, 2014.


Z. Hashemian , M. Poshteh Shirani, T. Khayamian, Investigation of the interaction between adenosine and DNA G-quadruplex by fluorescence resonance energy transfer and molecular modeling, 5th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar, Nov 25-26, 2015.


M. Sadeghiye, Z. Saberi Dehkordi, T. Khayamian, Design and construct a small fluoremeter with a smartphone as the detector associated with image processing, 5th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar, Nov 25-26, 2015.


T. Khayamian, Challenges in drug design and development, 5th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar, Nov 25-26, 2015.


F. Bina, M. Dynari, T. Khayamian, Sustained release of celecoxib from polyvinyl alcohol and polyactic acid electrospun nanofiber, Sep 8-10, 2015.


T. Khayamian, Z. Hashemian, M. Enteshari, The selective extraction based on immobilized aptamers followed by ion mobility spectrometry, Tbilisi, Georgia, July 5-8, 2015.


N. Hashemzadeh, K. Karami, Z. Mehri Lighvan , T. Khayamian, Investigation of G-quadruplex DNA-palladium complex using spectroscopic and biological methods, 1st congress of chemical biotechnology, March 6-8, 2016.


F. Salami, K. Karami, Z. Mehri Lighvan, T. Khayamian, A novel palladium complex as an efficient G-quadruplex DNA binder and telomeras inhibitor, 1st congress of chemical biotechnology, March 6-8, 2016.