Fereshteh Safarpour
Email: fereshtehsafarpour@yahoo.com
- MSc, (2018- ): Fabrication and characterization of an interpenetrating network of Methacrylate-Kappa carrageenan- red blood cell membrane-derived hydrogel for wound healing application
Diabetes is one of the metabolic diseases that cause chronic ulcers with aging, weakened immune system and changes in lifestyle. Diabetic wounds are a serious risk for patients and can lead to amputation and even death in critical conditions. One of the ways to treat these types of chronic ulcers is to use hydrogel wound dressing. Hydrogels are able to retain moisture in the wound area, which is one of the important factors in wound healing. One of the most commonly used natural polymers in this field is Kappa-carrageenan (κCA). Kappa-carrageenan helps to heal wounds by maintaining moisture and cooling the affected area. Kappa-carrageenan also does not show any toxicity and is able to absorb secretions from the wound. Alongside these benefits and in order to increase the resistance of Kapacaragnan, the crosslinking process is performed on it. Other prominent features include photocrosslinking in the presence of visible light and non-toxic chemical initiators. The use of cross-linked hydrogels with visible light eliminates the problems of using ultraviolet (UV) light, including damage to DNA or cancer. Despite the favorable properties of this hydrogel, the biological properties of this polymer are poor. Cell membranes can be used to improve biological interactions. One of the most important of these compounds is red blood cell membranes. In addition, the results indicate that these compounds are capable of trapping hydrophobic molecules and controlled release of hydrophobic drugs. In this study, the skin lesions, including chronic wounds, were investigated and a variety of therapeutic methods including hydrogels were introduced. After studying Kapakarganen and its properties, methods of modifying its properties are introduced.