ISI Journal Papers

1_ SALEHI M., KARIMZADEH F., TAHVILIAN A., "Formation of Ti-Ni intermetallic coatings on carbon tool steel by a dublex process", surface & coatings technology, No. 148, PP. 55-60, 2001.

2_ SALEHI M., TAHVILIAN A., KARIMZADEH F., "Surface charactrisation and tribological properties of Ti-Al intermetallic compound coatings on ferrous substrates", surface engineering, Vol. 20, No. 8, PP. 368-372, 2002.

3_ KARIMZADEH F., SALEHI M., SAATCHI A., MERATIAN ISFAHANI M., "Effect of microplasma arc welding process parameters on grain growth and porosity distribution of thin sheet Ti6A14V alloy weldment", materials and manufacturing processes, Vol. 20, No. 2, PP. 205-220, 2005.

4_ DADFAR M., FATHI M., KARIMZADEH F., DADFAR M.R., SAATCHI A., "Effect of TIG welding on corrosion behavior of 316L stainless steel", materials letters, No. 21, PP. 2343-2346, 2006.

5_ KARIMZADEH F., EBNONNASIR A.,Foroughi, "Artificial neural network modeling for evaluating of epitaxial growth of Ti6Al4V weldment", materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing, No. 432, PP. 184-190, 2006.

6_ KARIMZADEH F., ZEIAEIRAD S., ADIBISEDE S., "analysis Modeling considerations and material properties evaluation in of carbon nano-tubescomposite", metallurgical and materials transactions b-process metallurgy and materials processing science, Vol. 38, PP. 695-705, 2007.

", Synthesis of nanocrystalline NiAl by mechanical alloying7_ ENAYATI m., KARIMZADEH f., ANVARI S., "journal of materials processing technology, No. 200, PP. 312-315, 2008.

8_ KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., TAVOSI M., "Synthesis and Characterization of Zn/Al2O3 Nanocomposite by Mechanical Alloying ", materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing, Vol. 486, PP. 45-48, 2008.

9_ KARIMZADEH F., HEIDARBEIGY M., SAATCHI A., "Effect of heat treatment on corrosion behavior of Ti–6Al–4V alloy weldments", journal of materials processing technology, 2008.

10-TAHAMTAN S., GOLOZAR M., KARIMZADEH F., NIROUMAND B., "Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Thixoformed A356 Alloy", materials characterization, No. 59, PP. 223-228, 2008.

11_ KHODAIE M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Mechanochemical behaviour of Fe2O3-Al-Fe powder mixtures to produce Fe3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite powder", journal of materials science, Vol. 43, PP. 132-138, 2008.

12_ KHODAIE M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Fabrication of iron-alumina nanocomposite powder by high energy ball milling of hematite-aluminum powder mixture", international journal of modern physics b, Vol. 22, No. 18-19, PP. 3233-3236, 2008.

13_ MOUSAVI T., ABBASI M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Heat treatment on structure and properties of synthesized nanocrystalline NiTi intermetallic by mechanical alloying", international journal of modern physics b, Vol. 22, No. 18-19, PP. 2970-2978, 2008.

14_ MOUSAVI T., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., "Mechanochemical assisted synthesis of NiTi intermetallic based nanocomposite reinforced by Al2O3", journal of alloys and compounds, No. 12, 2008.

15_ MOUSAVI T., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., "Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline NiTi intermetallic by mechanical alloying", materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing, Vol. 487, PP. 46-51, 2008.

16_ MOUSAVI T., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., ENAYATI M., "Investigation of Ni nanocrystallization and the effect of Al2O3 addition by high-energy ball milling ", journal of materials processing technology, Vol. 204, PP. 125-129, 2008.

17_ YADOLLAHPOUR M., KADKHODAPOUR J., ZEIAEIRAD S., KARIMZADEH F., "An experimental and numerical investigation on damping capacity of nanocomposite", materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing, Vol. 507, No. 507, PP. 149-154, 2009.

18_ TAVOOSI M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., HEIDARPOUR A., "Bulk Al–Zn/Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared by reactive milling and hot pressing methods ", journal of alloys and compounds, 2008.

19_ TAVOSI M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Softening behaviour of nanostructured Al-14wt%Zn alloy during mechanical alloying", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 464, PP. 107-110, 2008.

20_ TAVOSI M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Fabrication of Al-Zn/a-Al2O3 nanocomposite by mechanical alloying", materials letters, No. 62, PP. 282-285, 2008.

21_HEIDARBEIGI M., KARIMZADEH F., SAATCHI A., "Corrosion and galvanic coupling of heat treated Ti-6Al-4V alloy weldment" Materials Letters, Vol. 62, No. 10, PP. 1575-1578, 2008.

22_TAVOOSI M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M.H., Fabrication of Al–Zn/α-Al2O3 nanocomposite by mechanical alloying, Materials Letters, VOL. 62, NO. 2, PP. 282-285, 2008.

23_ ANVARI S., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., ", Synthesis and Characterization of NiAl–Al2O3 nanocomposite powder by mechanical alloying ", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 477, PP. 178-181, 2009.

24_ JAFARI BAHRAMABADI M., ENAYATI M., ABBASI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Thermal stability and structural changes during heat treatment of nanostructured Al2024 alloy", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 478, PP. 260-264, 2009.

25_ FOROUZANMEHR N., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Study on solid state reactions of nanocrystalline TiAl synthesized by mechanical alloying", journal of alloys and compounds , Nol.471, PP. 93-97, 2009.

26_ FOROUZANMEHR N., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M.,"Synthesis and characterization of TiAl/a-Al2O3 nanocomposite by mechanical alloying ", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 478, PP. 257-259, 2009.

27_ HEIDARPOUR A., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "In-situ synthesis mechanism of Al2O3-Mo nanocomposite by ball milling process", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 477, PP. 692-695, 2009.

28_ HOSSEINI NOHOUJI N., ABBASI M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Structural evolution and grain growth kinetics during isothermal heat treatment of nanostructured Al6061", materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing, Vol. 525, PP. 107-111, 2009.

29_ JALALY M., ENAYATI M., KAMELI P., KARIMZADEH F., "Effect of composition on structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline ball milled Ni1-xZnxFe2O4 ferrite", physica b-condensed matter, Vol. 405, No. 2, PP. 507-512, 2010..

30_ JALALY M., ENAYATI M., KAMELI P., KARIMZADEH F., "Synthesis, grain growth, Cu-doping and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Ni-Zn ferrite", international journal of modern physics b, Vol. 24, No. 9, PP. 1067-1077, 2010.

31_ JALALY M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Investigation of structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Ni0.3Zn0.7Fe2O4 prepared by high energy ball milling", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 480, PP. 737-740, 2009.

32_ JALALY M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., KAMELI P., "Mechanosynthesis of nanostructured magnetic Ni-Zn ferrite", powder technology, Vol. 193, PP. 150-153, 2009.

33_ KADKHODAPOUR J., ZEIAEIRAD S., KARIMZADEH F., "Finite-element modeling of rate dependent mechanical properties in nanocrystalline materials", computational materials science, Vol.45, PP 1113-1124 , 2009.

34_ KHODAIE M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Mechanochemically synthesized Fe3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 467, PP. 159-162, 2009.

35_ KHODAIE M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., ", The structure and mechanical properties of Fe3Al–30 vol.% Al2O3 nanocomposite", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 488, PP. 134-137, 2009.

36_ MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "A study on mechanochemical behavior of B2O3-Al system to produce alumina-based nanocomposite", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 482, PP. 110-113, 2009.

37_ MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Fabrication of aluminum matrix hybrid nanocomposite by mechanical alloying ", international journal of modern physics b, Vol. 23, No. 23, PP. 4825-4832, 2009.

38_ MOUSAVI T., ABBASI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Thermodynamic analysis of NiTi formation by mechanical alloying", materials letters, Vol. 63, PP. 786-788, 2009.

39_ RAFIEI M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Characterization and formation mechanism of nanocrystalline (Fe,Ti)3Al intermetallic compound prepared by mechanical alloying", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 480, PP. 392-396, 2009.

40_ RAFIEI M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Mechanochemical synthesis of (Fe,Ti)3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite", journal of alloys and compounds , Vol. 488, PP. 144-147, 2009.

41_HOSSEINI NOHOUJI N., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., ENAYATI M., "Tribological properties of Al6061–Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared by milling and hot pressing", materials & design, No. 31, PP. 4777-4785, 2010.

42_MAZAHERI RODBALI Y., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Nanoindentation study of Al356-Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared by ball milling", Material Sciences and Applications, Vol. 1, PP. 217-222, 2010.

43_ TAVOSI M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Wear behavior of Al-Al2O3 nanocomposites prepared by mechanical alloying and hot pressing",  materials science and technology, Vol.26, No.9, PP.1114-1119, 2010.

44_ASHIRI R, NIROUMAND B., KARIMZADEH F., POURANVARI M.,HAMANI M., "Effect of casting process on microstructure and tribological behavior of LM13 alloy", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 475, PP. 321-327, 2009.

45_ JAFARI BAHRAMABADI M., ENAYATI M., ABBASI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Compressive and wear behaviors of bulk nanostructured Al2024 alloy", materials & design, Vol. 31, PP. 663-669, 2010.

46_ MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Mechanochemically synthesized Al2O3-TiC nanocomposite", journal of alloys and compounds, Vol. 491, PP. 411-415, 2010.

47_ NICKSERESHT Z., KARIMZADEH F., GOLOZAR  M.A., HEIDARBEIGI M., "Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and corrosion behaviour of 6061 aluminium alloy weldment", materials & design, Vol. 31, PP. 2643-2648, 2010.

48_ YAZDIAN N.,  KARIMZADEH F., TAVOSI M., "Microstructural evolution of nanostructure Al7075 alloy during isothermal annealing", journal of alloys and compounds , Vol. 493, PP. 137-141, 2010.

49_ZAERI M.M., ZIAEI-RAD S., VAHEDI A.,KARIMZADEH F., “Mechanical modelling of carbon nanomaterials from nanotubes to buckypaper”Carbon,Vol.48,PP3916-3930,2010.

50_ ZAHMATKESH B., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Tribological and microstructural evaluation of friction stir processed Al2024 alloy", materials & design, Vol. 31, No. 10, PP. 4891-4896, 2010.

51_ MAHBOUBI SOUFIANI A., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured Ti6Al4V powder from machining scraps,", advanced powder technology, Vol. 21, No. 3, PP. 336-340, 2010.

52_ MAHBOUBI SOUFIANI A., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Mechanical alloying behavior of Ti6Al4V residual scraps with addition of Al2O3 to produce nanostructured powder", materials & design, Vol. 31, PP. 3954-3959, 2010.

53_ YADOLLAH OUR M., ZEIAEIRAD S., KARIMZADEH F., "Finite-element modeling of damping capacity in nanocrystalline materials", International Journal of Modeling, Simulation and Scientific Computing, Vol.1, No.3,pp421-433, 2010.

54_ MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Synthesis of titanium diboride reinforced alumina matrix nanocomposite by mechanochemical reaction of Al–TiO2–B2O3", journal of alloys and compounds, No. 502, PP. 508-512, 2010.

55_ RAFIEI M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "The effect of Ti addition on alloying and formation of nanocrystalline structure in Fe-Al system", journal of materials science, Vol. 45, PP. 4058-4062, 2010.

56_ SABOONI S., MOUSAVI T., KARIMZADEH F., "Mechanochemical assisted synthesis of Cu(Mo)/Al2O3 nanocomposite", journal of alloys and compounds, No. 497, PP. 95-99, 2010

57_ MOSTAAN H., ABBASI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Mechanochemical assisted synthesis of Al2O3/Nb nanocomposite by mechanical alloying", journal of alloys and compounds, No. 493, PP. 609-612, 2010.

58_ MOSTAAN H., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., "Investigation of in-situ synthesis of NbAl3/Al2O3 nanocomposite by mechanicalalloying and its formation mechanism", journal of alloys and compounds, No. 503, PP. 294-298, 2010.

59_ MOSTAAN H., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., "Non-Isothermal kinetic studies on the formation of Al2O3/Nb composite", Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 1 PP. 32-36, 2010.

60_ EBNONNASIR A., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Novel artificial neural network model for evaluating hardness of stir zone of submerge friction stir processed Al 6061-T6 plate", materials science and technology , , Vol. 27, No. 6, PP. 990-995, 2011.

61_ HOSSEINI NOHOUJI N., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., ENAYATI M., "Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured Al6061 alloy and its aging behavior", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B, Vol. 25, PP. 265-275, 2011.

62-YADOLLAH OUR M., ZEIAEIRAD S., KARIMZADEH F.,ESKANDARI J., "A numerical study on the damping capacity of metal matrix nanocomposites", SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY, Vol.19,No. 1 , pp337-349, 2011.

63_MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Mechanochemical assisted synthesis of B4C nanoparticles", advanced powder technology, Vol. 22, PP. 354-358, 2011

64_MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Preparation of Al2O3–TiB2 nanocomposite powder by mechanochemical reaction between Al, B2O3 and Ti", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 22, PP. 526-531, 2011.

65_ ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., TAVOOSI M., MOVAHEDI B., TAHVILIAN A., "Nanocrystalline NiAl coating prepared by HVOF thermal spraying", journal of thermal spray technology,  Vol. 20, PP. 440-446, 2011.

66_HEIDARPOUR A., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Fabrication and characterisation of bulk Al2O3/Mo nanocomposite by mechanical milling and sintering", POWDER METALLURGY, Vol. 54, No. 1, PP. 513-517, 2011.

67_ TAVOOSI M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Crystallization process of Al80Fe10Ti10 amorphous phase", POWDER METALLURGY, Vol. 54, PP. 445-449, 2011.

68_ TAVOOSI M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Formation and crystallization of an amorphous Al80Fe10Ti5Ni3B2 alloy", METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 17, No. 5, PP. 853-856, 2011.

69_ TAVOOSI M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., JOO S., KIM H., "Amorphous phase formation in Al80Fe10M10 (M = Ni, Ti, and V) ternary systems by mechanical alloying", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, Vol. 46, PP. 7633-7638, 2011.

70_ AZADEHRANJBAR S., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline FeNi and Ni3Fe alloys", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B, Vol. 25, PP. 1013-1019, 2011.

71_ HOSEINI S.N., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Mechanochemical synthesis of Al2O3/Co nanocomposite by aluminothermic reaction", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY , 2011.

72_ AZADEHRANJBAR S., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Development of NiFe-CNT and Ni3Fe-CNT nanocomposites by mechanical alloying", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY , 2011.

73_ MAZAHERI RODBALI Y., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "A novel technique for development of A356/Al2O3 surface nanocomposite by friction stir processing", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 211, PP. 1614-1619, 2011.

74_MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KARIMZADEH F., "Wear behavior of aluminum matrix hybrid nanocomposites fabricated by powder metallurgy", WEAR, Vol. 271, PP. 1072-1079, 2011.

75_MOSHTAGHIOUN B., MONSHI A., ABBASI M., KARIMZADEH F., "A study on the effects of silica particle size and milling time on synthesis of silicon carbide nano particles by carbothermic reduction", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS, Vol. 29, PP. 645-650, 2011.

76_FOROOZMEHR, A., ENAYATI, M.H. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Austenite-Martensite transformation in nanostructured AISI316L stainless steel powder induced during mechanical millig”, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering with Advanced Technology, Vol. 4, PP. 93-105, 2011.

77_SHARIFI, E.M., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ENAYATI, M.H., “Fabrication and evaluation of mechanical and tribological properties of boron carbide reinforced aluminum matrix nanocomposites”, Materials & Design, Vol. 32, No. 6, PP.3263-3271, 2011.

78_ADABAVAZEH Z., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Formation mechanism of nanostructured (Ni, Fe)3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite and its characterization", MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, Vol. 27, PP. 626-630, 2012.

79_ADABAVAZEH Z., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Mechanochemical behaviour of NiO-Al-Fe powder mixtures to produce (Ni, Fe)3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite powder", METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, Vol. 43, PP. 3359-3365, 2012.

80_ADABAVAZEH Z., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Synthesis and structural characterization of nanocrystalline (Ni, Fe)3Al intermetallic compound prepared by mechanical alloying", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 23, PP. 284-289, 2012.

81_ADABAVAZEH Z., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Thermodynamic analysis of (Ni, Fe)3Al formation by mechanical alloying", JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, Vol. 54, PP. 406-4011, 2012.

82_AGHILI S., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "In-situ synthesis of alumina reinforced (Fe,Cr)3Al intermetallic matrix nanocomposite", MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, Vol. 27, PP. 1348-1353, 2012.

83_AGHILI S., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Synthesis of nanocrystalline (Fe,Cr)3Al powder by mechanical alloying", MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, Vol. 27, No. 4, PP. 467-471, 2012.

84_AZADEHRANJBAR S., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Development of NiFe-CNT and Ni3Fe-CNT nanocomposites by mechanical alloying", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 23, PP. 338-342, 2012.

85_MEBRAHIMZADEH ESFAHANI Z.,YADOLLAH POUR M. , ZEIAEIRAD S., KARIMZADEH F., "The effect of vacancy defects and temperature on fundamental frequency of single walled carbon nanotubes", COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, Vol. 63, PP. 12-19,2012.

86_HOSSEINI NOHOUJI N., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., ENAYATI M., "A comparative study on the wear properties of coarse-grained Al6061 alloy and nanostructured Al6061- AI2O3 composites", TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 54, PP. 58-67, 2012.

87_HOSSEINI S.N., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Development and characterization of CoAl-Al2O3 intermetallic matrix nanocomposite", MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, Vol. 136, PP. 341-346, 2012.

88_JAFARI BAHRAMABADI M., ABBASI M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Mechanical properties of nanostructured Al2024-MWCNT composite prepared by optimized mechanical milling and hot pressing methods", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 23, PP. 205-210, 2012.

89_MAHBOUBI SOUFIANI A., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Formation mechanism and characterization of nanostructured Ti6Al4V alloy prepared by mechanical alloying", MATERIALS & DESIGN, Vol. 37, PP. 152-160, 2012.

90_MAHBOUBI SOUFIANI A., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., MAHBOUBI A. , "The effect of type of atmospheric gas on milling behavior of nanostructured Ti6Al4V alloy", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 23, PP. 264-267, 2012.

91_MOSHTAGHIOUN B., POYATO R., CUMBRERA F., BERNARDI-MARTIN S., MONSHI A., ABBASI M., KARIMZADEH F., DOMINGUEZ-RODRIGUEZ A., "Rapid carbothermic synthesis of silicon carbide nano powders by using microwave heating", JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, Vol. 32, PP. 1787-1794, 2012.

92_MOSTAAN H., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., "Synthesis and formation mechanism of nanostructured NbAl3 intermetallic during mechanical alloying and a kinetic study on its formation", THERMOCHIMICA ACTA, No. 529, PP. 36-44, 2012.

93_MOSTAAN H., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., "Thermodynamic analysis of nanocrystalline and amorphous phase formation in Nb–Al system during mechanical alloying", POWDER METALLURGY, Vol. 55, No. 2, PP. 142-147, 2012.

94_NOURI N., ZEIAEIRAD S., ADIBI S.,  KARIMZADEH F., "Fabrication and mechanical property prediction of carbon nanotube reinforced Aluminum nanocomposites", MATERIALS & DESIGN, No. 34, PP. 1-14, 2012.

95_SABOONI S., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., "A study on the mechanochemical behavior of TiO2–Al–Si system to produce Ti5Si3–Al2O3 nanocomposite", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 23, PP. 199-204, 2012.

96_SABOONI S., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., "Nb Doping Effects on Formation Mechanism and Structural Characteristics of Nanostructured Ti5Si3", MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, No. 27, PP. 614-619, 2012.

97_SABOONI S., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., "Thermodynamic aspects of nanostructured Ti5Si3 formation during mechanical alloying and its characterization", BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, Vol. 35, No. 3, PP. 439-447, 2012.

98_SABOONI S., MOUSAVI, KARIMZADEH F., "Thermodynamic analysis and characterisation of nanostructured Cu(Mo) compounds prepared by mechanical alloying and subsequent sintering", POWDER METALLURGY, Vol. 55, No. 3, PP. 222-227, 2012.

99_TAVOOSI M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., KIM H., "Metastable phases in Al80Fe10Ti5Ni5 alloy fabricated by non-equilibrium processes", MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, Vol. 53, No. 10, PP. 1739-1743, 2012.

100_FAHIMPOR V., SADRNEJAD K.E., KARIMZADEH F., "Corrosion behavior of aluminum 6061 alloy joined by friction stir welding and gas tungsten arc welding methods", MATERIALS & DESIGN, Vol. 39, No. 39, PP. 329-333, 2012.

101_ANVARI S.-., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "A novel route for development of Al-Cr-O surface nano-composite by friction stir processing", JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol. 562, PP. 48-55, 2013.

102_ANVARI S.-., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Wear characteristics of Al-Cr-O surface nano-composite layer fabricated on Al6061 plate by friction stir processing", WEAR, Vol. 304, PP. 144-151, 2013.

103_AZADEHRANJBAR S., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., MAHMOUDI N., "Properties of bulk Fe-Ni/CNT nanocomposites prepared by mechanical milling and sintering", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B, Vol. 27, No. 20, PP. 13501021-13501029, 2013.

104_NDASTANPOOR E., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Synthesis of Cu-Zr-Al/Al2O3 amorphous nanocomposite by mechanical alloying", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 2013.

105_HOSSEINI S.N., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Nano-scale grain growth behavior of CoAl intermetallic synthesized by mechanical alloying", BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE , 2013.

106_SADEGHI E., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M. H "Thermodynamic analysis of Ti–Al–C intermetallics formation by mechanical alloying", JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol. 576, PP. 317-323, 2013.

107_MOGHADDASI S., KHOSHGOFTARMANESH A. H., KARIMZADEH F., CHANEY R. L., " Preparation of nano-particles from waste tire rubber and evaluationof their effectiveness as zinc source for ucumber in nutrient solutioncultures", SCIENTIA HORTI CULTURAE, Vol. 160, PP. 398-403, 2013.

108_FAHIMPOUR V., SADRNEZHAD S. K., KARIMZADEH F., " Microstructure and Mechanical Property Change During FSW and GTAW of Al6061 Alloy", METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A, Vol., PP., 2013.

109_MAZAHERI RODBALI Y., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Nanoindentation study of Al356-Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared by ball milling", MATERIAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS, Vol. 1, PP. 217-222, 2013.

110_MAZAHERI RODBALI Y., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Development of Al356-Al2O3 nanocomposite coatings by high velocity oxy-fuel technique", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 29, No. 9, PP. 813-820, 2013.

111_MOSHTAGHIOUN B., MONSHI A., ABBASI M., KARIMZADEH F., "The Effect of Crystallinity of Carbon Source on Mechanically Activated Carbothermic Synthesis of Nano-Sized SiC Powders", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, Vol. 22, No. 2, PP. 421-426, 2013.

112_RAFIEI M., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Thermodynamic analysis of solid solution formation in nanocrystalline Fe-Ti-Al ternary system during mechanical alloying", JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, Vol. 59, PP. 243-249, 2013.

113_SALEHIKAHRIZSANGI P., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., ABBASI M., "Investigation of the effects of grain size and nano-sized reinforcements on tribological properties of Ti6Al4V alloy", WEAR , 2013.

114_TAVOOSI M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Formation and characterization of amorphous–nanocrystalline Al80Fe10M10 [M = Fe, Nb, Ti, Ni, (Ni0.5Ti0.5)] alloys", JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol. 551, PP. 584-590, 2013.

115_TAVOOSI M., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., LEE S., KIM S., "Kinetic study of non-isothermal crystallization in Al80Fe10Ti5Ni5 metallic glass,", METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 19, No. 5, PP. 901-906, 2013.

116_YAZDIAN N., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "In-situ fabrication of Al3V/Al2O3 nanocomposite through mechanochemical synthesis and evaluation of its mechanism", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 24, PP. 106-112, 2013.

117_AGHILI S., ENAYATI M., KARIMZADEH F., "Synthesis of (Fe,Cr)3Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite through mechanochemical combustion reaction induced by ball milling of Cr, Al and Fe2O3 powders", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY , 2014.

118_YAZDANI Z., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M., "Study on formation mechanism of NbSi2–Al2O3 nanocomposite subjected to mechanical alloying", ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 2014.

119_MAZAHERI RODBALI Y., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M., "Tribological behavior of A356/Al2O3 surface nanocomposite prepared by friction stir processing", METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 2014.

120_NAFAR DEHSORKHI R., SABOONI S., KARIMZADEH F., REZAIAN A., ENAYATI M., "Study on the wear behavior of ultrafine grained 304L stainless steel", ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH, Vol. 829, PP. 177-181, 2014.

121_SAYEDAIN S., SALIMI JAZI H., TOROGHINEJAD M., KARIMZADEH F., "Microstructure and mechanical properties of transient liquid phase bonding of Al2O3/Al nanocomposite using copper interlayer", MATERIALS & DESIGN, Vol. 53, PP. 275-282, 2014.

122_ASHIRI R., NIROUMAND B., KARIMZADEH F., "Physical, mechanical and dry sliding wear properties of an Al–Si–Mg–Ni–Cu alloy under different processing conditions", JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol. 582, No. 5, PP. 213-222, 2014.

123_YAZDIAN N., KARIMZADEH F., TAVOOSI M., "Fabrication and precipitation hardening charactrization of nanostructure Al 7075 Alloy", INDIAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 21 , PP. 30-34 ,2014.

124_ GHOTBI VARZANEH A., KAMELI P., KARIMZADEH F., ASLIBEIKI B., VARVARO G., SALAMATI H., "Magnetocaloric effect in Ni47Mn40Sn13alloy prepared by mechanical alloying", JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol. 598, PP. 6-10, 2014.

125_HOSSEINI N., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M.H. , CHOI G. M. ,Microstructural characterization and electrical conductivity of CuxMn3xO4 (0.9rxr1.3) spinels produced by optimized glycine–nitrate combustion and mechanical milling processes”, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 40, PP. 12219–12226, 2014.

126_MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KARIMZADEH F., KERMANPUR A., “The effect of cold rolling and annealing on microstructure and tensile properties of the nanostructured Ni50Ti50shape memory alloy”, MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING A, Vol. 607, PP. 33–37, 2014.

127_SHIRI S., ABBASI M.H., MONSHI A., KARIMZADEH F., “Synthesis of the CaAl2O4 nanoceramic compound using high-energy ball milling with subsequent annealing”, ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 25, PP. 338–341, 2014.

128_NAFAR DEHSORKHI R., SABOONI S., KARIMZADEH F., REZAEIAN A., ENAYATI M.H.,“The effect of grain size and martensitic transformation on the wear behavior of AISI 304L stainless steel”, MATERIALS AND DESIGN, Vol. 64, PP. 56–62, 2014.

129_MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KERMANPUR A., KARIMZADEH F., “The effect of thermomechanical processing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the nanocrystalline TiNiCo shape memory alloy”, MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING A, Vol. 598, PP. 183-189, 2014.

130_PARVAZIAN E., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M.H., “Photovoltaic characterization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis of dye-sensitized solar cells based on composite TiO2–MWCNT photoelectrodes”, Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 43, No. 5, PP. 1450-1459, 2014.

131_RAFIEI M., ENAYATI M.H, KARIMZADEH F., “Kinetic analysis of thermite reaction in Al–Ti–Fe2O3system to produce (Fe,Ti)3Al–Al2O3 nanocomposite”, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 253, PP. 553–560, 2014.

132ocrystalline L12-Al3V”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND Performance, Vol. 23, No. 4, PP. 1173-1181, 2014.

133_SHIRI S., ABBASI M.H., MONSHI A., KARIMZADEH F., “A study on mechanical and physical properties of monocalcium aluminate cement reinforced with nano-SiO2 particles”, Composites: Part B, Vol. 56, PP. 30–33, 2014.

134_ENAYATI M.H., KARIMZADEH F., JAFARI M., MARKAZI A., TAHVILIAN A., “Microstructural and wear characteristics of HVOF-sprayed nanocrystalline NiAl coating”, Wear, Vol. 309 PP. 192–199, 2014.

135_MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KERMANPUR A., KARIMZADEH F., ESMAILI A., “Formation of the nanocrystalline structurein an equiatomic NiTi shape-memory alloy by thermomechanical processing”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND Performance, Vol. 23, No. 4, PP. 1408-1414, 2014.

136_HOSSEINI S.N., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M.H., “Nanoscale grain growth behaviour of CoAl intermetallic synthesized by mechanical alloying”, BULLETIN IN MATERIAL SCIENCE, Vol. 37, No. 3, PP. 383–387, 2014.

137_ASHIRI R., KARIMZADEH F., NIROUMAND B., “On effect of squeezing pressure on microstructural characteristics, heat treatment response and electrical conductivity of an Al-Si-Mg-Ni-Cu alloy” Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 10, PP. 1162-1169, 2014.

138_SABOONI S., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M.H., “Thermal stability study of ultrafine grained 304L stainless steel produced by martensitic process”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND Performance, Vol. 23, No. 5, PP. 1665-1672, 2014.

139_DASTANPOOR E., ENAYATI M.H., KARIMZADEH F., “Synthesis of Cu–Zr–Al/Al2O3amorphous nanocomposite by mechanical alloying”, ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 25, PP. 519–523, 2014.

140_MAZAHERI Y., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M. H., " Tribological Behavior of A356/Al2O3 Surface Nanocomposite Prepared by Friction Stir Processing ", METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A, Vol. 45, PP. 2250-2259, 2014.

141_HOSSEINI N., ABBASI M.H., KARIMZADEH F., CHOI G. M., "Development of Cu1.3Mn1.7O4spinel coating on ferritic stainless steel for solid oxide fuel cell interconnects", JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, Vol. 273, PP. 1073-1083, 2015.

142_SABOONI S., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M. H., NGAN A. H. W., JABBARI H, " Gas Tungsten Arc welding and Friction stir welding of ultrafine grained AISI 304L stainless steel: Microstructural and mechanical behavior characterization ", MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, Vol. 23, PP. 183-189, 2015.

143_SABOONI S., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M. H., NGAN A. H. W., JABBARI H, " Thermal Stability Study of Ultrafine Grained 304L Stainless Steel Produced by Martensitic Process ", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, Vol. 23, PP. 1665-1672, 2015.

144_ABEDINZADEH R., SAFAVI S. M., KARIMZADEH F., " A comparative study on wear properties of nanostructured Al and Al/Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared by microwave-assisted hot press sintering and conventional hot pressing ", JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 29, PP. 3685-3690, 2015.

145_YAZDANI Z., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M. H.,  " Characterization of Nanostructured NbSi2 Intermetallic Coatings Obtained by Plasma Spraying of Mechanically Alloyed Powders ", JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 22, PP. 748-754, 2015.

146_YAZDANI Z., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M. H., AMINI A.,  " Characterization of NbSi2–Al2O3 nanocomposite coatings prepared with plasma spraying mechanically alloyed powders ", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERALS, METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, Vol. 22, pp. 748., 2015.

147_ABDOLLAHI S. H., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M. H., " Development of surface composite based on Mg–Al–Ni system on AZ31 magnesium alloy and evaluation of formation mechanism ", JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol. 623, PP. 335-341, 2015.

148_ADEL MEHRABAN F., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M. H., "Development of Surface Nanocomposite Based on Al-Ni-O Ternary System on Al6061 Alloy by Friction-Stir Processing and Evaluation of Its Properties", JOM, Vol. 67 , 2015

149_GHOTBI VARZANEH A., KAMELI P., ZAHEDI V. R., KARIMZADEH F., SALAMATI H., " Effect of Heat Treatment on Martensitic Transformation of Ni47Mn40Sn13 Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy Prepared by Mechanical Alloying ", METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 21, PP. 758-764, 2015.

150_TAVOOSI H., ZIAEI-RAD S., KARIMZADEH F., AKBARZADEH S., "Experimental and Finite Element Simulation of Wear in Nanostructured NiAl Coating ", JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY, Vol. 137, 2015.

151_RAVANBAKHSH A., TAVOOSI M., KARIMZADEH F., SALAMATI H., " Fabrication and characterization of amorphous-nanocrystalline Al80Fe10Ti5M3B2 (M=Cr, Ni, Nb) alloys ", INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING & MATERIALS SCIENCE, Vol. 22, pp. 307-312, 2015.

152_MOGHADDASI S., KHOSHGOFTARMANESH A. H., KARIMZADEH F., CHANEY R., "Fate and effect of tire rubber ashnano-particles (RANPs) in cucumber ", ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, Vol. 115, PP. 137-143, 2015.

153_ABEDINZADEH R., SAFAVI S. M., KARIMZADEH F., " Finite Element modeling of Microwave-Assisted Hot Press process in a multimode furnace ", APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 39, PP. 7452–7468, 2015.

154_SABOONI S., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M. H., NGAN A. H. W., " Friction-stir welding of ultrafine grained austenitic 304L stainless steel produced by martensitic thermomechanical processing ", MATERIALS AND DESIGN, Vol. 76, PP. 130-140, 2015.

156_YAZDANI Z., KARIMZADEH F., ABBASI M. H., " Improvement of Tribological Behavior of Ti–6Al–4V Alloy Using Nanostructured NbSi2 and NbSi2–Al2O3 Plasma Spray Coatings ", TRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, Vol. 68, PP. 927-934, 2015.

157_ETESAMI S. A., ENAYATI M. H., KARIMZADEH F., RASTA V., " Investigating the Properties of Friction Welded 2014 Aluminum Joints Prepared with Different Rotational Speeds ", TRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS, Vol. 68, PP. 479-489, 2015.

158_MOHAMMAD SHARIFI E., KARIMZADEH F., KERMANPUR A., " Nanocrystallization of the Ti50Ni48Co2 Shape Memory Alloy by Thermomechanical Treatment ", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, Vol. 24, PP. 445-451, 2015.

159_ENAYATI M. H., KARIMZADEH F., SABOONI S., JAFARI M., " Phase Stability in Mechanically Alloyed Mg–Ni System Studied by Experiments and Thermodynamic Calculations ", ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA. (ENGLISH LETTERS), Vol. 28, PP. 1002-1007, 2015.

160_ENAYATI M. H., KARIMZADEH F., JAFARI M. , SABOONI S., " Synthesis and Hydrogen Desorption Properties of Mg1.7Al0.15Ti0.15Ni-CNT Nanocomposite Powder ", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, Vol. 24, PP. 1100-1106, 2015.

161_SABOONI S., KARIMZADEH F., ENAYATI M. H. , NGAN A. H. W., " The role of martensitic transformation on bimodal grain structure in ultrafine grained AISI304L stainless steel ", MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING A, Vol. 636, PP. 221-230, 2015.

162_SHAHSAVARI, A., KARIMZADEH, F., REZAEIAN, A. AND HEYDARI, H., “Significant Increase in Tensile Strength and Hardness in 2024 Aluminum Alloy by Cryogenic Rolling”, Procedia Materials Science, Vol. 11, PP. 84-88, 2015.

H. , NGAN A. H. W., " The use of response surface methodology in cryrolling of ultrafine grained Al6061 to improve the mechanical properties ", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS, Vol. 230, No.2, PP. 400-417, 2016.

Effect of cryorolling and aging on fatigue behavior of ultrafine-grained Al6061”. JOM, Vol. 68, No. 5, PP.1446-1455, 2016.

165_ABEDINZADEH, R., SAFAVI, S.M. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “A study of pressureless microwave sintering, microwave-assisted hot press sintering and conventional hot pressing on properties of aluminium/alumina nanocomposite”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp.1967-1972, 2016.

166_HOSSEINI, N., KARIMZADEH, F., ABBASI, M.H. AND CHOI, G.M., “Correlation between microstructure and electrical properties of Cu1.3Mn1.7O4/La2O3 composite-coated ferritic stainless steel interconnects”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 673, PP. 249-257, 2016.

167_HASSANI, B., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M.H., SABOONI, S. AND VALLANT, R., "Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ91C Magnesium Cast Alloy Weld Zone"و Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, PP. 1-10, 2016.

168_HOSSEINI, S.N., ENAYATI, M.H., KARIMZADEH, F. AND SAMMES, N.M., “Formation mechanism, crystallite growth and electrical conductivity of nano-crystalline CuxFe3−xO4 (0.75≤ x≤ 1.25) spinels prepared by glycine-nitrate process", Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 639, PP. 91-97, 2016.

169_HOSSEINI, S.N., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M.H. AND SAMMES, N.M., “Oxidation and electrical behavior of CuFe2O4 spinel coated Crofer 22 APU stainless steel for SOFC interconnect application”, Solid State Ionics, Vol. 289, PP. 95-105, 2016.

170_SABOONI, S., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M.H. AND NGAN, A.H.W., “Recrystallisation mechanism during friction stir welding of ultrafine-and coarse-grained AISI 304L stainless steel”, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 21, No. 4, PP. 287-294, 2016.

171_SALEMI, F., ABBASI, M.H. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Synthesis and thermodynamic analysis of nanostructured CuNiCoZnAl high entropy alloy produced by mechanical alloying”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 685, PP. 278-286, 2016.

172_AGHILI, S.E., ASHRAFI, H., ENAYATI, M.H. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Thermodynamic analysis of nanostructured (Fe,Cr)3Al formation during mechanical alloying”, Materials Research Innovations, Vol. 20, No. 1, PP. 32-36, 2016.

173_ABBASI BAHARANCHI, M., KARIMZADEH, F., AND ENAYATI, M.H., "Effects of friction stir process parameters on microstructure and mechanicalproperties of aluminium powder metallurgy parts", Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing, Vol. 4, No. 1, PP. 38-55, 2016.

174_AGHILI, S.E., ENAYATI, M.H. AND KARIMZADEH, F., "Fabrication of bulk (Fe,Cr)3Al Al2O3 intermetallic matrix througth mechanical alloying and sitering", Acta Metallurgica Sinica, Vol. 29, No. 10, PP. 911-919, 2016.

175_MOSTAAN, H., RAFIEI, M. AND KARIMZADEH, F., "The effect of mechanical activation on the kinetic and formation mechanism of a  niobium aluminide based nanocomposite", Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3, PP. 59-68, 2016.

176_HEIDARI, B., KHADKODAEI, M., BARATI, M., and KARIMZADEH, F, "Fabrication and modeling of shape memory alloy springs", Smart Material Structure, Vol. 25, PP. 1-16, 2016.
177_MOSTAAN, H., RAFIEI, M. AND KARIMZADEH, F., "The effect of mechanical activation on the kinetic and formation mechanism of a  niobium aluminide based nanocomposite", Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3, PP. 59-68, 2016.

178_E. POURKHORSHID, E., ENAYATI, M.H., SABOONI, S., KARIMZADEH, F. AND PAYDAR, M.H., “Bulk Al–Al3Zr composite prepared by mechanical alloying and hot extrusion for high-temperature applications”, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 24, NO. 8, PP. 937, 2017.

179_ABBASI-BAHARANCHI, M., KARIMZADEH, F., and ENAYATI, M., “Thermal stability evaluation of nanostructured Al6061 alloy produced by cryorolling” Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,  Vol. 27, NO. 4, PP. 754-762, 2017.

180_ADEL MEHRABAN F., KARIMZADEH F. AND ABBASI M. H., “Development of Al-Al3Ni nanocomposite by duplex processing of flame spray and friction stir processing, and evaluation of its properties”, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, Vol. 48, No. 10, PP. 4693-4700,  2017.

181_MOKHTARI , S, KARIMZADEH, F., ABBASI, M.H., and RAEISSI, K., “Development of super-hydrophobic surface on Al 6061 by anodizing and the evaluation of its corrosion behavior” Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol. 324, PP. 99–105, 2017.

182_MOGHADDASI, S., FOTOVAT A., KARIMZADEH F.,KHAZAEI H.R., KHORASSANI R. and LAKZIAN A., “Effects of coated and non-coated ZnO nano particles on cucumber seedlings grown in gel chamber “, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Vol. 63, NO. 8, PP. 1108–1120, 2017.

182_YAZDAN MEHR, M., TOROGHINEJAD, M. R., KARIMZADEH, VAN DRIEL F., W. D., and ZHANG G. Q., "Reliability and diffusion-controlled through thickness oxidation of optical materials in LED-based products", Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 78, PP. 143-147, 2017.

183_ MOGHADDASI, S., FOTOVAT, A., KHOSHGOFTARMANESH, A. H., KARIMZADEH, F., KHAZAEI, H. R., and KHORASSANI, R., “Bioavailability of coated and uncoated ZnO nanoparticles to cucumber in soil with or without organic matter”, Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, Vol. 144, PP. 543-551, 2017.

184_ANVARI, S. Z., KARIMZADEH, F. and ENAYATI, M. H., "Synthesis and characterisation of nanostructured Al–Al3V and Al–(Al3V–Al2O3) composites by powder metallurgy" Materials Science and Technology, PP. 1-12, 2017.

185_SABOONI, S., RASHTCHI, H., ESLAMI, A., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M. H., RAEISSI, K., WAN NGAN, H. and IMANI, R. F., “Dependence of corrosion properties of AISI 304L stainless steel on the austenite grain size”, International Journal of Materials Research.

186_KHODADADI, A., SHAMANIAN, M., and KARIMZADEH, F., “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Friction Stir Spot Welding Between St37 Steel and 304 Stainless Steel”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, PP. 1-12, 2017.

187_ABBASI-BAHARANCHI, M., KARIMZADEH, F., and ENAYATI, M. H. “Mechanical and tribological behavior of severely plastic deformed Al6061 at cryogenic temperatures”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 683, PP. 56-63, 2017.

188_HOSSEINI, S. N., ENAYATI, M. H., KARIMZADEH, F., and DAYAGHI, A. M., “LaCrO3/CuFe2O4 Composite-Coated Crofer 22 APU Stainless Steel Interconnect of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, PP. 1-7, 2017.

189_HAJIHASHEMI, M., YAZDIAN, N., KARIMZADEH, F., and ENAYATI, M. H., “Physical, mechanical and dry sliding wear properties of hybrid and non-hybrid Al–V nanocomposites produced by powder metallurgy”, Powder Metallurgy, PP.  1-12, 2017.

190_ZOHOORI-SHOAR, V., ESLAMI, A., KARIMZADEH, F., and ABBASI-BAHARANCHI, M., “Resistance spot welding of ultrafine grained/nanostructured Al 6061 alloy produced by cryorolling process and evaluation of weldment properties”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 26 PP. 84-93, 2017.

191_ DARVISHI, S., SOUISSI, M., KARIMZADEH, F., KHARAZIHA, M., SAHARA, R., AHADIAN, S., “Ni nanoparticle-decorated reduced graphene oxide for non-enzymatic glucose sensing: An experimental and modeling study”, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 240, PP. 388–398, 2017.

192_SABOONI, S., KARIMZADEH, F., ABBASI, M. H., ENAYATI, M. H., “Evaluation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Bulk Nanostructured Ti5Si3 and Ti5Si3-Al2O3 Nanocomposites”, Advanced Ceramics Progress, Vol. 3, No. 1, PP. 1-5, 2017.

193_YAZDAN MEHR, M., TOROGHINEJAD, M. R., KARIMZADEH, VAN DRIEL F., W. D., and ZHANG G. Q., "A review on discoloration and high accelerated testing of optical materials in LED based-products", Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 81, PP. 136-142, 2018.

194_MOKHTARI, H., GHASEMI, Z., KHARAZIHA, M., KARIMZADEH, F., ALIHOSSEINI, F., “Chitosan-58S bioactive glass nanocomposite coatings on TiO2 nanotube: Structural and biological properties”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 441, PP. 138–149, 2018.

195_SHOJA, Y., KERMANPUR A., KARIMZADEH  F., “Diagnosis of EGFR exon21 L858R point mutation as lung cancer biomarker by electrochemical DNA biosensor based on reduced graphene oxide/functionalized ordered mesoporous carbon/Ni-oxytetracycline metallopolymer nanoparticles modified pencil graphite electrode”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 113, PP. 108–115, 2018.

196_SALEHIKAHRIZSANGI, P., RAEISSI, K., KARIMZADEH F., CALABRESE, L., PATANE, PROVERBIO, E., “Erosion-corrosion behavior of highly hydrophobic hierarchical Nickel coatings”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 555, PP. 446-454, 2018.

197_MARDALI, M., SALIMIJAZI, H. R., KARIMZADEH, F., LUTHRINGER, B., BLAWERT, C., LABBAF, S., “Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured hydroxyapatite coating on Mg-based alloy by high-velocity oxygen fuel spraying”, Ceramics International, Vol. 44, PP. 14667–14676, 2018.

198_SALEHIKAHRIZSANGI, P., RAEISSI, K., KARIMZADEH F., CALABRESE, L., PATANE, S., PROVERBIO, E., “Highly hydrophobic Ni-W electrodeposited film with hierarchical structure”, Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol. 344, PP. 626–635, 2018.

199_SAFI, S., KARIMZADEH, F., LABBAF, S., “Mesoporous and hollow hydroxyapatite nanostructured particles as a drug delivery vehicle for the local release of ibuprofen”, Materials Science & Engineering C, Vol. 92, PP. 712–719, 2018

200_MOAZENI, M, KARIMZADEH, F., KERMANPUR, A., “Peptide modified paper based impedimetric immunoassay with nanocomposite electrodes as a point-of-care testing of Alpha-fetoprotein in human serum”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 117, PP. 748–757, 2018.

201_DARVISHI, S., SOUISSI, M., KHARAZIHA, M., KARIMZADEH, F., SAHARA, R., AHADIAN, S., “Gelatin methacryloyl hydrogel for glucose biosensing using Ni nanoparticles-reduced graphene oxide: An experimental and modeling study”, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 261, PP. 275-283, 2018.

202_ANVARI, S. Z., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI M. H., “Synthesis and characterisation of nanostructured Al–Al3V and Al–(Al3V–Al2O3) composites by powder metallurgy”, Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 34, PP. 179–190, 2018.

203_HASSANI, B., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M. H., MUTSCHLECHNER, F., VALLANT, R., HASSANI, K., “The effects of friction stir processing on the wear behavior of cast AZ91C magnesium alloy”, Surface Review and Letters, 2018.

204_KHOSROSHAHI, Z., KHARAZIHA, M., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ALLAFCHIAN, A., Green reduction of graphene oxide by ascorbic acid”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1920, No. 1, PP. 020009, AIP Publishing, 2018.

205_MOAZENI, M., KARIMZADEH, F., KERMANPUR, A. AND ALLAFCHIAN, A., “Development of an electrochemical biosensor for vitamin B12 using D-phenylalanine nanotubes”, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1920, No. 1, PP. 020032, AIP Publishing, 2018.

206_MOAZZEN, P., TOROGHINEJAD, M.R., KARIMZADEH, F., VLEUGELS, J., RAVASH, H. AND CAVALIERE, P., “Influence of zirconium addition on the microstructure, thermodynamic stability, thermal stability and mechanical properties of mechanical alloyed spark plasma sintered (MA-SPS) FeCoCrNi high entropy alloy”, Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 61, PP.405-416, 2018.

207_MOAZENI, M., KARIMZADEH, F. AND KERMANPUR, A., “Investigation and regulation of self-assembled well-ordered nano/microstructures via an aromatic α-amino acid”, Soft matter, Vol. 14, PP.4996-5007, 2018.

208_MARDALI, M., SALIMIJAZI, H. R., KARIMZADEH, F., LUTHRINGER, B., BLAWERT, C., LABBAF , S., “Comparative study on microstructure and corrosion behavior of nanostructured hydroxyapatite coatings deposited by high velocity oxygen fuel and flame spraying on AZ61 magnesium based substrates”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 465, PP. 614–624, 2019.

209_NAJARZADEGAN, M., KARIMZADEH, F., SALIMIJAZI, H.R. AND ADHAMI, S., “The synthesis of SmCo/Co nanoplates: reductant effect in the synthesis process”, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, PP.1-9, 2019.

210_NAJARZADEGAN, M., KARIMZADEH, F., SALIMIJAZI, H.R. AND ADHAMI, S., “The Effect of Reduction Process Parameters on Magnetic and Structural Properties of SmCo/Co Nanocomposites", Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, PP.1-11, 2019.

211_MARDALI, M., SALIMIJAZI, H., KARIMZADEH, F. AND LUTHRINGER-FEYERABEND, B., “The effect of an MgO intermediate layer on a nanostructured HA coating fabricated by HVOF on an Mg alloy”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 374, PP.1071-1077, 2019.

212_JALILI, M.A., ALLAFCHIAN, A., KARIMZADEH, F. AND NASIRI, F., “Synthesis and characterization of magnetite/Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum/Ag nanocomposite and determination of its antibacterial activity”, International journal of biological macromolecules, Vol. 139, PP.1263-1271, 2019.

213_KHOSRAVI, P., KARIMZADEH, F., SALIMIJAZI, H.R. AND ABDI, Y., “Structural, optical and electrical properties of co-sputtered p-type ZnO: Cu thin-films”, Ceramics International, Vol. 45, PP.7472-7479, 2019.

214_HATAMI, R., ALLAFCHIAN, A., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ENAYATI, M.H., “Preparation of amino silane magnetic nanocomposite by the sol–gel process and investigation of its antibacterial activity”, Micro & Nano Letters, Vol. 14, PP.196-201, 2019.

215_SHAHNAM, A., KARIMZADEH, F., GOLOZAR, M.A. AND HOSSEINI, S.N., “Microstructure Evolution of Ultra-Fine-Grained AZ31 B Magnesium Alloy Produced by Submerged Friction Stir Processing”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 28, PP. 4593-4601, 2019.

216_RAVANBAKHSH, M., LABBAF, S., KARIMZADEH, F., PINNA, A., HOUREH, A.B. AND NASR-ESFAHANI, M.H., “Mesoporous bioactive glasses for the combined application of osteosarcoma treatment and bone regeneration”, Materials Science and Engineering: C, Vol. 104, PP.109994, 2019.

217_KARBASI, M., KARIMZADEH, F., KIWI, J., RAEISSI, K., PULGARIN, C. AND RTIMI, S., “Flower-like magnetized photocatalysts accelerating an emerging pollutant removal under indoor visible light and related phenomena”, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Vol. 378, PP.105-113, 2019.

218_Behzad Hassania, Rudolf Vallantb, Fathallah Karimzadeha, Mohammad Hossein Enayatia , Soheil Saboonia, Kasyap Pradeep, “Effect of microstructure refinement on corrosion behavior of cast AZ91C magnesium alloy”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019.

219_HASSANI, B., VALLANT, R., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M.H., SABOONI, S. AND PRADEEP, K., “Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Corrosion Behavior of Cast AZ91C Magnesium Alloy”, Surface review and letters, Vol. 26, PP.1850213, 2019.

220_MOKHTARI, H., KHARAZIHA, M., KARIMZADEH, F. AND TAVAKOLI, S., “An injectable mechanically robust hydrogel of Kappa-carrageenan-dopamine functionalized graphene oxide for promoting cell growth”, Carbohydrate polymers, Vol. 214, PP.234-249, 2019.

221_PARANDEH, S., KHARAZIHA, M. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “An eco-friendly triboelectric hybrid nanogenerators based on graphene oxide incorporated polycaprolactone fibers and cellulose paper”, Nano Energy, Vol. 59, PP.412-421, 2019.

222_MAHMOUDI, M., RAEISSI, K., KARIMZADEH, F. AND GOLOZAR, M.A., “A study on corrosion behavior of graphene oxide coating produced on stainless steel by electrophoretic deposition”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 372, PP.327-342, 2019.

223_TALEBI, A., LABBAF, S. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “A conductive film of chitosan-polycaprolcatone-polypyrrole with potential in heart patch application”, Polymer Testing, Vol. 75, PP.254-261, 2019.

224_NAGHSHEHKESH, N., MOUSAVI, S.E., KARIMZADEH, F., ASHRAFI, A., NOSKO, M., TREMBOŠOVÁ, V. AND SADEGHI, B., “Effect of graphene oxide and friction stir processing on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al5083 matrix composite”, Materials Research Express, Vol. 6, PP. 106566, 2019.

225_SAMANI, M.S., BAHRAMI, A. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Microstructure and mechanical properties of transient liquid phase (TLP)-bonded Ni3Al intermetallic compounds”, Materials Today Communications, PP.100619, 2019.

226_SHOJA, Y., KERMANPUR, A., KARIMZADEH, F., GHODSI, J., RAFATI, A.A. AND ADHAMI, S., “Electrochemical molecularly bioimprinted siloxane biosensor on the basis of core/shell silver nanoparticles/EGFR exon 21 L858R point mutant gene/siloxane film for ultra-sensing of Gemcitabine as a lung cancer chemotherapy medication”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 145, pp.111611, 2019.

227_ASL, F.J., KADKHODAEI, M. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “The effects of shape-setting on transformation temperatures of pseudoelastic shape memory alloy springs”, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, Vol. 4, pp.568-576, 2019.

228_SANATI, A., JALALI, M., RAEISSI, K., KARIMZADEH, F., KHARAZIHA, M., MAHSHID, S.S. AND MAHSHID, S., “A review on recent advancements in electrochemical biosensing using carbonaceous nanomaterials”, Microchimica Acta, Vol. 186, pp.773, 2019.

229_TORABIZADEH, A., TOROGHINEJAD, M.R., KARIMZADEH, F., VLEUGELS, J., RAVASH, H. AND CAVALIERE, P., “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured CoCrFeMoTi High-Entropy Alloy Fabricated by Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 28(12), pp.7710-7725, 2019.

230_GHADERI, S., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ASHRAFI, A., “Evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties of transient liquid phase bonding of Inconel 718 and nano/ultrafine-grained 304L stainless steel”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 49, pp.162-174, 2020.

231_GHADERI, S., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ASHRAFI, A., “Transient liquid phase bonding of 304L stainless steels with the austenitic and martensitic microstructures”, Journal of Welding Science and Technology of Iran, Vol. 5, pp.1-11, 2020.

232_SAFAVIPOUR, M., KHARAZIHA, M., AMJADI, E., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ALLAFCHIAN, A., “TiO2 nanotubes/reduced GO nanoparticles for sensitive detection of breast cancer cells and photothermal performance” Talanta, Vol. 208, pp.120369, 2020.

233_TALEBI, A., LABBAF, S. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Polycaprolactone‐chitosan‐polypyrrole conductive biocomposite nanofibrous scaffold for biomedical applications”, Polymer Composites, Vol. 41, pp.645-652, 2020.

234_NAJARZADEGAN, M., KARIMZADEH, F., SALIMIJAZI, H.R. AND ADHAMI, S., “The Effect of Reduction Process Parameters on Magnetic and Structural Properties of SmCo/Co Nanocomposites”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, Vol. 33, pp.783-793, 2020.

235_KHOSROSHAHI, Z., KARIMZADEH, F., KHARAZIHA, M. AND ALLAFCHIAN, A., “A non-enzymatic sensor based on three-dimensional graphene foam decorated with Cu-xCu2O nanoparticles for electrochemical detection of glucose and its application in human serum”, Materials Science and Engineering: C, Vol. 108, pp.110216, 2020.

236_SANATI, A., RAEISSI, K. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “A cost-effective and green-reduced graphene oxide/polyurethane foam electrode for electrochemical applications”, FlatChem, Vol. 20, pp.100162, 2020.

237_KARBASI, M., KARIMZADEH, F., RAEISSI, K., RTIMI, S., KIWI, J., GIANNAKIS, S. AND PULGARIN, C., “Insights into the Photocatalytic Bacterial Inactivation by Flower-Like Bi2WO6 under Solar or Visible Light, Through in Situ Monitoring and Determination of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)”, Water, Vol. 12, p.1099, 2020.

238_SALEHIKAHRIZSANGI, P., RAEISSI, K., KARIMZADEH, F., CALABRESE, L. AND PROVERBIO, E., “Highly hydrophobic nickel and nickel-tungsten coatings: Microstructural and surface properties”, Applied Surface Science, pp.146319, 2020.

239_KARBASI, M., KARIMZADEH, F., RAEISSI, K., GIANNAKIS, S. AND PULGARIN, C., “Improving visible light photocatalytic inactivation of E. coli by inducing highly efficient radical pathways through peroxymonosulfate activation using 3-D, surface-enhanced, reduced graphene oxide (rGO) aerogels”, Chemical Engineering Journal, pp.125189, 2020.

240_MARAND, Z.R., KERMANPUR, A., KARIMZADEH, F., BAREA, E.M., HASSANABADI, E., ANARAKI, E.H., JULIÁN-LÓPEZ, B., MASI, S. AND MORA-SERÓ, I., “Structural and Electrical Investigation of Cobalt-Doped NiOx/Perovskite Interface for Efficient Inverted Solar Cells”, Nanomaterials, Vol. 10, pp.872, 2020.

241_SANATI, A., RAEISSI, K., KARIMZADEH, F., JALALI, M., SHEIBANI, S., VALI, H. AND MAHSHID, S., “Deposition of Gold Nano-Micro Islands on Electrochemically Reduced Graphene Oxide to Use in Combination with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers”, In ECS Meeting Abstracts, IOP Publishing, 2020.

242_TALEBI, A., LABBAF, S., KARIMZADEH, F., MASAELI, E. AND NASR ESFAHANI, M.H., “Electroconductive Graphene Containing Polymeric Patch: A Promising Platform for Cardiac Repair”, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2020.

243_ESKANDARI, M.J., SHAFYEI, A. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “One-step fabrication of Au@ Al2O3 core-shell nanoparticles by continuous-wave fiber laser ablation of thin gold layer on aluminum surface: Structural and optical properties”, Optics & Laser Technology, Vol. 126, pp.106066, 2020.

244_PARANDEH, S., KHARAZIHA, M. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Triboelectric nanogenerators based on graphene oxide coated nanocomposite fibers for biomedical applications”, Nanotechnology, 2020.

245_SABOURI, Z., LABBAF, S., KARIMZADEH, F., BAHARLOU-HOUREH, A., MCFARLANE, T. AND ESFAHANI, M.H.N., “Fe3O4/Bioactive glass nanostructure: A promising therapeutic platform for osteosarcoma treatment”, Biomedical Materials, 2020.

246_FARGHADANI, M., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M.H., NAGHSHEHKESH, N. AND MOGHADDAM, A.O., “Fabrication of AZ91D/Cu/Mg2Cu and AZ91D/Mg2Cu/MgCu2/MgO in-situ hybrid surface nanocomposites via friction stir processing”, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, Vol. 8, pp.045002, 2020.

247_MARDALI, M., SALIMIJAZI, H., KARIMZADEH, F., BLAWERT, C., LUTHRINGER-FEYERABEND, B.J., FAZEL, M. AND SAFARBALI, B., “Microstructure and Corrosion Characterization of a MgO/Hydroxyapatite Bilayer Coating by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coupled with Flame Spraying on a Mg Alloy”, ACS omega, Vol. 5, pp.24186-24194, 2020.

248_ESKANDARI, M.J., SHAFYEI, A. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Investigation of wetting properties of gold nanolayer coated aluminum surfaces textured with continuous-wave fiber laser ablation”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 711, pp.138278, 2020.

249_MAHMOUDI, M., FARHADIAN, M., RAEISSI, K., LABBAF, S., KARIMZADEH, F., GOLOZAR, M.A. AND BARNOUSH, A., “The role of graphene oxide interlayer on corrosion barrier and bioactive properties of electrophoretically deposited ZrO2–10 at.% SiO2 composite coating on 316 L stainless steel”, Materials Science and Engineering: C, Vol. 117, pp.111342, 2020.

250_GHADERI, S., KARIMZADEH, F., ASHRAFI, A. AND HOSSEINI, S.H., “Effect of pressure, temperature and homogenization on the dissolution behavior and mechanical properties of IN718/AISI 304 during transient liquid phase bonding”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 60, pp.213-226, 2020.

251_EBRAHIMIAN, M., ENAYATI, M.H., KARIMZADEH, F., MIN, Y. AND KIM, D.E., “Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-pressed Ti–Co–Si compounds reinforced by intermetallic phases”, Materials Characterization, p.110816, 2020.

252_HOSSEINI, S.N., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ENAYATI, M.H., “Development of Copper-Ferrite Spinel Coating on AISI 430 Steel Used as Solid Oxide Fuel Cell”, Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 39, pp.127-150, 2020.

253_ANVARI, S.Z., ENAYATI, M.H. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Wear Behavior of Nanostructured Al-Al3V and Al-(Al3V-Al2O3) Composites Fabricated by Mechanical Alloying and Hot Extrusion”, Journal of Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials, Vol. 53, pp.135-145, 2020.

254_NAJAFI, Z., KHARAZIHA, M., KARIMZADEH, F. AND SHAPIRI, A., “Mechanical and biological performance of rainbow trout collagen‐boron nitride nanocomposite scaffolds for soft tissue engineering”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 138, pp.50664, 2021.

255_EBRAHIMIAN, M., ENAYATI, M.H., KARIMZADEH, F., MIN, Y. AND KIM, D.E., “Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-pressed Ti–Co–Si compounds reinforced by intermetallic phases”, Materials Characterization, Vol. 171, pp.110816, 2021.

256_BAGHERI, R., KARIMZADEH, F., KERMANPUR, A. AND KHARAZIHA, M., “The novel immobilization of G-quadruplex aptamer on Cu deposited surface using electrochemical method”, Materials Letters, Vol. 282, pp.128703, 2021.

257_SANATI, A., SIAVASH MOAKHAR, R., I. HOSSEINI, I., RAEISSI, K., KARIMZADEH, F., JALALI, M., KHARAZIHA, M., SHEIBANI, S., SHARIATI, L., PRESLEY, J.F. AND VALI, H., “Gold nano/micro-islands overcome the molecularly imprinted polymer limitations to achieve ultrasensitive protein detection”, ACS sensors, Vol. 6, pp.797-807, 2021.

258_HOSSEINI, S.N., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ENAYATI, M.H., “Development of Copper-Ferrite Spinel Coating on AISI 430 Steel Used as Solid Oxide Fuel Cell”, Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 39, pp.23-44, 2021.

259_SABOURI, Z., LABBAF, S., KARIMZADEH, F., BAHARLOU-HOUREH, A., MCFARLANE, T.V. AND ESFAHANI, M.N., “Fe3O4/bioactive glass nanostructure: a promising therapeutic platform for osteosarcoma treatment”, Biomedical Materials, Vol. 16, pp.035016, 2021.

260_BALLAM, M.H., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M.H. AND SANATI, A., “Developing a nanostructured surface layer on AISI 316 stainless steel by ultrasonic surface nanocrystallization and evaluating its tribological properties”, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, Vol. 9, pp.025010, 2021.

261_SALEMI, F., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ABBASI, M.H., “Evaluation of Thermal and Mechanical Behavior of CuNiCoZnAl High-Entropy Alloy Fabricated Using Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 52, pp.1947-1962, 2021.

262_MORTAZAVI, S.R., KARIMZADEH, F., EMADI, R. AND AHMADVAND, H., “Synthesis and evaluation of a glass-ceramic system containing zinc ferrite nanocrystals”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 559, pp.120704, 2021.

263_ADEL-MEHRABAN, F., RAEISSI, K., KARIMZADEH, F., PEDERSEN, S.U., SALEHZADEH, H. AND DAASBJERG, K., “A novel approach toward attachment of graphene oxide on copper using electrochemical grafting of an organic interlayer with enhanced corrosion performance”, Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol. 154, pp.106185, 2021.

264_SANATI, A., MOAKHAR, R.S., RAEISSI, K., KARIMZADEH, F., VALI, H. AND MAHSHID, S., “Detection of heart-fatty acid binding protein in human serum using gold nano/micro-islands and molecularly imprinted polymers”, In IEEE 21st International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO), pp. 397-399, 2021.

265_AHMADI BAKHTIARI, S., ABDOOS, H. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Green synthesis of ZnO@ ZnS core–shell nanoparticles for detection of lead and iron ions in aqueous solutions by colorimetric paper sensors”, Chemical Papers, pp.1-11, 2021.

266_SALEHIKAHRIZSANGI, P., RAEISSI, K., KARIMZADEH, F., CALABRESE, L. AND PROVERBIO, E., “Effects of Surface Morphology on Erosion–Corrosion and Corrosion Resistance of Highly Hydrophobic Nickel-Tungsten Electrodeposited Film”, Coatings, Vol. 11p.1084, 2021.

267_SOLTANI SAMANI, M., BAHRAMI, A. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Investigating the Joining of Ni3Al Intermetallic Compound, using Transient Liquid Phase (TLP) Method with Cu Interlayer”, Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 38, pp.19-31, 2022.


269_KARBASI, M., HASHEMIFAR, S.J., KARIMZADEH, F., GIANNAKIS, S., PULGARIN, C., RAEISSI, K. AND SIENKIEWICZ, A., “Decrypting the photocatalytic bacterial inactivation of hierarchical flower-like Bi2WO6 microspheres induced by surface properties: Experimental studies and ab initio calculations”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 427, p.131768, 2022.

270_AHMADI BAKHTIARI, S., ABDOOS, H. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Green synthesis of ZnO@ ZnS core–shell nanoparticles for detection of lead and iron ions in aqueous solutions by colorimetric paper sensors”, Chemical Papers, Vol. 76, pp.99-109, 2022.

271_HATAMI, R., ALLAFCHIAN, A., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ENAYATI, M.H., “Fabrication of Fe3O4/Ag‐TiO2 magnetic nanocomposite for antibacterial applications”, Micro & Nano Letters, Vol. 17, pp.9-15, 2022.

272_SALEMI, F., KARIMZADEH, F., ABBASI, M.H., MORADI, F., SONG, J., LATIF, M., LEE, J. AND KIM, J.,  “Surface patterning of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS): graphene nanocomposites for application in triboelectric nanogenerators”, In Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors, and Wearable Systems, 2022.

273_FALAHATIAN, M., KARIMZADEH, F. AND RAEISSI, K., “Preparation of paraffin/silica–graphene shape-stabilized composite phase change materials for thermal energy storage”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 33, pp.12846-12856, 2022.

274_HOSSEINI, S.N., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ENAYATI, M.H., “Development of Copper-Ferrite Spinel Coating on AISI 430 Steel Used as Solid Oxide Fuel Cell”, Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 39, pp.23-44, 2022.

275_KHOSROSHAHI, Z., KARIMZADEH, F. AND KHARAZIHA, M., “Synthesis of Three-dimensional Graphene and Optimization of Its Morphology”, Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 37, pp.1-12, 2022.

276_REZVANI, M., RAEISSI, K. AND KARIMZADEH, F.L., “Evaluation of Properties of Crofer Stainless Steel Produced by Mechanical Alloying for Using as Interconnect Plates of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”, Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 35, pp.95-113, 2022.

277_AKBARI, M., SABOONI, S., ENAYATI, M.H. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Synthesis and Characterization of FeAl/Al2O3 Nanocomposite Coating on Carbon Steel Plate by High Energy Mechanical Alloying”, Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 36, pp.107-117, 2022.

278_HASSANI, B., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M. AND BOROUNI, M., “Effects of Friction Stir Processing and T6 Heat Treatment on Wear Properties of Weld Metal of Cast AZ91C Alloy”, Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 35, pp.99-107, 2022.

279_GHOTBI VARZANEH, A., KAMELI, P., KARIMZADEH, F. AND SALAMATI, H., “Effect of Isothermal Ageing on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ni47Mn40Sn13 Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy”, Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 34, pp.29-38, 2022.

280_REZAY MARAND, Z., KERMANPUR, A. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “fabrication and investigation of perovskite solar cell based on nickel oxide hole transport layer and fullerene interlayer”, Journal of Advanced Materials in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 40, pp.17-28, 2022.

281_SEDEH, A.D., KARIMZADEH, F. AND KHARAZIHA, M., “A high-performance single-electrode triboelectric nanogenerator based on polydimethylsiloxane surface modified using zinc oxide nanotubes: Fabrication and simulation”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 56, p.103058, 2023.

282_KHEIRABADI, N.R., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M.H. AND KALALI, E.N., “Green Flexible Triboelectric Nanogenerators Based on Edible Proteins for Electrophoretic Deposition”, Advanced Electronic Materials, p.2200839, 2023.

283_SAFAVIPOUR, M., MOKHTARI, H., MAHMOUDI, M., FANAEE, S., GHASEMI, Z., KHARAZIHA, M., ASHRAFI, A. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “TiO2 nanotube/chitosan-bioglass nanohybrid coating: fabrication and corrosion evaluation”, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, pp.1-13, 2023.

284_JENABI, N., SADEGHIAN, S., KARIMZADEH, F., POUR, M.S. AND RAKHSHAN, V., “Antibacterial activity and shear bond strength of fiber-reinforced composites and bonding agents containing 0.5%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5% silver nanoparticles”, Dental Research Journal, Vol. 20, p.23, 2023.

285_MORADI, M.J., ENAYATI, M.H., KARIMZADEH, F. AND IZADI, M., “Production of Al-Ti Composite by a Combination of Accumulative Roll Bonding and Friction Stir Processing”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, pp.1-17, 2023.

286_JALILI, M.A., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M.H., KALALI, E.N. AND KHEIRABADI, N.R., “Development of a Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Joining of Silver Nanorods”, Advanced Electronic Materials, Vol. 9, p.2201348, 2023.

287_ANVARI, S.R., KARIMZADEH, F. AND ENAYATI, M.H., “The Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al6061-T6 Aluminium Alloy”, Journal of Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials, Vol. 56, pp.11-20, 2023.

288_KHEIRABADI, N.R., KARIMZADEH, F., ENAYATI, M.H. AND KALALI, E.N., “Sustainable and photoresponse triboelectric nanogenerators based on 2D-gC3N4 and agricultural wastes”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 34, p.1571, 2023.

289_ADEL-MEHRABAN, F., RAEISSI, K. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Grafting aryldiazonium cations to copper: Insights into wettability behavior of a highly hydrophobic coating with enhanced corrosion performance”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 123, pp.488-499, 2023.

290_SERAJ, A., ALLAFCHIAN, A., KARIMZADEH, F., VALIKHANI, A. AND JALALI, S.A.H., “Improving water treatment using a novel antibacterial kappa-carrageenan–coated magnetite decorated with silver nanoparticles”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 30, pp.92611-92620, 2023.

291_GHARAATI, A.R., ALLAFCHIAN, A. AND KARIMZADEH, F., “Exploring the antibacterial potential of magnetite/Quince seed mucilage/Ag nanocomposite: Synthesis, characterization, and activity assessment”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Vol. 249, p.126120, 2023.

292_MORADI, F., KARIMZADEH, F. AND KHARAZIHA, M., “Rational micro/nano-structuring for high-performance triboelectric nanogenerator”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 960, p.170693, 2023.

293_ALLAFCHIAN, A., KARIMZADEH, F., VALIKHANI, A. AND SERAJ, A., “Enhanced antibacterial properties and magnetic removal of Fe3O4/fenugreek seed gum/silver nanocomposites for water treatment”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Vol. 251, p.126418, 2023.