Office : Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan
Phone : +98 31-33913239
Fax : +98 31-33912350
Web Site :Kazem Karami
- Full professor
Research Fields :
- Coordination Chemistry
- Bio-inorganic chemistry
- Organometallic chemistry
- Nanotechnology
- Catalysis
- Drug delivery
- Phosphorus ylide ligands
- Oxime and aldoxime ligands
Research Fields :
- Research Field 1: Design of new molecules with biochemical propertiesThe general objective of the project, involves the design, realization, characterization and pre-competitive development of new molecules with predetermined biochemical properties;• Stru
- Research Field 2:Coordination chemistry of orthopalladated complexes &Heterogeneous and homogeneous catalyses
- Orthopalladation of first amines and reactions with Keto stabilized Phosphorus ylide. Cyclopalladation of Keto stabilized Phosphorus ylide
- BSA nanoparticles as controlled release carriers for isophethalaldoxime palladacycle complex; synthesis, characterization, in vitro evaluation, cytotoxicity and release
- BSA nanoparticles as controlled release carriers for isophethalaldoxime palladacycle complex; synthesis, characterization, in vitro evaluation, cytotoxicity and release