
I am an assistant professor of the Control group with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology.

   Academic Degrees:

    Ph. D. (2012)

     Control Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology,Isfahan,Iran

     Thesis:   Adaptive control of state delay systems in the presence of actuator failures.

      Supervisors: Dr. J. Askari, Dr. F. Sheikholeslam

       M. Sc. (2007)

       Control Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

       Thesis:   Model Reference Adaptive control of linear continious state delay systems.

        Supervisor: Dr. J. Askari

       B. Sc. (2004)

        Biomedical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology , Tehran, Iran

        B. Sc Project: Fuzzy control of the temperature of oil bath system.