Teaching Experiences

·         Plant design and economics, (2013 till now), IUT, Isfahan, Iran

·         Advanced bioreactor design  ( 2013 till now), IUT, Isfahan, Iran

·         Transport phenomena in biological systems  ( 2013 till now), IUT, Isfahan, Iran

·        Fermentation technology   ( 2013 till now), IUT, Isfahan, Iran

·         Bioseparation  ( 2013 till now), IUT, Isfahan, Iran

·         Supervision of Biochemical Engineering Lab Course for 4 semesters  ( 2011-2012), Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

·         Supervision of a master thesis, 2012, Vienna University of technology, Vienna, Austria

·         Supervision of 3 interns, March 2011- September 2012, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria 
