[1] Valery I. Levitas and Mahdi Javanbakht. Interaction between phase transformations and dislocations at the nanoscale. Part 1. General phase field approach. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. In Press. (IF=4.29)
[2] Mahdi Javanbakht and Valery I. Levitas. Interaction between phase transformations and dislocations at the nanoscale. Part 2. Phase field simulation examples.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. In Press. (IF=4.29)
[3] Valery I. Levitas and Mahdi Javanbakht. Thermodynamically consistent phase field approach to dislocation evolution at small and large strains. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. In Press. (IF=4.29)*
* For the first time in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, the acceptance of three papers on the same day!
[4] Valery I. Levitas and Mahdi Javanbakht. Interaction of phase transformations and plasticity at the nanoscale: phase field approach. Materials Today: Proceedings. In press.
[5] Valery I. Levitas and Mahdi Javanbakht. Phase transformations in nanograin materials under high pressure and plastic shear: nanoscale mechanisms. Nanoscale, 6, 162-166, 2014. (IF=6.7)**
[6] Valery I. Levitas and Mahdi Javanbakht. Phase field approach to interaction of phase transformation and dislocation evolution. Applied Physics Letters, 102, 251904, 2013. (IF=3.794)
[7] Valery I. Levitas and Mahdi Javanbakht. Advanced phase-field approach to dislocation evolution. Physical Review B Rapid Communications, 86, 140101, 2012. (IF=5.3)**
[8] Valery I. Levitas and Mahdi Javanbakht. Surface-induced phase transformations: multiple scale and mechanics effects and morphological transitions. Physical Review Letters, 107, 175701, 2011. (IF=7.943)**
[9] M. Javanbakht, A. R. Daneshmehr, M. Shakeri, and A. R. Nateghi. The dynamic analysis of the functionally graded piezoelectric (FGPM) shell panel based on three-dimensional elasticity theory. Applied Mathematical Modeling, 36, 5320–5333, 2012. (IF=2.16)
[10] Valery I. Levitas and Mahdi Javanbakht. Phase-field approach to martensitic phase transformations: effect of martensite-martensite interface energy. International Journal of Materials Research, 102 (6), 2011. (IF=0.68)
[11] M. Javanbakht, M. Shakeri, S. N. Sadeghi and A. R. Daneshmehr. The analysis of functionally graded shallow and non-shallow shell panels with piezoelectric layers under dynamic load and electrostatic excitation based on elasticity. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 30, 983-991, 2011. (IF=1.90)
[12] Valery I. Levitas and Mahdi Javanbakht. Surface tension and energy in multivariant martensitic transformations: phase-field theory, simulations, and model of coherent interface. Physical Review Letters, 105, 165701, 2010. (IF=7.943)**
[13] M.Javanbakht, M.Shakeri, S.N.Sadeghi. Dynamic analysis of functionally graded shell with piezoelectric layers based on elasticity. Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C, 223, 2039-2047, 2009. (IF=0.633)
[14] M. Shakeri, S. N. Sadeghi, M. Javanbakht, H.Hatamikian. Dynamic analysis of functionally graded plate integrated with two piezoelectric layers, based on three dimensional elasticity solution. Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C, 223, 1297-1309, 2009. (IF=0.633)
** Nominated papers by Iowa State University 2010-2013.