Selected Talks
- Study of gap symmetry in superconductor CeIrIn5 by thermal conductivity. The fourth national conference on advances in superconductivity (NCAS4), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (6-7 Feb. 2014).
- How to Probe Gap Structure of Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeIrIn5 from Heat Transport. Shahid Beheshti Univ., Tehran, Iran (2011).
- Universal heat transport in the heavy-fermion superconductor CeIrIn5. American Physical Society March Meeting (APS), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (2008),
- Gap Structure of Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeIrIn5 from Heat Transport. American Physical Society March Meeting (APS), Baltimore, USA (2006),
- Probe of Gap Structure in Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeIrIn5 by Heat Transport. USherbrooke, Canada, (2006).
- Field Dependence of Low-Temperature Resistivity in CeIrIn5. American Physical Society March Meeting (APS), Los Angles, USA (2005),
- A Review on High Temperature Superconductivity Phenomenon. High School Conferences on Physics, Qom, Iran (1998).
- Ca and Pr Doping Effect on High-Tc Superconductor Gd-123 Compounds. 4th Condensed Matter Anniversary Conference, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran (1997).
- High Temperature Superconductivity. Students Seminars, Magnetic Research Laboratory (MRL), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, (Jan. 1996 to March 1997).