Refereed Conference Proceedings

Refereed Conference Proceedings

  • Shakeripour, H., and Akhavan, M. Effect of Ca Substitution on Superconducting Properties of Gd1-xPrx-123. (2000) Proceeding. 1st Regional Conf. on Magnetic and Superconducting materials (MSM-99), Ed. M. Akhavan, J. Jensen and K. Kitazawa (Singapore: World Scientific) vol. A: 161-166.
  • Shakeripour, H., and Akhavan, M. The influence of Flux Pinning by Ca and Weak Links by Pr Doping in Gd1-x-zPrxGdz-123. (2000) Proceeding. 1st Regional Conf. on Magnetic and Superconducting materials (MSM-99), Ed. M. Akhavan, J. Jensen and K. Kitazawa (Singapore: World Scientific) vol. A: 523-528.
  • Shakeripour, H., and Akhavan, M. Magnetic Field Effect on the Gd1-x-zPrxCazBa2Cu3O7-d Systems. (1998) 9th CTMTEC-World Ceramics Congress & Forum on New Materials, p. 196.