
in Web of Science (ISI) Journals

  1. M.J. Rahimdel, M. Mirzaei, J. Sattarvand, S. H. Hoseinie, “Health risk of whole body vibration in mining trucks during various operational conditions”, Journal of Central South University 24 (8), 1808-1816.
  2. B. Ghodrati, S.H. Hoseinie, U. Kumar, “Context-driven mean residual life estimation of mining machinery, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment”, Vol. 23, 1-9.
  3. A.A. Lanke, B. Ghodarati, S.H. Hoseinie, “Uncertainty analysis of production in open pit mines–operational parameter regression analysis of mining machinery”, Mining Science 23
  4. M.J. Rahimdel, S.H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, “RAM analysis of rotary drilling machines”, Mining Science 23, 77-89.
  5. S. Mundry, M. Gajetzki, S. H. Hoseinie, “Longwall automation: productivity and coal quality enhancement”, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, Vol. 29, No. 5, Special Issue on Mining Machinery and Automation, , pp. 357–367, 2015.
  6. B. Ghodrati, S. H. Hoseinie, A.H.S. Garmabaki, “Reliability Considerations in Automated Mining Systems”, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, Vol. 29, No. 5, Special Issue on Mining Machinery and Automation, pp. 404–418, 2015. 
  7. S. H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, U. Kumar, “Cost-effective maintenance scheduling of cutting arms of drum shearer machine”, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, Vol.28, No.5, pp. 297-310, 2014.
  8. M. J. Rahimdel, S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataie, R. Khalokakaie, "Maintenance Plan for a Fleet of Rotary Drilling Machines”, Archive of Mining Science, Vol.59, No.2, pp. 441-454, 2014.
  9. M. J. Rahimdel, M. Ataie, R. Khalokakaie, S. H. Hoseinie, "Reliability Analysis of Drilling Operation in Open Pit Mines", Archive of Mining Science, Vol.58, No.2: pp. 569-578, 2013.
  10. M. Ataei, R. Mikaeil,   S. H. Hoseinie, S. M. Hosseini, "Fuzzy analytical  hierarchy process approach for ranking the sawability of carbonate rock", International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol.50 (February 2012), pp. 83-93, 2012.
  11. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataei, R. Mikaiel, "Comparison of Some Rock Hardness  Scales Applied in Drillability Studies", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 37, Issue 5, pp. 1451-1458, 2012.
  12. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataie, R. Khalokakaie, B. Ghodrati, U. Kumar, "Reliability Analysis  of Cable System of Drum Shearer Using Power Law Process Model", International Journal  of Mining, Reclamation and Environment,  Vol.26, No.4, pp. 309-323, 2012.
  13. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataie, R. Khalokakaie, U. Kumar, "Reliability Modeling of Water System of Longwall Shearer Machine", Archive of Mining Science, Vol.56, No.2, pp. 291–302, 2011,
  14. M. Ataei, S. H. Hoseinie, "Investigation of the Influence of Abrasivity on Drillability of Rocks", Geosciences (Ulum-i Zamin), Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol.19 , No.74, pp. 137-142, 2010.
  15. S.  Gheibie,   H.   Aghababaei,   S.  H.  Hoseinie,   Y.   Pourrahimian, "Modified   Kuz-Ram fragmentation model and its use at the Sungun Copper Mine", International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Science, Vol.46, No.6, September 2009, pp. 967-973, 2009.  (This paper selected as "18th  Top Hottest Paper" in International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science in July - September 2009)
  16. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataei, M. Osanloo, "A new classification for evaluating of rock penetrability", International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, Vol.46, No.8, pp.1329–1340, 2009. (This paper selected as "10th  Top Hottest Paper" in International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science in October - December 2009)
  17. S.  H.  Hoseinie, H. Aghababaei, Y.  Pourrahimian,  ”Development  of  a   new classification  system for  assessing  of  Rock  mass  Drillability  index  (RDi)”,  International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol.45, No.1, pp. 1–10, 2008. (This paper selected as "1st  Top Hottest Paper" in International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science in October - December 2007.)
  18. S. H. Hoseinie, H. Aghababaei, “Geological surveying and determining physical and chemical  specifications of ornamental travertine of Azarshahr”, Geosciences (Ulum-i Zamin), Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol.16, No.62, pp. 52-61, 2007.
  19. S. H. Hoseinie, H. Aghababaei and Y. Pourrahimian, “Investigation and modeling of joints dipping effects on drilling rate in open pit mines”, Geosciences (Ulum-i Zamin), Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol.16, No.63, pp. 86-91, 2007.

in Peer Reviewed Journals

  1. M. Ataei, S.H. Hoseinie, R. Mikaiel, “Modification of Schimazek Abrasivity Index for Improving its Application in Rock Engineering”, Journal of Engineering Geology, 11(1), 73-90.
  2. A. Arun Lanke, S. H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, “Mine production index (MPi); Extension of OEE for bottleneck detection in mining”, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 26 (5), 753-760.
  3. H. Amini Khoshalan, S.R. Torabi, S. H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, “An introduction to RAM analysis of EPB tunnel boring machine”, Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol.3, No. 3, pp. 120-127, 2014.
  4. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataei, A. Aghababaie,  “A laboratory study of rock properties affecting the penetration rate of pneumatic top hammer drills”,  Journal of Mining & Environment, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 25- 34, 2014.
  5. S. H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, U. Kumar, “Monte Carlo reliability simulation of water system of longwall shearer machine”, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 6, 1350023 (11 pages), 2013.
  6. M.  J.  Rahimdel,  M.  Ataie,  R.  Khalokakaie,  S.  H.  Hoseinie,  "Reliability-based Maintenance  Scheduling  of  Hydraulic  System  of  Rotary  Drilling  Machines",  Journal  of Mining Science and Technology, Vol. 23 No.5, pp. 771-775, 2013. 
  7. M. J. Rahimdel, S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataie, R. Khalokakaie, "The reliability and maintainability analysis of pneumatic system of rotary drilling machines", Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D. Vol.94, No.2, pp. 105-111, 2013.
  8. S. H. Hoseinie, R. Khalokakaie, M. Ataie, B. Ghodrati, U. Kumar, "Monte  Carlo Reliability  Simulation  of  Coal  Shearer  Machine",  International  Journal  of  Performability Engineering Vol. 9, No. 5, pp.487- 494, 2013.
  9. S. H. Hoseinie, A. Ahmadi, B. Ghodrati, U. Kumar, "Reliability-Centred Maintenance Program Development for the Spray Jets of Coal Shearer Machine", International Journal of Reliability, Quality & Safety Engineering .Vol. 20, No.3, pp. 1-24, 2013.
  10. O.  Saeidi,  S.  R.  Torabi,  M.  Ataei,  S.  H.  Hoseinie,  ‘Prediction  of  rock  fracture toughness  modes  I  and  II  utilizing  brittleness  indexes’,  Int.  J.  Mining  and   Mineral Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.163–173, 2012. 
  11. S.  H.  Hoseinie,  M.  Ataie,  R.  Khalokakaie,  B.  Ghodrati,  U.  Kumar, "Reliability Analysis of Drum Shearer Machine at Mechanized Longwall Mines", Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 98-119, 2012.
  12. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataie, R. Khalokakaie, U. Kumar, "Reliability Modeling of Hydraulic System of Drum Shearer Machine", Journal of Coal Science and Engineering, Vol.17, No.4, pp. 450–456, 2011.
  13. S. H. Hoseinie,  M. Ataie, R. Khalokakaie, U. Kumar,  "Reliability  and  Maintainability Analysis of Electrical System of Drum Shearers", Journal of Coal Science and Engineering, Vol.17, No.2,  pp. 192–197. 2011.
  14. S. H. Hoseinie,  M. Ataie, R. Khalokakaie, U. Kumar, "Reliability-based   Maintenance Scheduling of Haulage System of Drum Shearer", International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 26-37, 2011.
  15. R. Khalokakaie, M. Ataei,  R. Mikaiel,  S. H. Hoseinie,  ‘A fuzzy  logic  based classification for assessing of rock mass drillability’, International Journal of  Mining  and Mineral Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 278–289, 2011.
  16. F. Sereshki, M.  Ataei, S. H.  Hoseinie, ‘Comparison and analysis of burden design methods in blasting: a case study on Sungun copper mine in Iran’, International  Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.123–136, 2010.
  17. S. E. Jalali, S. H. Hoseinie, "Optimization of Stope Boundaries Using Greedy Algorithm", Iranian Journal of Mining Engineering (IRJME). Vol.4, No.7, pp 1-11, 2009.
  18. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataei, R. Kakaei, "Ranking of Exploitation from Abandoned Underground Lead and Zink Mines of Yazd Province Using ELECTRE III Method",  Iranian Journal of Mining Engineering (IRJME). Vol.4, No.8, pp. 67-76, 2009. 
  19. R. Mikaeil , M. Ataei, S. H. Hoseinie, "Predicting the production rate of diamond wire saws in carbonate rocks cutting", Industrial Diamond Review(IDR). 2008/3, pp. 28-34. 2008.
  20. S. H. Hoseinie, Y. Pourrahimian, and H. Aghababaei, (2006), “Physical modeling of joints  spacing and filling  effects  on  drilling  efficiency  of  open cast  mines”,  Iranian Journal  of  Mining Engineering (IRJME). Vol.1, No.1, pp.41-48, 2006.

in Conferences

  1. S. H .Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, R. Bagherpour, Failure mode and effect analysis (fmea) in automated mining machinery, 26th International Symposium On Mine Planning & Equipment Selection, 29 - 31 Aug. 2017, Luleå University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden
  2. M. J. Rahimdel, M. Mirzaei, S.H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, Whole Body Vibration Assessment of the Mining Truck Drivers; a Case Study, 26th International Symposium On Mine Planning & Equipment Selection, 29 - 31 Aug. 2017, Luleå University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden
  3. S. H .Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, Utilization Factor Analysis of Shovel Fleet in Aitik Copper Mine, Sweden, 4th Natinal Iranian Open Pit Mines Congress, 14-17 May 2017, Kerman, Iran. (This paper was awarded as the “Best Paper" of  congress.)
  4. S. H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, D. Galar, Smart Maintenance Solutions for Automated Mining Machinery, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Automation Engineering - MAE2015, 9-10 December, Rome, Italy (This paper was awarded as the “Best Paper" of conference.)
  5. S. H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, D. Galar, E. Juuso, “Optimal Preventive Maintenance Planning for Water Spray System of Drum Shearer”, IFAC MMM 2015, The 4th Workshop on Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing 25-27 August 2015, Oulu, Finland.
  6. M. J. Rahimdel, J. Sattarvand, S. H. Hosienie, B.Ghodrati, “Practical Approaches to Reduce the Vibration and Health Risk of Operators in Heavy Mining Trucks”, 3rd Iranian Open Pit Mines Conference to be held on May 19-21, 2015, Kerman, Iran.
  7. H. Hamodi, S. H. Hoseinie, J. Lunbarg, “Monte Carlo Reliability Simulation of Underground Drilling Rigs”, ICRESH-ARMS 2015 Conference, 1-4 June 2015, Luleå, Sweden.
  8. S. H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, A. Hosseini, “Availability Analysis of Drum Shearer Machine; a Case Study”,   24th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, 14-17 April, 2015, Antalya, Turkey.
  9. A. Lanke, S. H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, "Mine Production index (MPi): new method to evaluate the effectiveness of mining machinery”, International Conference on Mining and Mineral Engineering (ICMME 2014), 13-14 November 2014, Venice, Italy.
  10. A. Morshedloo,  H. Dehghani, S. H. Hoseinie, “Reliability Analysis of Power Supports in Mechanized Tabas coal mine”, 2nd National Iranian Coal Congress, 30 Sep. to 2 Oct. 2014, Kerman, Iran. (This paper was awarded as one of the "5 Top Best Papers" in this congress.)
  11. S. H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, U. Kumar, "Maintenance planning for drum shearer machine based on its reliability characteristics and economical sensitivity analysis", European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL2014), 14th-18th September 2014, Wrocław, Poland.
  12. S. H. Hoseinie, B. Ghodrati, U. Kumar, "Assessment of Reliability-Related Measures for Drum Shearer Machine, a Case Study", Sixth International Symposium High Performance Mining (AIMS 2014), 11-12 June 2014, Aachen, Germany.
  13. A. Morshedloo,  H. Dehghani, S. H. Hoseinie, “Reliability comparison between electrical and mechanical units of exploitation equipment in Tabas coal mine”, 9th National Iranian Maintenance Engineering Conference, 20-21 May 2014, Tehran, Iran.
  14. A. Morshedloo,  H. Dehghani, S. H. Hoseinie, “Reliability Analysis of Armored Face Conveyor (AFC) in Tabas Mechanized Coal Mine”, 3rd International Conference on Reliability Engineering, 4-5 February 2014, Tehran, Iran.
  15. S. H. Delghandi, A. R. Sayadi , S. H. Hoseinie, “Reliability analysis of the loading system of hydraulic excavator”, 3rd International Conference on Reliability Engineering, 4-5 February 2014, Tehran, Iran.
  16. M. L. Rahimdel, M. Ataie, B. Ghodrati, S. H. Hoseinie, "Reliability analysis of  hydraulic system of rotary drilling machine,: the case study in Sarcheshmeh Copper Mine", MPES 2012 – 21st International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment  Selection, 28-30 November 2012, New Delhi, India.
  17. S. Gheibie, H. Aghababaei, S.H. Hoseinie, Y. Pourrahimian, "Kuznetsov model’s efficiency in estimation  of  mean  fragment  size  at  the  Sungun  copper  mine",  In  Proceeding  Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, 2010 – Sanchidran (ed), Taylor & Francis Group, London.
  18. S. H. Hoseinie, S. H. Hosseinie, M. Ataie, R. Khalokakaie, U. Kumar, "Reliability Modeling of Hydraulic System of Drum Shearer: A Case Study at Tabas Mechanized Coal Mine", 2nd Iranian Conference on Reliability Engineering, 26-28 October 2011, Tehran, Iran.
  19. S. H. Hoseinie, Y. Valiniya, N. S. Rozati, "Study of the Effect of Freezing on Strength and Durability  of  Ornamental  Stones",  MERSEM-07  International  Marble  and  Natural  Stone Congress, 14-15 October 2010, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.
  20. M.  Ataie1, R.  Mikaiel1,  S.  H.  Hoseinie,  R.  Yousefi  "Correlation  of  Cutting  Rate  with Abrasivity Parameters of Ornamental Stones", MERSEM-07 International Marble and Natural Stone Congress, 14-15 October 2010, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.
  21. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataei, "Prediction of penetration rate of pneumatic top  hammer drilling using  modulus  ratio  of rocks",  3rd   Iranian  Mining Engineering  Conference, January 2010, Yazd University, Yazd.
  22. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataei, "Influence of strength parameters on drillability of rocks", 6th Iranian Conference on Engineering Geology and the Environment, October 2009, Tehran, Iran.
  23. R. Mikaeil, M. Ataei, S. H. Hoseinie, "Influence of textural characteristics on uniaxial compressive strength  of  rocks",  6th  Iranian  Conference on  Engineering  Geology  and  the Environment, October 2009, Tehran, Iran.
  24. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataei, "A study on effects of weathering on drillability of rocks", 5th Iranian Conference on Engineering Geology and the Environment, 25-27 February 2008, Tehran, Iran.
  25. S.  H.  Hoseinie,  M.  Ataei,  "Application  of  non-destructive  tests  in  estimation  of compressive strength  of  rocks",  5th  Iranian  Conference  on  Engineering  Geology and  the Environment, 25-27 February 2008, Tehran, Iran.
  26. R. Mikaiel, S. H .Hoseinie, M. Ataei, "Abrasivity and sawability prediction of Khalkhal and Azarshahr Travertine", 8th International Scientific Conference on Modern Management of Mine Producing and Environmental Protection (SGEM), 16-20 June 2008, Albena, Bulgaria.
  27. S. H. Hoseinie, M. Ataei, H. Aghababaei and Y. Pourrahimian, “RDi-A new method for evaluating of rock mass drillability”, Proceedings of the 1st  Canada-US Rock  mechanics symposium, 27-31 May 2007, Vancouver, Canada.
  28. S. H. Hoseinie, Y. Pourrahimian, and H. Aghababaei,”Physical modeling of  joints spacing  effects  on penetration rate of rotary drilling in  open pit  mines”, 20th   International Mining congress and Exhibition of Turkey (IMCET2007), 6-8 June 2007, Ankara, Turkey.
  29. S. H. Hoseinie, and M. Ataei, ”A review of machine parameters influencing the drilling rate  in  mines”,  7th   International  Scientific  Conference  on  Modern  Management  of  Mine Producing and Environmental Protection (SGEM2007), 11-15 June 2007, Albena, Bulgaria.
  30. S.  H.  Hoseinie, Y.  Pourrahimian, H.  Aghababaei,  "Suggestion  of  a   new classification  system for  prediction  of  drilling  rate  in  open  pit  mines",  3rd   Iranian  Rock Mechanics Conference,  16-18  October 2007, Tehran, Iran.
  31. S.  H.  Hoseinie,    H.  Aghababaei  and  Y.  Pourrahimian,  "Analyzing  and  physical modeling  of  joints  dipping  effects  on  penetration  rate  of  rotary  drilling  in   open  pit mines", 15th  International  symposium  on  mine planing  and  equipment selection (MPES2006), 19-22 September 2006, Torino-Italy.
  32. S. H. Hoseinie, Y. Pourrahimian, N. Fardin and H. Aghababaei, "Determination  of blasting Index(BI)  to  predict  the fragmentation  amount  and  blasting  efficiency  of  Sungun copper mine using Rock Mass index(RMi)", 8th  Int. Conf. on Rock fragmentation by blasting (Fragblast-8). May 2006, Santiago, Chile.
  33. S. H. Hoseinie, H. Aghababaei, "Investigation of joints operation on drilling process of Sungun Copper Mine's Trakity rock masses."  2nd Conference of Mines & Related Sciences, May 2006, Tabas, Iran.
  34. S. H. Hoseinie, A. Nasirnezhad & Y. Pourrahimian, "A Study of Energy  Transition Quality Resulting  from  Blasting  in  Sungun  Copper  Mine", 1st Iranian  Mining  Eng. Conference, 2005, Tehran, Iran.