کنفرانس های بین المللی

1. Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Toriumi K., Matsumoto Y. “On the Dynamic Friction of the Fabric Surface,” Sen-i Gakkai, Tokyo, Japan, Preprints June 1993, P. 36.
2. Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Toriumi K., Matsumoto Y. “On the Relationship between Fabric Structure and Internal Friction Force in a Plain Weave Fabric,” Journal of Textile Machinery, Osaka, Japan, Preprints November 1993, P.28.
3. Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Toriumi K., Matsumoto Y. “Spectral Analysis to Correlate Fabric Appearance with Surface Friction,” ISF, 94, Yokuhama, Japan, Preprints October 1994, P.99.
4. Hosseini Ravandi S.A.,Toriumi K., Matsumoto Y. “On the Relationship Between Fabric Appearance with Surface Friction,” Journal of Textile Machinery, Tokyo, Japan, 1994, P.41.
5. Hosseini Ravandi S.A. “Measuring and Interpreting of Physical Properties of Woven Fabric by Fourier Transform Analysis.” Proceeding of the International Textile Conference & Exhibition, Bursa, Turkey, 1996, P. 452.
6. Hosseini Ravandi S. A. “Physical Properties of Fabrics Containing Cotton Yarn Filling Produced by Different Spinning Technologies,” The 4th Asian Textile Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 1997.
7. Hosseini Ravandi S.A. and Ghane M. “Study of Fundamental Factors Affecting Fabric Surface Protrusion,” 3rd International Conference Texsci98, Liberec, Czech Republic, Proceedings-Volume 1, May 1998, P.111.
8. Hosseini Ravandi S.A. “Hand Evaluation of Products of New Spinning System,” 3rd International Conference Texsci98, Liberec, Czech Republic, Proceedings-Volume 2, May 1998, P.295.
9. Badrossama M.R., Hosseini Ravandi S.A. and Morshed M. “Investigation of Internal Friction Forces within Woven Fabrics,” International Conference on Advanced Fiber Materials, Ueda, Japan, October 1999, P.173.
10. Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Morshed M., Khoddami A. and Siavashi M. “The Effect of Bio-finishing on the Mechanical Properties of Fabrics,” The 5th Asian Textile Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 1999, P.710.
11. Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Ghaffari M. “Instrumental Measurement of Fabric Density Using Co-Occurrence Matrix,” 4th International Conference Texsci ‘2000, Technical University, Liberec, Czech, 2000, P.210.
12. Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Tabibi, A. “Nep Structure Of Cashmere Fibers,” The 10th International Wool Textile Research Conference, Aachen, Germany, 2000, P. 173.
13. Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Naebe M. and Amirshahi H. “Dyeability of Nep in Fabric,” The 6th Asian Textile Conference, Hong Kong, 2001, P. 92.
14. Sabati M., Hosseini Ravandi S. A. “Impulse Noise Reduction in MR images using one rulebase merging method of Fuzzy weighted mean filters,” SPIE International Symposium Medical Imaging, California USA, Feb. 2003.
15. Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Afkhami Gh., Tabibi A. “Estimation of Yarn Strength Using Multiple Linear Regression,” International Trade and Finance Association, Vassa, Finland, May. 2003.
16. Doakhan S., Hosseini Ravandi S.A, Mortazavi S. M. “Study of Capillary Flow in Core-Spun Yarns,” The 8th Asian Textile Conference, Tehran, Iran, May 2005.
17. Valizadeh M., Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Salimi M. and Sheikhzadeh M. “The Empirical Investigations of an Analytical Model Predicting Yarn - Pullout Force of Woven Fabrics,” The 8th Asian Textile Conference, Tehran, Iran, May 2005.
18. Jalili R., Morshed M., Hosseini S.A. “The effect of voltage on electrospinning of PAN nanofibers as uniaxially aligned fibers,” The 8th Asian Textile Conference, Tehran, Iran, May 2005.
19. Valizadeh M., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Salimi M. “Generalization of 'Fiber Hanging' Method to Study the Influences of Normal Load on Friction Coefficient of Yarn,” 14th Annual (International) Conference of Mechanical Engineering (ISME2006), Isfahan, Iran, May 2006.
20. Valizadeh M., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Salimi M. “Investigations on fabric yarn pull-out test using an image processing method” 3rd International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 2006.
21. Borhani S., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Morshed M., Almassi S., Salehi A. and Etemad G. “Evaluation of Optimal Performance of Activated Carbon filter Media Coated with PAN Nanofibers,” International Fiber Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2006.
22. Borhani S., Hosseini Ravandi S.A, Dabirian F. “Investigation of Parameters affecting diameter of PAN nanofibers produced by a modified electrospinning method”, 13th International Conference Structure and Structural Mechanics of Textiles, TU Leberec Czech Republic, November 2006.
23. Borhani S., Hosseini Ravandi S.A, Etemad G., Morshed M.and Militky J. “Characterization of PAN Nanofiber Mats,” 1th International Conference Intelligent Textiles and Mass Customisation, Casabelanca, Marcco, November 2007.
24. Jafari R., Amirshahi S.H., Hosseini Ravand S.A. “Actual Dimensions of Black Samples Using Principal Component Analysis Technique,” 1st International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, Rasht, Iran, Oct 2009.
25. Mosaffa E., Shanbeh M., Hosseini S.A. “Effect of Weft Insertion Method of Weaving Machinery on Fabric Properties Inequality in Width,” 1st International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, Rasht, Iran, Oct 2009.
26. Valizadeh M., Lomov S.V., Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Anzelotti G. “Finite Element modeling of a Yarn Bending,” 1st International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, Rasht, Iran, Oct 2009.
27. Borhani S., Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Etemad G. “Transport properties of Bulky PAN Nanofiber Mats,” 1st International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, Rasht, Iran, Oct 2009.
28. Hashemi Sanatgar R., Borhani S., Hosseini Ravandi S.A. “Effect of solvent system on mechanical and physical properties of Nylon66 electrospun yarn” 1st International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, Rasht, Iran, Oct 2009.
29. Valipouri A., Ghareaghaji A., Hosseini Ravandi S.A. “Study on the effect of type of solvent on the electrospinning behavior and yarn properties of Poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofibers,” 1st International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, Rasht, Iran, Oct 2009.
30. Basiri F., Moheb A., Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Feiz M. “Dye Pollutant Removal from Water by Membrane Filtration Using a Membrane Made by Electrospinning of Submicron Nylon 6 Fibers,” 1st International Conference on “Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse”, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2009.
31. Ghandehari E., Ghareaghaji A., Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Dabirian F., Valipouri A. “Modification of multi nozzle electrospinning to produce nylon6 & PVA nanofiber hybrid mats,” 1st International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, Rasht, Iran, Oct 2009.
32. Dabirian F., Hosseini Ravandi S.A., pishevar A. “Electrocentifuge spinning,” 1st International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, Rasht, Iran, Oct 2009.
33. Moezzi M., Ghane M., Hosseini Ravandi S.A. “Effect of weft yarn periodic irregularities on the fabric appearance using image process,” 1st International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, Rasht, Iran, Oct 2009.
34. Sadrejahani M., Hosseini S.A., Jafari R. “Optimizing of Mechanical Properties of PAN Nanofiber at Different Take up Speed,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 2010, paper No. 139(1-7).
35. Hosseini S.A., Basiri F., Chegoonian P., Jafari R. “Nanofibrous Membrane of Sulfonated Polyester for Metal Ion Adsorption,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 2010, paper No. 300(1-5).
36. Fattahi S., Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Taheri S.M. “Prediction of Cotton Yarn Properties from Fiber Properties Using Robust Regression,” International Conference on Fibrous Materials, Bursa, May 2010.
37. Borhani S., Etemad S. Gh., Hosseini Ravandi S. A. “Numerical Analysis of Heat and Moisture Transfer Through Bulky PAN Nanofiber Mats,” International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Shiraz, Iran, Nov. 2010.
38. Hosseini S.A., Chegoonian P., Basiri F. “Filtration Mechanism of Sulfonated Nanofibrous Membrane for Metal Ion Adsorption,” International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Shiraz, Iran, Nov. 2010.
39. Hashemi R., Borhani S., Hosseini S.A., Gharehaghaji A.A. “Effect of Solvent System on The Mechanical Properties of Nylon66 Nanofiber Yarn Produced By Electrospinning,” International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Shiraz, Iran, Nov. 2010.
40. Ghareh aghaji A.K.,Naghash Zargar E., Ghane M., Hosseini Ravandi S.A. “Cluster Spun Yarn - A New Method in Composite Yarn Spinning” 1st International and the 7th National Iranian Textile Engineering Conference, Rasht, Iran, Oct 2009.
41. Javazmi L., Hosseini Ravandi S.A. “Investigation of optimum concentration of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polymeric solution to produce hollow nanofiber yarn” The Fiber Society 2011 Spring Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, May 2011, p. 134-135.
42. Hosseini Ravandi S.A., Javazmi L., “Crack propagation in polyacrylonitrile nanofiber during electrospinning process” The Fiber Society 2011 Spring Conference, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, May 2011, p. 187-188.

43. Jafari, R., Amirshahi, S.H., Hosseini Ravandi S.A., “Determination of Spectral Dimensions of Munsell Neutral Samples” Interaction of Colour & Light in the Arts and Sciences, Zurich, AIC-Midterm Meeting 2011.

44-Khanmohamadi S., Ghareaghaji A.A., Hosseini Ravandi S.A., “Study on the performance of nanofibrous filters for colored effluent  treatment” International Congress of Innovative Textiles (ICONTEX), Turkey, October 2011.

45-Valipouri A., Hosseini S., Pishevar A., “Effect of electric field intensity on nanofiber morphology” 44th International Symposium on Macromolecules (MACRO 2012) - IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Virginia Tech, USA, June 2012.

46-Haghighat F., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., “Fabrication of bioabsorbable surgical suture via electrospinning process”, 44th International Symposium on Macromolecules (MACRO 2012) - IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Virginia Tech, USA, June 2012.

47-Valipouri A., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Pishevar A., “Governing Equations for the Well-Enhanced Electro-Centrifuge Spinning Process”, The Fiber Society 2012 Fall Meeting and Technical Conference in partnership with Polymer Fibres, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Nov 2012.

48-Haghighat F., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., “Physical Properties of PLGA Nanofiber Yarn with Potential Application Surgical Suture”, The Fiber Society 2012 Fall Meeting and Technical Conference in partnership with Polymer Fibres, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Nov 2012.

49-Jafari R., Amirshahi S. H., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., "Blacks' colorimetric boundaries based on the perceived blackness",  AIC2013- 12th International AIC Congress , United Kingdom , June 2013.

50-Sajjadi A., Hosseini S.A., Izadan H., Kadivar N., "Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue under UV Light Using TiONanoparticles", ICCC 2013 (5th international color and coatings congress), Isfahan, Iran, December 2013.

51-Karimi A., Khoddami A., Izadan H., Hosseini S.A., "Fabrication of a superhydrophobic electrospun PET nanofiber via TiO2 nanoparticles and fluorocarbon finishing", ICCC 2013 (5th international color and coatings congress), Isfahan, Iran, December 2013.

52-Sajjadi A., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Izadan H., Kadivar N. "Investigation of Photocatalytic Dye Degradation Efficiency in Immersing and Crossflow Systems Using TiO2 Nanoparticles” 5th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2014), Tehran, Iran, 22-24 October 2014.

53-Minaei F., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Hejazi S. M. “Feasibility of PVA/Casein nanofiber yarn production” 5th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2014), Tehran, Iran, 22-24 October 2014.

54-Haghighat F., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Nasr Esfahani M. “Fabrication of Phase Change Nanofibers based on Paraffin Wax/ Polyacrylonitrile Blends” 5th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2014), Tehran, Iran, 22-24 October 2014.

55-Haghighat F., Hosseini Ravandi S. A. “Preparation of new class of surgical suture in the form of nanofiber yarn” 5th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2014), Tehran, Iran, 22-24 October 2014.

56-Valipouri A., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Pishevar A. “Modeling of nanofiber fabrication process through centrifugal spinning” 5th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2014), Tehran, Iran, 22-24 October 2014.

57-Hosseini S. A., Salek N., Ghanbari A., Sajjadi A., Kadivar N. “The effect of nylon 6 nanofiber on the dental composite adhesion and hardness” Asian Nano Forum Conference, Kish Island, Iran, 8-11 March 2015.

58- Hosseini S. A., Jafari M., Sajjadi A. “Investigation of effects of different parameters on aerosol filtration of Nano-fibrous filters” Asian Nano Forum Conference, Kish Island, Iran, 8-11 March 2015.

59-Sajjadi A., Hosseini S. A., Izadan H., Kadivar N. “Study of various parameters affecting photocatalytic dye degradation efficiency of methylene blue via TiO2 nanoparticles in cross-flow process” Asian Nano Forum Conference, Kish Island, Iran, 8-11 March 2015.

60-Salek N., Hadizadeh M., Hosseini S. A., Daneshkazemi A. R. “Improved performance of dental composite by electrospun nanofibers of nylon 66” International Conference on Nanofibers, Tehran, Iran, 21-22 October 2017.

61-Haghighat F., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Nasr Esfahany M., Valipouri A. “Thermo-regulating Core-shell Nano/micro Fibrous Structures” International Conference on Nanofibers, Tehran, Iran, 21-22 October 2017.

62-Salek N., Hadizadeh M., Hosseini S. A., Daneshkazemi A. R. “The effect of electrospun nanofibers of nylon 66 on the 3-point bending of dental composites” International Biennial Conference on UltraFine Grained and Nanostructured Materials, Kish Island, Iran, 12-13 November 2017.

63Salek N., Hadizadeh M., Hosseini S. A., Daneshkazemi A. R. “The effect of electrospun nanofibers of nylon 66 on micro hardness of dental Composites” the 2nd Nanomedicine and Nanosafety Conference, Tehran, Iran, 29-30 November 2017.

64-Javazmi L., Hosseini Ravandi S. A., Sharifkhani, M. E. “Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticle on Wicking Phenomanon in PAN Nanofiber Yarns” International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN 2018), University of Wollongong, Australia, 29 january-2 Febuary 2018.
