Habitat selection by threatened Persian gazelle was studied in three seasons in Mouteh wildlife refuge. Habitat use was related to plant communities and plant vegetation variables using clearance transect pellet group counts carried out every 45-day. The effects of water resources and disturbance by man and livestocks were controled. Habitat selection was significantly different between seasons and plant communities. Saline clay soils with a high diversity of halophyte plants were mostly used particularly over winter, while Artemisia- Zygophyllum community was avoided in all seasons. Minimal modals resulting from multiple regression retained a number of vegetation variables in each seaso including a negative effect of Tamarix sp. in autumn and a positive effect of the same species in winter because Tamarix is more edible during winter than othere seasons. It is concluded that selection of habitat by Persian gazelle change by season, saline sites and Artemisia-Salsola community, most important habitats for gazelles in Mouteh Wildlife Refuge.