Field of Interest: astro-ph, cond-mat, hep-lat, hep-th, nucl-th, quant-ph
Deadline: 2015-08-21
Region: Europe
Job description:
Nuclear Theory Group invites applications to fill one or two doctoral positions. Applicants for these positions must have a M.Sc. degree, or foreign equivalent, and some experience in research in theoretical nuclear physics, condensed matter theory or quantum optics. Prospective candidate should have an interest in computational methods, and their application to solve physical problems. The successful candidate will join the international group working on the theoretical description of low energy nuclear reactions, dynamics of quantum gases and nuclear matter in neutron stars. Our goal is to apply the fully microscopic approach to study nuclear reactions such as e.g. fission and fussion and dynamics of quantum vortices in atomic gases and neutron stars. We offer a unique possibility to work on the most challenging problems of many body superfluid dynamics far from equilibrium. The complexity of the problem poses also novel computational challenges. The computational tools developed by our group consists of codes that are optimized, parallelized and ready to use on CPU supercomputers like e.g. Titan. They form the most advanced simulation capability of its kind in the world and are under constant development.
The successful candidate will be employed as a research assistant within the project:Nonequilibrium processes in superfluid Fermi systems: atomic nuclei and quantum gases. The position is limited to a maximum of 4 years and it is expected that the candidate will defend his/her Ph.D. thesis within this period.
The applications including CV, publication list and research statement should be submitted to ntg @ if . pw . edu . pl. Please include the subject 'PhD' in your email.
For more information contact Piotr Magierski, email: piotrm @ uw . edu
Contact: Piotr Magierski
More Information:
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