Intersections of BSM Phenomenology and QCD for New Physics Searches |
14 Sep - 23 Oct 2015. University of Washington, Seattle (Institute for Nuclear Theory), United States
CNUM: C15-09-14
The 5-week program (1–2 talks per day) will offer a perspective on upcoming low-energy experiments, including the topics: * neutron probes of weak-decay correlations * searches for permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) * fundamental symmetry tests through rare meson decays * searches for baryon-number violation: neutron-antineutron oscillations and proton decay * interpreting the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon * dark-matter searches * neutrino physics * searches for charged-lepton flavor violation with nuclei * and more... There will also be plenty of discussion sessions, intended to allow the participants to explore new research topics and form new collaborations. There will be a one-week workshop (Sep. 28--Oct. 2, 2015) to bring in as many experimentalists as possible to spark interactions with the theorists.
INT-15-3rd conference in the INT programs series