JLAB-E-01-104 (Jefferson Lab)
Helicity Structure of Pion Photoproduction
(Proposed: 05/31/01, Approved: 2001-07, Still Running)
Spokesperson: Crabb, Donald G.; Khandaker, Mahbub; Sober, Daniel I.
Contact Email: sober@cua.edu
URL: http://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/CEBAF_EXP/E01104.html
Measure the helicity asymmetry in one-and two-pion photoproduction from a longitudinally polarized target with circularly polarized photons at energies above 0.8 GeV, and evaluate the corresponding contributions to the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule as well as contribute unique exclusive data for partial-wave analyses. Scheduled to run in 2005 or later, pending completion of the Hall B frozen-spin target. (Update of previously approved JLAB-E-91-015)
HEP articles associated with JLAB-E-01-104
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Related Experiments: JLAB-E-91-015, JLAB-E-03-105, JLAB-E-03-006, JLAB-E-91-023