Abbas Hassasfar

Mass and Width Calculation of $\Lambda(1405)$ and investigation of Mass Spectrum of $\Lambda\longrightarrow(\Sigma\pi)^0$ reaction using Hemigway data


When a negatively charged particle‎, ‎other than an electron‎, ‎like muon‎, ‎pion orbits a nucleus‎, ‎under a condition in which the principal interaction with the nucleus is electromagnetic‎, ‎exotic atoms are formed‎. ‎Exotic atoms formed with the muon are subject to weak interaction‎, ‎while for all other exotic atoms strong interaction is involved in addition to the electromagnetic interaction with the nucleus‎. ‎The electromagnetic interaction with the nucleus is very‎ ‎well known‎, ‎therefore‎, ‎even a small deviation from the electromagnetic value e.g‎. ‎due to strong interaction‎, ‎could be‎ ‎measured performing precision experiments‎. ‎Studies of exotic (hadronic) atoms have provided important information‎ ‎on strong interaction physics‎. ‎One of the most important exotic atoms are Kanonic hydrogen atoms‎. ‎By entering the negative kaon as a hadron in hydrogen and collision with proton‎, ‎according to strong interaction between meson and baryon‎, ‎a quasi bound state is formed with the mass of $1405MeV/c^2$ called $\Lambda(1405) \equiv \Lambda^* $‎.

‎In this thesis to solve the current debate on the position of the quasi-bound‎ ‎$K^-p$ state‎, ‎namely $\Lambda(1405)$ or $\Lambda^*$‎ ‎we have used the data obtained from $K^‎- ‎$ absorbtion in the bubble chamber of liquid hydrogen‎. ‎The $\Sigma\pi$ invariant-mass spectra in the resonant capture of $K^-$ at $4.2 GeV/c$ in proton are calculated by a coupled-channel procedure‎ ‎for a $K^-p$ quasi-bound state of an arbitary chosen mass (M) and width $(\Gamma)$‎. ‎We use the transition matrix and optical phenomenological potential to solve our problem‎. ‎A $\chi^2$ analysis yielded $M=1405^{+4}_{-3} MeV/c^2$ and $\Gamma=72^{+3}_{-4.2} MeV$‎. ‎calculation and investigation of the invariant mass spectra of $\Sigma^‎+ ‎\pi^-$ give a helpful approach to find out the structure of this resonant state‎. ‎Using $\chi^2$ fitting method experimental data (CERN 2m hydrogrn bubble chamber) are compared to our theoretical results‎.


‎Exotic atom‎, ‎Kaonic nuclei,$ \Lambda(1405)$ resonance‎, ‎Hemingway Data‎, ‎Invariant mass spectrum.
