Biography 35

Massoud Hashemi received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, in 1986 and 1987 respectively and the Ph.D. from University of Toronto in 1998.
 He was with University of Toronto as a postdoctoral fellow from January 1998 to June 1999. He was a founding member of QoS Express in Toronto in 1999 and Accelight Networks in Ottawa in 2000.
 In both startup companies he had major contributions in the design and development of a carrier grade multi service Terabit switch.
 He was visiting University of Toronto from June 2004 to June 2005 as a research fellow.
Dr. Hashemi is currently an associate professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
His current research includes advanced switch and router architectures, software defined networks, data centric networks and smart grid.