
New Spinning Systems: Short Staple Spinning Series

Author(s): Werner Klein

editor(s): Herbert Stakler

Translator(s): Saeed Sheikhzadeh Najar & Hossein Hasani

Series: Manual of Textile Technology

Page Number: 172

Publisher: Amirkabir University of Technology; Tehran, Iran (November 9, 2002); Vol. 5.

Language: Translated In Persian

ISBN: 964-463-147-1

Dewey Class: 677.02822


Subject Index:

  • Introduction of Spinning Systems Principles
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of  the Modern Spinning Systems
  • Electrostatic Spinning System
  • Friction Spinning System
  • Self Twist Spinning System
  • Air-Jet Spinning System
  • Study of the Open-End Spinning Systems Principles
  • Physical and Mechanical Properties of Open-End Yarns
  • ...


Technology of Flat Weft Knitting Machines

Author(s): Hossein Hasani & Fatemeh Nasiri

Page Number: 240

Publisher: Bahriar Publisher, Delijan, IRAN (2012); 1st Edition

Language: Persian

ISBN: 978-600-92967-0-5

Dewey Class: 677.028245


Subject Index:

  • Weft Knitting Fundamentals
  • Definition the Basic and Practical Terms in Knitting
  • Basic Weft Knitted Structures
  • Types of Knitted Loops
  • Weft Knitted Patterns Notation
  • Needle Selection Mechanism in Knitting
  • Modern Technology Used in Weft Knitting Machines
  • Programming in Stoll Flat Knitting Machines
  • Structures and Properties of Technical Textile Produced on Advanced Flat Knitting Machines
  • ...

