Students Thesis

· Reliability Evaluation of Structures in regions which are in the risk of Earthquake

· The Rate of Return in Tehran Stock Market and its Risks (1990)

· Statistical Analysis of Average Rain in a Year and The Maximum rain in a Day in Iran 1992.

· Stochastic Analysis and Modeling of Zayandeh -Rud reservoir Day in Iran 1992.

· Stochastic Analysis and Modeling of Zayandeh -Rud reservoir Inflow time series 1994.

· Desegregation Stochastic Models and the their use in Reservoir Inflow time Series in Central part of Iran (1995).

· Establishment of TQM in Tile industry of Isfahan (1995).

· Statistical Quality control in steel Industry of Isfahan (1996)

· Establishment of Total Quality Management in Tavana Co. in Iran (1996)

· Simulation of Port Operations (1998).,

· Analysis of Repeated Measurement (1998).

· Graphical Analysis of Regression Methods (1998).

· A Mathematical Model for Estimating Run off Depth in Arid and semi arid ones (1998).

· Selection of the best transformation in Regression (1996,)

· Statistical View of fuzzy theory (2000).,

· Bivariate Exponential Distributions and their properties based on Cox conditional

· hazard rate (2000).





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