Professional Activities

Isfahan Subway Organization, 2007-present

                    Senior Consultant, Member of the research committee, Responsible

                    to control geotechnical and structural calculations for tunnel and

                    stations, Conducting research activities on structural and geotechnical

                    aspects of underground structures 

Karaj-Hashtgerd Subway Organization, 2006-present

                    Member of the Structural Division, Responsible to control

                    geotechnical and structural calculations for Karaj-Hashtgerd


 The University of Western Ontario, Geotechnical Research Centre, 1999-2003

          -     Dynamic analysis of foundation of a paper mill upgrade in the USA

      Design and analysis of shallow and deep foundations for compressors, turbo-generators, pumps and presses of a plant in Canada

 Boland Payeh Co., Tehran, Iran, 1993-1998

       - Senior Structural Engineer

- Designed Telecommunication Center’s main lobby, Tehran World Trade Center, Tehran, Iran (1998)

      characteristics: reinforced concrete structure with diameter 60m at

      the base and 80 m at the roof, inclined X-shape exterior columns,

      spherical R/C roof, height 48 m. 

- Co-designed the Milad TV-tower’s observation building, Tehran, Iran, 1997-1998

characteristics: 12-storey conic building at the height of 240m of the tower, minimum diameter 27, maximum diameter 60m

 - Designed Milad TV-tower’s main shaft, Tehran, Iran, 1997-1998

characteristics:  R/C shaft octagonal cross-section with four wings around

 - Co-designed Arak Power Plant R/C Cooling Towers, Arak, Iran, 1997

with Moshanir Co.

characteristics : hyperbolic R/C cooling towers with height 135m, diameter at the base 115m, diameter 66m at throat, X-shape columns, maximum and minimum shell thickness, 1m and 17cm.

                   -    Designed Milad TV-tower’s foundation complex, Tehran, Iran 1996

characteristics: partially post-tensioned mat foundation with diameter 66m and 14m-height transition structure

     - Technical Manager

                   Responsible for running the wind tunnel tests on the Milad TV-tower

                   Models including the experimental tests on the rigid and aeroelastic


Drag and Lift coefficients Test on Rigid Model

Strouhal Number Tests on Aeroelastic Model

                      with the University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1997 

     - Structural Engineer

Member of Structural Group in Preliminary Design of Milad TV-tower

(1993-1995) including:

Structural Studies (Phase I and Phase II)

Geotechnical Studies  (Phase I and Phase II)

Construction Technology Studies (Phase I) 

B.G. Corporation, Isfahan, Iran 1992-1994.

                Structural Designer

Co-designed Isfahan Power Plant R/C Cooling Towers with Meleypterv Co., Hungary

characteristics : hyperbolic R/C cooling towers with height 118.5m, diameter at the base 110m, diameter 66m at throat, X-shape columns, maximum and minimum shell thickness, 90cm and 17cm.