Industrial Research



- Optimization of Continuous Post-Tensioned R/C Bridges with Longitudinal

      Beams for Weight Minimization, Sharif University of Technology, Aug. 1993-

      May 1994, Sep. 1995.By: A.M. Halabian, A.M. Memari

-  Dynamic Response of MENARJONBAN Building in Isfahan, Sharif University of

    Technology,1993. By: A.M. Oskroochi, A.M. Halabian, S. Saheb, Wind Tunnel

    Tests on Tehran TV-tower

-  Wind Tunnel Tests on Milad TV-tower:

             1- Drag and Lift coefficients Test on Rigid Model

             2- Strouhal Number Tests on Aeroelastic Model                    

   Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1997

-  Seismic behavior of R/C chimneys considering dynamic non-linear soil structure

    interaction, Isfahan University of Technology, 2004.

-  Dynamic Response and Seismic Performance Assessment of Gas Distribution

   Pipelines in Isfahan, Iranian National Gas Company. 2005- 2008.

-  Grouting Effect on Earth Pressure Distribution along the Braced Excavations,

    Isfahan Subway Organization, 2008.

-  The Effect of Subway Construction on Stability of Neighbouring Historical Sio-se- 

    pol Bridge in Isfahan, Isfahan Cultural Organization, 2007-2008.

-   Stability of Historical Sio-se-pol Bridge under Different Environmental Loadings

     such as Train Vibrations, Gravity Loadings, Traffic, Scouring and Earthquake,

     Isfahan Cultural Organization, 2007-2009.

-  Stability of Historical Abbasi Jame Mosque under Different Environmental 

    Loadings such as Gravity Loadings, Traffic, Settlements and Earthquake; Isfahan

    Cultural Organization, 2009-present.

-  The impact of Isfahan subway (Line 2) on neighboring historical Naghsh-e-jahan

    square, Isfahan Subway Organization, 2010.

-   Effect of Bifurcation on stability of onshore and offshore structures, Southern Pars

    Oil and Gas Co., 2009- present.