2003-present: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
Assistant Professor, Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses:
Strength of Materials, Statics, Structural Analysis I& II,
Steel Structures I, Concrete Structures I, Earthquake
Engineering, Soil-Structure Interaction, Soil Dynamics,
Structural Dynamics, Steel Structures Project,
Engineering Mathematics
- Deputy of Academic Affairs, 2004- 2005
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Western Ontario, Canad
- Courses taught : Finite Element Analysis, Design of Concrete
Structures, Design of Wood Structures, Dynamics of Structures
- Research Associate
Faculty of Engineering, The University of Isfahan
1995-1998 : Deputy of the Student Affairs,
- Lecturer, 1994-1998, Undergraduate courses taught: Advanced
Engineering Mathematics, Soil Mechanics,
Statics, Strength of Materials, Structural Analysis,
Technology of Construction Materials, Road design.
College of Engineering, The University of Azad, Iran
- Lecturer,1993-1994, Lectured on Statics, Strength of Materials,
Structural Analysis, Matrix Analysis of Structures