Amending soil with different materials is gaining acceptance as an effective and inexpensive technique for reclamation of salt-affected soils. The main idea of this study was to investigate the effects of biochar, compost of municipal solid waste and
different water salinities level on soil physical quality (SDexter> and soil productivity index {SPI).The treatments were as followed: Control: Soil without biochar or compost and irrigated with tap water, 51: Soil without biochar or compost and irrigated with saline water (EC =4.5 dS m-1), S2:Soil without biochar or compost and irrigated with saline water {EC =9 dS m-1 , B: Soil amended with 1.50/ow/w biochar and irrigated with tap water, B+S1: Soil amended with 1.50/ow/w biochar and irrigated with saline water (EC = 4.5 dS m-1 ,B+S2: Soil amended with 1.50/o w/w biochar and irrigated with saline water (EC = 9 dS m-1), C: Soil amended with 1.50/ow/w compost and irrigated with tap water,C+S1: Soil amended with 1.50/ow/w compost and irrigated with saline water (EC= 4.5 dS m-1 , C+52: Soil amended with 1.50/ow/w compost and irrigated with saline water (EC = 9 dS m-1). Soil
water characteristic curve (SWCO, Field capacity {FO, Plant wilting point (PWP), Plant available water (PAW), Dexter's index of soil physical quality (S0exter) and SPI were examined in a greenhouse experiment. The SPI was calculated by integrating the effects of six soil quality indices: plant available water,organic matter (OM), Electrical conductivity (EO, pH, Bulk density (BD) and Root weighting factor (RF) for all treatments were calculated. The results showed that the B treatment had a slightly higher effect on SWCC. The applied B and Ctreatments caused insignificant increase in PAW relative to the control. Inaddition,application of biochar or compost
to soil significantly increased the S0exter· The application of C treatment had insignificantly higher value of Soexter compared to other treatments. Compared with the control, SPI was significantly higher for the B and C treatments. Overall, the application of biochar/compost minimized the destructive effects of saline irrigation water and improved the quality of the salt-affected fine-textured soil.
Effects of Biochar and Municipal Solid Waste Compost on Soil Physical Quality and Productivity Index Under Sorghum Cultivation Irrigated with Saline Water
Date : 2024-
Article type