Published Papers in International Conferences
- Sepehrnia, GorakiFard, Halet, Hajabbasi, Shokri and Coyne. Escherichia coli and Rhodococcus erythropolis transport and fate : straining or attachment. World Congress of Soil Science
- Ibrahim, T. M. Hajabbasi and M. Feizi. 2021. Effects of biochar and municipal solid waste compost on sorghum properties under irrigation water salinity. 2nd intratoalconfrneon Halocultrs. Yazd. Iran.
- Javidpour, AH, MA Hajabbasi and M Soleimani. 2019. Effects of Phytoremediation and Bioremediation on Microbial Respiration, Urease Enzyme Activity and Organic Nitrogen of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil. 4th Inernaonational conference on innovation and rsearch on Engineering Sceces gergis triblis November 2019. Tbilisi, Georgia. Pp. 1-5.
- Javidpour, AH, MA Hajabbasi and M Soleimani. 2019. Investigation and Comparison the Amount of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Using urban waste Compost and Soil Planted with Barley. 4th Inernaonational conference on innovation and rsearch on Engineering Sceces gergis triblis November 2019. Tbilisi, Georgia. Pp. 1-4.
- Zamani, J., M. Hajabbasi. 2016. Evaluation of Hydrophobisity and Physical Quality in a Petroleum Contaminated Soil with Planted Maize Inoculated with P. Indica. The 26TH Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air, March 21-24, San Diego, CA.
- Davoodi, M., M. A. Hajabbasi. 2016. Residual effects of burning on some soil chemical and physical properties in Fereydan Pastures. The 26TH Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air, March 21-24, San Diego, CA.
- Hajabbasi, M., M. Sheklabadi, and N. Terry. 2016. Assessing soil productivity index for a solid waste management site (Northern Contra Costa County, California). The 26TH Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air, March 21-24, San Diego, CA.
- Kelishadi, H, M.R. Mosaddeghi, M.A. Hajabbasi and S. Ayoubi. 2013. Impact of land use on selected soil physical and chemical properties in Kohrang region. The 1st International Conference of IALE – Isfahan, Iran
- Javidpour, A., M.A. Hajabbasi and M. Soleimani. 2013. Performance of compost amendment on bioremediation of oil contaminated soils The 1st International Conference of IALE – Isfahan, Iran
- Besalatpour, AA, MA Hajabbasi. S. Ayubi. 2012. Using gamma test to determine the optimum input variables for soil shear strength prediction by neural networks, 8th International Soil Science Congress on “Land Degradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management" Izmir, Turkey (Page4:249) (23590)
- Besalatpour, AA, MA Hajabbasi. S. Ayubi. And A. Jalalian. 2012. Identification and Prioritization of
Critical Sub-Basins in A Highly Mountainous Watershed Using SWAT model. 8th International Soil Science Congress on “Land Degradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management" Izmir, Turkey (Page4:243) (23591)
- Shekofteh, H. M. Afyuni, MA Hajabbasi and … 2012. Modeling of Nitrate Leaching From a Potato
Field Using HYDRUS-2D. 8th International Soil Science Congress on “Land Degradation and
Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management" Izmir, Turkey (Page3: 422) (23592)
- Karimi, F., M. Sepehri, M. Afyuni and M.A. Hajabbasi. 2011. The role of piriformospora indica in barley resistance to Cd, Pb and Cu. Proceedings of the 12th International conference on environmental science and technology. 8-10 September, Rhodes, Greece.
- Soleimani, M. MA Hajabbasi and M., Afyuni. 2011. Estimation of soil physico-mechanical properties using new soft computing techniques in Bazoft watershed, 8th European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA) / 8th World Congress on Computers in Agriculture (WCCA ) EFITA/WCCA, Prague, Czech Republic (23400)
- Fallahzade1, J, M. A. Hajabbasi and B. Khalili. 2011. A study of the effects of deforestation on soil organic matter properties in a semi-arid ecosystem (Central Iran). Proceedings of the 3rd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference. June 19-24, Skiathos. Greece (22310)
- Besalatpour, AA, MA Hajabbasi. S. Ayubi. M. Faramarzi, and M. Amini. 2011. Soil Erosion Hazard
Prediction using SWAT Model and Fuzzy Logic in a large Watershed. International SWAT Conference. Toledo, Spain. (22317)
- Fallahzade1, J, M. A. Hajabbasi and B. Khalili. A study of the effects of deforestation on soil organic matter properties in a semi-arid ecosystem (Central Iran). Proceedings of the 3rd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference. June 19-24, 2011. Skiathos. Greece (22310)
- Besalatpour, AA, MA Hajabbasi. S. Ayubi. M. Faramarzi, and M. Amini. 2011. Soil Erosion Hazard
Prediction using SWAT Model and Fuzzy Logic in a large Watershed. International SWAT Conference. Toledo, Spain. (22317)
- Fallahzadeh, J. M. A. Hajabbasi. 2009. Soil Carbon Sequestration affected by cultivation of poor pastures in arid regions of central Iran. Second International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 09) & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos island, reece June 21 to 26.
- Besalatpour, A. M. A. Hajabbasi 2009. A combined land farming-phytoremediation system for remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons and metals from contaminated soils. Second International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 09) & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos island, Greece June 21 to 26.
- Besalatpour, A. M. A. Hajabbasi 2009. Bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil using landfarming technique: influence on soil biological and chemical properties. Second International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 09) & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos island, Greece June 21 to 26.
- Mossadeghi, M.R., HAJABBASI M., HEMMAT A., 2007. "Changes in soil pore continuity indices under different controlled deformation types", Proceedings of Joint North America, Asia-Pacific ISTVS Conference and Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Terramechanics, PP. 1-8,.
- Hajabbasi, M. A. 2006. Soil Quality Indicators Response to Long-Term Grazing Exclusion as a Recovering Strategy in Some Rangelands in Central Iran. 18th Congress of Soil Science, July 9-15th, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
- Hajabbasi, M. A, M. Sharifi, and M. Sheklabadi. 2006. Changes in soil quality indicators, in adjacent protected forest and deforested lands in central Iran. 18th Congress of Soil Science, July 9-15th, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
- Afyuni, M., M.A. Hajabbasi, M. Mobli, and R. Schulin. 2006. Arsenic Uptake of Five Vegetables from
Two Natural Arsenic Contaminated Soils and One Soil Treated with Arsenic. 18th Congress of Soil Science, July 9-15th, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
- Mosaddeghi, M. R. M.A. Hajabbasi, and H. Khademi, 2006. Impacts of Palygorskite and Calcium Carbonate on the Strength of Their Sand Mixtures. 18th Congress of Soil Science, July 9-15th, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
- Hajabbasi, M. A. 2006. Evaluation of Kostiakov, Horton and Philip's Infiltration Equations as Affected by Tillage and Rotation Systems in a Clay-Loam Soil of Northwest Iran. 18th Congress of Soil Science, July 9-15th, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
- Hajabbasi, M. A. and A. A. Zolfaghari. 2006. Effects of changing pasture to arable land on moisture release curve in soils of southwest Isfahan. International Conference on Preferential flow and transport processes in soil, 4-9 November, Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità Ascona,
- Mossadeghi, M.R., HEMMAT A., HAJABBASI M., 2007. "Gas transport characteristics as influenced by concurrent loading and drying/wetting processes in soils with weak structure", Proceedings of Joint North America, Asia-Pacific ISTVS Conference and Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Terramechanics -8,.
- Mahjoory, R. A., M A Hajabbasi, 2007. The Sand Land Soil System and Society.ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. November 4-8, . New Orleans USA.
- Afzali, S. F., SHARIATMADARI H., HAJABBASI M., Razmjoo, K., 2006. "Water potential and Ionic effects on germination and early seedling growth of Matricaria chamomilla", Proceedings of International symposium on strategies for crop improvement .
- Afzali, S. F., SHARIATMADARI H., HAJABBASI M., RAZMJOO GHALAIE K., 2006. "Effects of salinity and drought on germination and early seedling growth of matricaria chamomilla", Proceedings of International symposium on chamomile research, development and production, PP.
- AFYUNI M., HAJABBASI M., MOBLI M., SCHULIN R., 2006. "Arsenic uptake of five vegetables from two natural arsenic contaminated soils and one soil treated with arsenic", Proceedings of 18th World Congress of Soil Science .
- HAJABBASI M., BIABANAKI GORTANI M., Sharifi, M., 2006. "Evaluation of Kostiakov, Horton and Philip’s infiltration equations as affected by tillage and rotation systems in a clay-loam soil of northwest Iran", Proceedings of 18th World Congress of Soil Science, PP. 20-21, 2006.
- HAJABBASI M., Sharifi, M., 2006. "Soil quality response to long-term grazing exclusion as a recovering strategy in some rangelands in central Iran", Proceedings of 18th World Congress of Soil Science.
- HAJABBASI M., Sharifi, M., SHEKLABADI HABIBABADI M., 2006. "Changes in soil quality indicators, in adjacent protected forest and deforested lands in central Iran", Proceedings of 18th World Congress of Soil Science.
- Hajabbasi, M. A. and A. A. Zolfaghari. 2006. Effects of changing pasture to arable land on moisture release curve in soils of southwest Isfahan. International Conference on Preferential flow and transport processes in soil, 4-9 November, 2006 Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità Ascona, Switzerland
- Asadi, Z., Khademi, H., Mohammadi, J. and Hajabbasi, M. A., 2005. Spatial variability of lead content in soil and rice around Isfahan Steel smalter. Proceedings of the "International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions" 12-16 September, IUT, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 160-163.
- Ansari. Mahabadi A, Hajabbasi, M. A. and , H. Khademi. 2005. Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions using Iranian Natural Zeolite. Proceedings of the "International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions" 12-16 September, IUT, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 174-177.
- Soleimani, M., M.A. Hajabbasi and A.H. Charkhabi. 2005. Remediation of Soils Contaminated with
Naphthalene Using Bermuda grass and Tall Fescue Species. Proceedings of the "International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions" 12-16 September, IUT, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 270-273.
- Yousefi Fard, M. A. Jalalian, H. Khademi and M. A. Hajabbasi. 2005. Nutrient loss in different land uses estimated by rainfall simulator. Proceedings of the "International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions" 12-16 September, IUT, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 612-615.
- Yousefi Fard, M. A. Jalalian, H. Khademi and M. A. Hajabbasi. 2005. Impacts of land use change on soil quality indices of Cheshmeh-Ali region in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiary Province, western Iran. Proceedings of the "International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions" 12-16 September, IUT, Isfahan, Iran, 616-619.
- Shirani, H., M.A. Hajabbasi, and M. Afyuni. 2005. Effect of tillage system and farmyard manure on root morphology of corn. Proceedings of the "International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions" 12-16 September, IUT, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 654-656.
- Yousefi, M., M. A. Hajabbasi and H. Shariatmadari. 2005. Management effects on organic matter, carbohydrate and aggregation of a calcareous soil. Proceedings of the "International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions" 12-16 September, IUT, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 657-660.
- Bayat, H., M.R. Neyshabouri, A. A.Mahboubi, M.A. Hajabbasi, and M.R. Mosaddeghi. 2005. Application of fuzzy sets to estimate uncertainty of hydraulic conductivity. Proceedings of the "International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions" 12-16 September, IUT, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 666-671.
- Asadi, Z., KHADEMI MOOGHARI H., MOHAMMADI J., HAJABBASI M., 2005. "Spatial variability of lead content in soil and rice around Isfahan steel smelter", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes, PP. 160-163.
- Ansari, A., HAJABBASI M., KHADEMI MOOGHARI H., 2005. "Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions using Iranian natural zeolite", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes, PP. 174-177.
- Bayat, H., Mahboubi, A. A., Neyshabouri, M. R., HAJABBASI M., and Mosaddeghi, MR . 2005. "Application of fuzzy sets to estimate uncertainty of hydraulic conductivity", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes, PP. 666-671.
- Soleimani, M., HAJABBASI M.,Charkhabi, A. H., 2005. "Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Naphthalene Using Bermuda grass and Tall Fescue Species.", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes .
- Shirani, H., HAJABBASI M., AFYUNI M., 2005. "Effect of tillage system and farmyard manure on root morphology of corn", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes.
- Solhi, M., HAJABBASI M., SHARIATMADARI H., 2005. "Lead and zinc removal from a contaminated soil of Isfahan", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes, PP. 274-277.
- Solhi, M., HAJABBASI M., SHARIATMADARI H., 2005. "Lead uptake of lettuce in some soils of Isfahan", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes.
- Mossadeghi, M.R., HAJABBASI M., HEMMAT A., 2005. "Water infiltration into soil as affected by soil water content, manure application and compaction Combinat", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes, PP. 641-645.
- Yusefi Fard, M., JALALIAN A., KHADEMI MOOGHARI H., HAJABBASI M., 2005. "Nutrient loss in different land uses estimated by rainfall simulator", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes, PP. 612-615.
- Yusefi Fard, M. KHADEMI MOOGHARI H., JALALIAN A., HAJABBASI M., 2005. "Impacts of land use change on soil quality indices of Cheshmeh_Ali region in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiary province, western Iran", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes, PP. 616-619.
- Yusefi, M., HAJABBASI M., SHARIATMADARI H., 2005. "Management effects on organic matter, carbohydrate and aggregation of a calcareous soil", Proceedings of International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes .
- KHOSHGOFTARMANASH A., HAJABBASI M., 2005. "Sunflower reduces Cd transfer to food chain in salt-affected soils of Qom province", Proceedings of Current developments in remediation of contaminated lands ,.
- Ansari, A. Kazemian, H. and HAJABBASI M., 2004. "Stabilization of Cadmium Contaminated Soils Using an Iranian Natural Clinoptilolite", Proceedings of 4th Inernational Zeolite Conference, PP. 1-6 .
- SHARIFI M., ZEBARTH B., KALBASI M., COLEMAN W., HAJABBASI M., 2004. "Screening for potato nitrogen uptake efficiency using a re-circulating hydroponic system. Abstract", Proceedings of The 3rd International Nitrogen Conference), PP. 99-100, 2004.
- Solhi, M., M. Hajabbasi, H. Sharisatmadari, G. Saeidi, and N. Mirghafari. 2004. Investigation on Zn, Pb and Cd uptake of some native plant species grown on naturally contaminated site. 8th International Meeting on Soils with Mediterranean Type of Climate. Feb. 9-11, Morocco, pp. 1-3.
- Ansari Mahabadi,A. , Kazemian ,H., Hajabbasi,M.A.,2004. “Stabilization of Cadmium Contaminated Soils Using an Iranian Natural Clinoptilolite”, 14th Inernational Zeolite Conference , Cape Town, South Africa, April 25-30.
- Mosaddeghi, M.R, M. A. Hajabbasi, A. Hemmat, M. Vafaeian, and A. Alexandrou, 2004. Factors Affecting Stress-Sinkage Curve and Pre-compaction Stress Determined by in situ Plate Sinkage
Test. Proceedings ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting. 1 - 4 August, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Mosaddeghi, M.R., A. Hemmat, M.A. Hajabbasi, and A. Alexandrou. 2004. Using cone penetrometry profile to study soil deformation under plate sinkage Test Proceedings ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting. 1 - 4 August, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Hajabbasi, M. A. 2004. Different Land Use Effects on Physical properties and Moisture release curve of Soil in Southwest Isfahan. Extended Abstracts, Fourth International Conference on Land Degradation, Ellecante, Spain, pp. 1-5.
- Hajabbasi, M. A. 2004. Soil physical property changes due to different tillage systems in dry land regions in northwestern Iran. The 4th International Iran & Russia Conference“Agriculture and Natural Resources, ShahrKurd Iran, pp. 503-509.
- Sharifi, M. B. J. Zebarth, M. A. Hajabbasi and M. Kalbasi 2004. Root morphology, yield and nitrogen uptake in two potato clonal selections of Russet Norkotah at different soil nitrogen levels. The 4th International Iran & Russia Conference “Agriculture and Natural Resources, ShahrKurd Iran, pp. 648654.
- MOSADDEGHI M., KOOLEN A., HAJABBASI M., HEMMAT A., 2003. "Per-comperession stress
concept and physical qualities of soils from Central Iran", Proceedings of International Soil Tillage Research Organisation Conference, PP. 761.
- Naghavi, H., AFYUNI M., HAJABBASI M., 2003. "Physical and hydrualogical characteristics and solute transport of a sandy loam soil as affected by farm yard", Proceedings of International Soil Tillage Research Organisation Conference, PP. 833-835, 2003.
- Sharifi, M., HAJABBASI M., Zebart, B.2002. "Reducing of nitrate leaching to ground water in ‘Russet Norkotah’ potato production", Proceedings of International conference on Water and Environment., PP. 478-486.
- Afyuni, M., H. Shirani, and M. Hajabbasi. 2003. Effects of Tillage systems on bromide leaching. pp 79, Proceedings of International Soil Tillage Research rganization, 16th Triennial Conference, 13-18 July, UQ Brisbane, Australia, pp. 7-10.
- Mosaddeghi, M.R., A. J. Koolen, M. A. Hajabbasi, and A. Hemmat. 2003. Pre-compression stress concept and physical qualities of soils from central Iran. pp 761-766. Proceedings of International Soil Tillage Research Organization, 16th Triennial Conference, 13-18 July, UQ Brisbane, Australia, pp. 761-767.
- Mosaddeghi, M.R., A. J. Koolen, A. Hemmat, and M. A. Hajabbasi. 2003. Effects of internal and external forces on pre-compression stress and air permeability of soils from central Iran. pp 767-773. Proceedings of International Soil Tillage Research Organization, 16th Triennial Conference, 13-18
July, UQ Brisbane, Australia, pp. 767-771.
- Naghavi, Hormuzd, M. Afyuni and M. A. Hajabbasi. 2003. Physical and hydrualogical characteristics and solute transport of a sandy loam soil as affected by farm yard manure in central Iran. pp 833835. Proceedings of International Soil Tillage Research Organization, 16th Triennial Conference, 1318 July, UQ Brisbane, Australia, pp. 833-835.
- Sharifi, M., M. Hajabbasi and B. J. Zebarth. 2003. Reducing of nitrate leaching to ground water in ‘Russet Norkotah’ potato production. International conference on Water and Environment. Dec. 1518. Bhopal, India, pp. 478-486.
- Mosaddeghi, M.R., A.J., Koolen, A. Hemmat, M.A. Hajabbasi, and P. Lerink. 2003. Alternative methods of predicting pre-compression stress on soils with low structural stability. 9th European Conference of International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems (ISTVS), September 8-11, Harper Adams University College, UK, pp: 327-337
- Hajabbasi, M. A. 2002. Soil Degradation Due to Change in Land Use (Drylands of Central Zagrous, Iran). Proceedings of International conference on environmentally sustainable agriculture for dry areas for the 3th Millenium. 16-19 September Shijazhuang, China, pp. 471-473.
- Hajabbasi, M. A. 1998 Deforestation effects on Land degradation of Central Zagros. Proceeding of Internation conference on land degradation. 19-22 September 1996. Adena, Turkey, pp. 755-759.
- Hajabbasi, M.A., and M.R. Mosaddeghi. 1998. Organic matter and water content effects on soil compactibility using Proctor test. 13th International Congress on Agricultural Engineering, Rabat, Morocco, 2-6 Feb. Vol. 1. Land and Water Use. pp: 661-670.
- Hajabbasi, M. A and M. Mosaddeghi. 1998. Compactibility as affected by moisture and farm yard manure of an arid soil in central Iran, Proceedings of International symposium on arid region soils, YISARS. 21-24 September . Izmir Turkey, pp. 754-760.
- Hajabbasi, M. A. and T. E. Schumacher. 1990. Phosphorous effects of seminal and nodal corn root Morphology, America society of agronomy crop science society of america soil science. Pp. 270-271.