- Ghaffari, Parisa: Studying the effects of different fertilizers on physical characteristics of the growth medium of spinach plants
- Karbasian, Fatemeh: Effect of municipal wastewater application on soil physical and hydraulic properties in east of Isfahan
- Barootkoob, Abolfazl: The effect of nano-hydroxyapatite and calcium phosphate fertilizers on soil physical properties and tomato fruit
- Eskandari Nia, Effects of biochar application on water use efficiency and physical characteristics of growing medium of the button and oyster mushrooms
- Abedi, Sadat: The effects of ambient temperature and applying moss to planting bed on yield and quality of oyster and Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms
- Khalilian, Fatemeh: Interaction effects of the genotypes of .. and water stress on soil strength, friability and the swelling curve.
- Yarbakht, Zoha: Interaction effects of the genotypes of .. and water stress on soil structural index and water repellency.
- Azarang, Mandana: The effects of converting enclosed lands into gardens and severe and medium grazing sites on soil characteristics around Zayandehrud dam.
- Alavi, Sadat: The effect of pasture change on soil quality indices in Hana Dam, Semirom city
- Azhari, Ameneh: The role of sugarcane residue and its biochar on remediation and some soil mechanical and physical properties
- Ehsan HajiNili: Assess the impact of bentonite and zeolite on soil water retention and salt and drought stress on yield of white bean cultivars and plant Salicornia
- Shahla Ahmadpour: Effect of oil pollution on soil structure stability
- Roham, Nasrin: Effect of carbon nanotubes and zeolite on soybean phytoremediation of soils contaminated with Petroleum hydrocarbons
- Maleki, Maedeh: Evaluating the effects of rice husk ash and coal fly¬-ash on physical and chemical properties of soil affected by petroleum hydrocarbons contamination
- Godarzi, Saeid: Evaluating effect of rice husk ash and coal fly-ash on hydraulic and mechanical properties of soil affected by oil contamination
- Arefi, Ashkan:
- Navidpour, MohammadReza: Evaluation of the Effect of different methods of water retention in sandy soils on water use efficiency
- Torkian, Mahsa: Effect of Piriformospora indica, sewage sludge and biochar and sewage sludge on Aarsenic uptake by sunflower plant.
- HosseinZadeh, Navid: Prediction of the effects of climate change and land use on runoff in the North Karoun watershed using SWAT model
- Hassani, Abdolghader: Evaluation of some soil and environmental property effects on runoff and sedimentation using artificial neural network in the northern Karoon watershed
- Salehi K, Nazanin: Role of fuel load on physical ,chemical and biological properties of the soil after firing.
- Fayouji, Alireza: Application of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Phytoremediation
- Saeidi, Hamid: Effects of land use change on green house gases emmissions
- Safora Merati (2013): Soil Pb, Zn, and Cd phytoextraction potential of two types of sisymbrium infected with p. indica.
- Aboozar Assadolahi (2013): Effect of sewage sludge, vermicompost and cow manure on phytoremediation of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbon using tomato
((Solanum lycopersicum)) and Agropyron badamense.
- Soleiman Modaressi (2013): Evaluation of petroleum hydrocarbons removal from soil by nanoparticles and modified zeolite and bentonite with phytoremediation.
- Torabi, Ghazal (2013): Effect of soil compaction and endophyte on the Tall fescue phytoremediation of soil contaminated with petroleum in hydrocarbons.
- Javidpour, Amir Hossein (2013): Effect of compost on phytoremediation of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons by Festuca pratensis.
- Mohammad Davoodi (2012): Effects of burning crop residues on some chemical and physical properties of rangeland soil in Fereydan region.
- Shirin Seirafinia:Palygorskite and Sepiolite addition to sands (2011)
- Elaheh Khosravi: Asseing of short time effects of firing pastures (2011)
- HamidReza M. Kelishadi:Disturbing pasture's effects on soil physical (2011)
- Mahsa Rahimi:Effects of Compaction and soil moisture on (2010)
- Nasim Kaghazchi:Efects of zeolite on soil hydraulic properties: (2010)
- Nasim Sadat Mortazavi:The role of geohomus and (2010)
- Noroldin Hashemi:Using Zeolite for remediation of (2010)
- Rozita Hadad Rezaei:Different management on Pistachio (2010)
- Mansor Barzin:Special Variability of Zn, Pb, in Hmaedan Soil (2010)
- MS. Halal Beiki:Land preparation effects on Zaffaran growth" (2008)
- Seyed M Yahya Bidaki:Effects of disposed tire plastics on soil physical (2007)
- AliAsghar Besalat Pour:Bioremediation (Phytostimulation) of Soil (2006)
- AhmadReza Mellali:Phytoremediation in Two Calcaroue Soils Polluted (2006)
- Jaber Fallahzadeh:Salinity effects on organic matter" (2006)
- AliAsghar Zolfaghari:Changes in Soil Structure, Organic Matter and (2005)
- Masoumeh Yusefi:Different soil managem,ent effects on carbohydrates (2004)
- Jamaati):Effects of different Salinity on germinatio, (2004)
- Ahmad Moradi:Modeling transport of Cd and Br and hydraulic (2003)
- Mohsen Souleimani:Phytoremediation of soil contaminated with (2003)
- Arash Ansari:Removal of heavy metals from aqueous Zeolite (2003)
- Kohyian:Arsenic removal from soil using some crop (2003)
- Hossein Bayat: Tillage effects on soil physical character (2003)
- GhaderMazi:Simulation os Zn Pb, and N in soil under (2002)
- Shabanian:Effects of Polyacril Sweage sludge and waste (2002)
- Movahedian:Effects of Polyacril Sweage sludge and waste (2002)
- Mohsen Nael:Evaluation of land degradation by soil quality (2000)
- Abbas Ahmadi:Depasturation effects on soil tilth index and run (2000)
- Mansour Olfati:The effects of soil physical properties on P uptake (1996)
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- MohammadReza Mosaddeghi:Soil compactibility as affected by soil moisture (1996)
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