Open Positions

Open Positions in My Research Group (2023-2024):

  • Postdoctoral Fellows (Nanobioinorganic Chemistry, HER and OER Processes, Nanofuels, Metal Organic Framework(MOF))

Open Positions in My Research Group (2022-2023):

  • Postdoctoral Fellows ( Nanobioinorganic Chemistry, Photocatalysts or Advanced Materials)

Open Positions in My Research Group (2017-2018):

  • Five Master's Students (MSc) (Bioinorganic Chemistry, Electrocatalyst, Photocatalyst, and Nanochemistry)
  • Two PhD students (Bioinorganic and Bioorganometallic Chemistry, Organomettallic Chemistry, and Nanophotocatalysts)
  • One Postdoctoral Fellows ( Nanobioinorganic Chemistry, and Advanced Materials)



Open Positions in My Research Group (2014-2015):

  • Five Master's Students (Bioinorganic Chemistry, Electrocatalyst, and Nanochemistry)
  • Three PhD students (Bioinorganic and Bioorganometallic Chemistry, Organomettallic Chemistry, and Nanocatalysts)
  • Two Postdoctoral Fellows (CO2 Fixation, and Anticancer Drugs)