(1) Glover, C.J., R.R. Davison and S.M. Ghoreishi, "Evaluation of Oven Simulation of Hot-Mix Aging by an FT-IR Pellet Procedure and Other Methods", Transportation Research Record, 1228, 177 (1989)
(2) Akgerman, A., C. Erkey and S.M. Ghoreishi, "Supercritical Extraction of Hexachlorobenzene from Soil", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., American Chemical Society, 31, 333 (1992)
(3) Ghoreishi, S.M. and M.R. Haghighipodeh, "Characterization and Reduction of Chromophores in Pulp Mill Effluents", International Journal of Science and Technology, 4, 131 (1997)
(4) Ghoreishi, S.M. and M.R. Haghighipodeh, "Pilot Plant Study of a New Chemical-Biological Treatment System for Pulp Mill Wastewaters", International Journal of Science and Technology, 5, 118 (1998)
(5) Ghoreishi, S.M. and G. Ehsanian, "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Zayenderood River Dissolved Oxygen and Biochemical Oxygen Demand after South Isfahan Wastewater Treatment Plant", Engineering Journal of Tehran University, 34, 79 (1999)
(6) Ghoreishi, S.M. and A. Akgerman, "Dispersion Coefficient of Supercritical Fluid in Fixed Beds", Separation and Purification Technology, Elsevier Science, 39, 39-50 (2004)
(7) Ghoreishi, S.M. and S. Sharifi, "Modeling of Supercritical Extraction of Mannitol from Plane Tree Leaf", Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Elsevier Science, 24, 1037 (2001)
(8) Ghoreishi, S.M. and H. Rostami, "Biofilteration Reactor in Removal of Odorous Compounds from Industrial Wastewater", International Journal of Engineering, In Press (2012)
(9) Ghoreishi, S.M. and F. Moradi, "Extraction of Caffeine from Tea Leaf Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, In Press (2012)
(10) Ghoreishi, S.M. and R. Teflan, "Mathematical Modeling of Environmental Hazardous Waste Elimination via Chemical Reaction with Supercritical Fluids", International Journal of Engineering Science, In Press (2012)
(11) Ghoreishi, S.M. and R. Haghighi, "Decolorization of Chromophoric Lignin via Reduction Reaction in Stirred Tank Reactor", Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Environmental Engineering, 73 (2001)
(12) Ghoreishi, S.M. and A. Nili, "Recovery of Lignosulfonates from Pulping Black Liquor via Bio-reactor Fermentation, Reactive Solvent Extraction and Chemical Precipitation", Chemical Engineering Journal, In Press (2012)
(13) Ghoreishi, S.M. and B. Dadashi, "Measurement of Effective Parameters in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant in Isfahan Province and its Utilization in the Sustainable Design", Journal of Engineering Sciences , In Press (2012)
(14) Ghoreishi, S.M. and R. Haghighi, "Chemical Catalytic Reaction and Biological Oxidation for Treatment of Non-Biodegradable Textile Effluent", Chemical Engineering Journal, 95, 163 (2003)
(15) Ghoreishi, S.M. and R. Haghighi, "Chromophores Removal in Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent via Hydrogenation-Biological Batch Reactors", Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier Science, 127, 59 (2007)
(16) Ghoreishi, S.M., C.J. Glover and J.A. Bullin, "Evaluation of Oven Simulation of Hot-Mix Aging by an FT-IR Pellet Procedure and other Methods", Proceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., USA (1989)
(17) Akgerman, A., R. Hess and S.M. Ghoreishi, "Extraction of Organic Contaminants from Soil with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide", Proceedings of the AIChE Conference, Orlando, USA (1990)
(18) Ghoreishi, S.M. and M. Amiri, "Colloidal Gas Aphrons Dispersions for a Fine Filteration of Whey", Proceedings of the 6th World Filteration Congress, Nagoya, Japan (1993)
(19) Ghoreishi, S.M. and M. Taherzadeh, "Investigation of Chemical Composition of Pistacia Atlantica Gum", Proceedings of the 1st Iranian Chemical Engineer's Institute Conference, Tehran, Iran (1994)
(20) Ghoreishi, S.M. and A. Akgerman, "Soil Decontamination of PCBs by Supercritical Fluid", Proceedings of the International Congress on Environment and Climate, Rome, Italy (1996)
(21) Ghoreishi, S.M. and M.R. Haghighipodeh, "Characterization and Reduction of Chromophores in Pulp Mill Effluents", Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Management, Wollongong, Australia (1998)
(22) Ghoreishi, S.M. and M.R. Haghighipodeh, "Pilot Plant Study of a New Chemical-Biological Treatment System for Pulp Mill Wastewater", Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Management, Wollongong, Australia (1998)
(23) Ghoreishi, S.M. and S. Sharifi, "Modeling of Supercritical Extraction of Mannitol from Plane Leaf", Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Basel, Switzerland (2000)
(24) Ghoreishi, S.M. and G. Ehsanian, "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Zayenderood River Environmental Conditions", Proceedings of the 5th National and 4th International Chemical Engineering Congress, Shiraz, Iran (2000)
(25) Ghoreishi, S.M. and R. Haghighi, "Decolorization of Chromophoric Lignin via Reduction Reaction in Stirred Tank Reactor", Proceedings of the 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering, DECHEMA e.V., Nuremberg, Germany (2001)
(26) Ghoreishi, S.M., H.S. Ghaziaskar and F. Moradi, "Experimental Investigation of Extraction of Caffeine from Tea Leaf Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide", Proceedings of the 6th National Chemical Engineering Congress, Isfahan, Iran (2001)
(27) Ghoreishi, S.M. and A. Akgerman, "Dispersion Coefficient of Supercritical Fluid in Fixed Beds", Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne, Australia (2001)
(28) Ghoreishi, S.M. and E. Hosnani, " Computer Simulation and Experimental Study of Lavender Essential Oil Extraction Unit with Steam", Proceedings of the Iranian Congress of Medical Plants, Tehran, Iran (2002)
(29) Ghoreishi, S.M. and R. Teflan, "Mathematical Modeling of Environmental Hazardous Waste Elimination via Chemical Reaction with Supercritical Water", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2007), Seville, Spain (2007)
(30) Ghoreishi, S.M. and R. Haghighi, "Chemical Catalytic Reaction and Biological Oxidation for Treatment of Non-Biodegradable Textile Effluent", Proceedings of the 9th APCChE (Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering) Congress and CHEMECA, Christchurch, New Zealand (2002)
(31) Ghoreishi, S.M. and A. Nili, "Recovery of Lignosulfonates from Pulping Black Liquor via Bio-reactor Fermentation, Reactive Solvent Extraction and Chemical Precipitation", Proceedings of the 9th European Biowastes and Biosolids Conference, Wakefield, England, UK (2004)
(32) Ghoreishi, S.M. and H.R. Rostami, "Elimination of Hydrogen Sulfide Air Pollution via Biofiltration Reactor" Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2005), Badajoz, Spain (2005)
(33) Ghoreishi, S.M. and A. Nili, "Glucose Fermentation in Pulping Black Liquor for Lignosulfontes Application as the Oil Field Drilling Mud", Proceedings of the 1st National Seminar On Recycling and Waste Management On Process Industries, Tehran, Iran (2005)
(34) Ghoreishi, S.M., "Nanoparticle Size Design in Pharmaceutical Industry Using Supercritical Fluids", Proceedings of the 4th International Nanotechnology Symposium (Nanofair2005), Dresden, Germany (2005)
(35) Ghoreishi, S.M. and H.R. Rostami, "The Effect of Operational Parameters on the Conversion of Solid Wastes Hydrogen Sulfide Air Pollution into Environmental Benign Ultimate Products via Biofiltration Reactor" Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2007), Seville, Spain (2007)
(36) Ghoreishi, S.M. and S.M. Shariatmadar, " Modeling of Catalytic and Non-catalytic Supercritical Water Oxidation of Phenol" Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2007), Seville, Spain (2007)
(37) Ghoreishi, S.M., Hosseini, S.M.S. "Computer simulation of supercritical extraction of oil from seeds". Proceedings of the 4th National Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran (1999)
(38) Ghoreishi, S.M., R. Gholami Shahrestani, and S.H. Ghazi Askar, "Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Supercritical Extraction of Mannitol from Olive Leaves" Chemical Engineering and Technology, 32, 45 (2009)
(39) Ghoreishi, S.M., R. Gholami Shahrestani, "Subcritical Water Extraction of Mannitol from Olive Leaves" Journal of Food Engineering, 93, 474 (2009)
(40) Ghoreishi, S.M., R. Gholami Shahrestani “Innovative Strategies for Engineering Mannitol Production: Review” Trends in Food Science & Technology, 20, 263 (2009)
(41) Alibouri, M., S.M. Ghoreishi, and H.R Aghabozorg, “Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene using CoMo/Al-HMS Nanocatalyst Synthesized by Supercritical Deposition” The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 49, 239–248 (2009)
(42) Alibouri, M., S.M. Ghoreishi, and H.R. Aghabozorg, “Hydrodesulfurization Activity of NiMo/Al-HMS Nanocatalyst Synthesized by Supercritical Impregnation” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48, 4283 (2009)
(43) Alibouri, M., S.M. Ghoreishi, H.R. Aghabozorg, “Effect of Supercritical Deposition Synthesis on Dibenzothiophene Hydrodesulfurization over NiMo/Al2O3 Nanocatalyst” AIChE Journal, 55, 2665 (2009)
(44) M. Alibouri, S. M. Ghoreishi, H. R. Aghabozorg "Clean Diesel Fuel with Ultra Low Sulfur Content via Hydrodesulfurization of Petroleum Resids" Proceedings of the International Conference on Environment (ICENV2008), Penang, Malaysia (2008)
(45) Ghoreishi, S.M., H. Kamli, H.S. Ghaziaskar "Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Essential Oil From Iranian Lavender Flower" Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium On Supercritical Fluids, Bordeaux, France (2009)
(46) M. Alibouri, S. M. Ghoreishi, H. R. Aghabozorg, A. Fazlollahi “Preparation of Ni Catalysts on Al-HMS Nanostructure Support via Supercritical Deposition in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide-Methanol Solution with Thermodynamic Control of Metal Loadings” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Nanostructure (NS2008), Kish Island, Iran (2008)
(47) M. Alibouri, H. R. Aghabozorg, S. M. Ghoreishi “XRD and TEM Investigation of NiMo/Al-HMS Nanocatalyst Synthesized via Supercritical Deposition” Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Tabriz, Iran (2008)
(48) Meshkat, S.S., S.M. Ghoreishi “Synthesizing Nanoparticles of WO3 via Reverse Micelle Method” Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Tabriz, Iran (2008)
(49) Meshkat, S.S., S.M. Ghoreishi “Synthesizing Nanoparticles of IF-WS2” Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Tabriz, Iran (2008)
(50) Ghoreishi, S.M., R. Gholami Shahrestani, and S.H. Ghazi Askar “Subcritical Water Extraction of Mannitol from Olive Leaves” Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Heidelberg, Germany (2008)
(51) Meshkat, S.S., Z. Hoseini, S.M. Ghoreishi “Synthesis of WO3 Nanoparticles” Proceedings of the 12th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tabriz, Iran (2008)
(52) Ghoreishi, S.M., S. Komeili “Modeling of Fluorinated Tetraphenylporphyrin Nanoparticles Size Design via Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solution” The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 50, 183 (2009)
(53) Meshkat, S.S., S.M. Ghoreishi “Synthesis of Inorganic Fullerene Nanoparticles using Quartz Tubular Reactor” Proceedings of the 12th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tabriz, Iran (2008)
(54) Arastooie, M., S.M. Ghoreishi “Modeling of Microorganism Deactivation using Supercritical High Pressure Fluids” Journal of Food Science, In Review (2012)
(55) Ghoreishi, S.M., S. Komeili “Modeling of Nanoparticles Size Design via Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solution” Proceedings of the 4th Seminar on Nanotechnology, Kermanshah, Iran (2008)
(56) Arastooie, M., S.M. Ghoreishi “Mathematical Modeling of Microorganism Deactivation in Food Sterilization Process utilizing Medium of Supercritical High Pressure Fluids” Proceedings of the 12th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tabriz, Iran (2008)
(57) M. Alibouri, S. M. Ghoreishi, H. R. Aghabozorg "Effect of Supercritical Deposition Synthesis on the Dibenzothiophene Hydrodesulfurization Activity over CoMo/Al-HMS Nanocatalyst" Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering (ICheaP-9), Rome Italy (2009)
(58) Ghoreishi, S.M., S. Komeili “Numerical Modeling of RESS Process for Engineering Nanoparticles Synthesis” Proceedings of the Nanotech Malaysia 2009 Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2009)
(59) Ghoreishi, S.M., S. Meshkat “Nanoparticles Synthesis of Tungstane Disulfide via AOT-based Microemulsions” Proceedings of the Nanotech Malaysia 2009 Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2009)
(60) Ghoreishi, S.M., Madani, S.H. "Modeling of para-Xylene Synthesis via Nonselective Toluene Disproportionation" International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Vol. 7, Article A25 (2009)
(61) Ghoreishi, S.M., Meshkat, S.S., Dadkhah, A.A. "IF-WS2 nanoparticles size design and synthesis via chemical reduction" Materials Research Bulletin, 15, 233 (2010)
(62) Jazini, M.H., Ghoreishi, S.M., Dadkhah, A.A. "Modeling of Carbochlorination of Zircon in Fluidized Bed Reactor" Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 41B, 248 (2010)
(63) Ghoreishi, S.M., Madani, S.H. "Numerical Simulation of p-Xylene Synthesis via Selective Toluene Disproportionation over Modified ZSM-5 Catalyst" International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Vol. 8, Article A49 (2010)
(64) Meshkat, S.S., Ghoreishi, S.M., Hoseini, Z. "Synthesis of WO3 Nanoparticles via Reverse Micelle Method as a catalyst application" Proceedings of the 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (ICHEC 2009), Kish, Iran (2009)
(65) Jazini, M.H., Ghoreishi, S.M., Dadkhah, A.A. "Parametric Analysis of Zircon Carbochlorination in Fluidized Bed via Numerical Modeling" Proceedings of the 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (ICHEC 2009), Kish, Iran (2009)
(66) Ghoreishi, S.M., Hoseini, Z." Simulation and optimization of an on-board oxygen generation system" Proceedings of the 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (ICHEC 2009), Kish, Iran (2009)
(67) Ghoreishi, S.M., S. Komeili " Simulation and Optimization of RESS Process in Engineering Nanoparticles Synthesis" Proceedings of the 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (ICHEC 2009), Kish, Iran (2009)
(68) Ghoreishi, S.M., Bataghva, E., Dadkhah, A.A. “Response Surface Optimization of Essential Oil and Diosgenin Extraction from Tribulus Terrestris via Supercritical Fluid Technology” Chemical Engineering and Technology, 35, 133 (2012)
(69) Ghoreishi, S.M., Bataghva, E. “Supercritical Extraction of Evening Primrose Oil: Experimental Optimization via Response Surface Methodology” AIChE Journal, 57, 3378 (2011)
(70) Ghoreishi, S.M., Mardani, E. Ghaziaskar, S.H. “Separation of Gamma-Linolenic and other Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Boraginaceae via Supercritical CO2” JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE, 34, 234 (2011)
(71) Mahmoodi, S., Ehsani, M.R., Ghoreishi, S.M., “Effect of promoter in the oxidative coupling of methane over synthesized Mn/SiO2 nanocatalysts via incipient wetness impregnation” JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 16, 923 (2010)
(72) Ghoreishi, S.M., Hoseini, Z. "Numerical Analysis and Optimization of Oxygen Separation from Air via Pressure Swing Adsorption" Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 6, 1 (2011)
(73) Ghoreishi, S.M., S. Meshkat “Synthesis, Characterization and industrial Applications of Inorganic Fullerene-like Tungsten Disulfide Nanoparticles” Proceedings of the International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology (ESciNano2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2010)
(74) Ghoreishi, S.M., Bataghva, E. “Modeling of Supercritical Extraction of Essential Oil from Echium Amoenum Seed” Proceedings of the 1st International Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Conference, Kermanshah, Iran (2010)
(75) Akbari, I., Ghoreishi, S.M., Razavi, N. “Simultaneous Heat and Hydrogen Recovery for Reduction of Energy Consumption and Air Pollution in Mobarakeh Steel Co.” Proceedings of the 2nd National convention on Fuel, Energy and Environment, Kermanshah, Iran (2010)
(76) Ghoreishi, S.M., Mardani, E. Ghaziaskar, S.H., Dadkhah, A.A. “Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Anti-carcinoma Fatty Acids from Echium Amoenum Seed Oil” Proceedings of the International Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Symposium & 2nd Iranian Phytochemistry Seminar, Shiraz, Iran (2010)
(77) Fakhretaha, S.M., Ghoreishi, S.M., Akbari, I., Dadkhah, A.A. "CO Reduction from Annealing Unit of Mobarekeh Co. using Catalytic Fixed Bed Reactor" Proceedings of the Steel Symposium, Yazd, Iran (2010)
(78) Akbari, I., Ghoreishi, S.M., Fakhretaha, S.M., Dadkhah, A.A. " Reduction of Environmental pollution and Energy in Annealing Unit of Mobarekeh Co." Proceedings of the Steel Symposium, Yazd, Iran (2010)
(79) Ghoreishi, S.M., S. Komeili "Simulation and Optimization of RESS Process in Engineering Nanoparticles Synthesis" Proceedings of the 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish, Iran (2009)
(80) Ghoreishi, S.M., S.S. Meshkat, M. Ghiaci, A.A. Dadkhah " Nanoparticles synthesis of tungsten disulfide via AOT-based microemulsions" MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN , 47, 1438 (2012)
(81) Ghoreishi, S.M., H. Kamali, H.S. Ghaziaskar, A.A. Dadkhah " Optimization of Supercritical Extraction of Linalyl Acetate from Lavender via Box-Behnkon Design" Chemical Engineering and Technology, In Press (2012)
(82) Ghoreishi, S.M., N. Mohammadian “Sensitivity of Carbon Nanotubes Ignition as a Function of Flash Light Frequency” Proceedings of the International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology (ESciNano2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2011)
(83) Ghoreishi, S.M., M. Shirani “Synthesis of Xerogel Nano Iron Oxide via Sol-gel Method and Nanoparticles Heat Treatment Investigation” Proceedings of the International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology (ESciNano2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2011)