Biography 35


Personal Information


           Date of Birth:       April , 1970

           Place of Birth:      Isfahan, Iran

                 Position:         Professor of Electronics




Post-Doc (Mars 2007- Dec. 2007)

This postdoctoral fellowship was at the SUPELEC University. The research emphasis was on the Modeling, Simulation and Characterization of Next-Generation Multimode Fibers.



 Research @ CERN (2019- Present):

IUT decided to be a member of CMS experiment at CERN and I started a collaboration with CMS experiment. IUT in 2019 became a full member and I have a collaboration with BRIL group to design a dedicated luminometer. 

Research @ IUT (2009- Present):

I am working at the Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) since 2009. I have been supervisor of more than 20 master students and 5 PhD students thesis and 2 postdoctoral researchers at IUT. Their thesis were mostly on optical fiber communications, micro cavity resonators, organic photo detectors, fiber optic lasers, free space optical communications, underwater optical communications, inertial navigation systems. 

For detailed information see following links.


Research @ Draka(2007- 2009)

I have been working at the Draka Comteq France in the Fiber Product Technology & Telecommunication Modeling group. The research subject was: optimization of next generation  multi mode fibers (OM4) for 10 Gigabit Ethernet systems. Marcoussis, France. 


 Research and Design (1995-2003). 

Founder and Design Engineer of Mahd Fonoun Sepahan R&D Company, specialized in the Design and Implementation of Digital and Analog Electronic Systems. As Emergency Road Telephone, Automation of Gas stations, Quality Test Equipments for automobile spare parts, and so on., Isfahan, Iran



Ph.D. Program (2003-2007):

   Ph.D.  in Electrical Engineering, Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité (Supélec), France

   Thesis title: Optimization of complex components of Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems         (MOEMS) for high bit rate and short distance optical communications.


M.Sc. Program (1993-1996):

M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology


B.Sc. Program (1988-1993):

B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology