- Synthesis of Heavy Compounds from Methanol in Sub and Supercritical Methanol Using Solid Acid Catalysts, M. Tangestanifard.
- Continuous and Selective Synthesis of Solketal from Monoacetin Using Amberlyst® 15, and some Solid Acid Acatalysts, Y. Gorji.
- Continuous Reactive Extraction of Fuel Additives and Biodiesel from Animal Fat Using Sub and Supercritical Ethanol, H. Rastegari, 2016.
- Synthesis of n-Butanol from Bioethanol in Sub and Supercritical Ethanol Using Nanocatalysts, A. Rahmanian, 2013, co-supervised with Prof. T. Khayamian.
- Continuous and Selective Synthesis of Triacetin in ScCO2 Using Amberlyst® 15, M. Rezayat, 2010.
- Pressurized Fluid Extraction of Pistachio Oil and Aflatoxins and Determination of Aflatoxins and Methadone by Ion Mobility Spectrometry, A. Sheibani, co supervised with Prof. Tabrizchi, July 2008.
- Measurement of Solubility of Trioctylamine and Tridodecylamine in ScCO2 and Feasibility Study of Extraction of Carboxylic Acids from Petrochemical Waste with ScCO2, M. Kaboudvand, July 2008.
- Continuous Esterification, Etherification, and Dehydration Reactions in ScCO2”, A. Daneshfar, November 2004.
- Measurement of Nitrite, Periodate, and Iodate by Flow Injection Method and Preparation of Pure PTSA in Pilot Scale, G. Bagherian, 2001, co-supervised with Prof. A.A. Ensafi.
- Extraction and Measurement of Metallic and Non-metallic Species and Binary Solubility of 2-Ethyl Hexanol, 2-Ethyl Hexanoic Acid, and Their Mixtures in ScCO2, H. Eskandari, March 2001, co-supervised with Prof. A.A. Ensafi.