Supervised Ph.D. Students

  1. Synthesis of Heavy Compounds from Methanol in Sub and Supercritical Methanol Using Solid Acid Catalysts, M. Tangestanifard.
  2. Continuous and Selective Synthesis of Solketal from Monoacetin Using Amberlyst® 15, and some Solid Acid Acatalysts, Y. Gorji.
  3. Continuous Reactive Extraction of Fuel Additives and Biodiesel from Animal Fat Using Sub and Supercritical Ethanol, H. Rastegari, 2016.
  4. Synthesis of n-Butanol from Bioethanol in Sub and Supercritical Ethanol Using Nanocatalysts, A. Rahmanian, 2013, co-supervised with Prof. T. Khayamian.  
  5. Continuous and Selective Synthesis of Triacetin in ScCO2 Using Amberlyst® 15, M. Rezayat, 2010.
  6. Pressurized Fluid Extraction of Pistachio Oil and Aflatoxins and Determination of Aflatoxins and Methadone by Ion Mobility Spectrometry, A. Sheibani, co supervised with Prof. Tabrizchi, July 2008.
  7. Measurement of Solubility of Trioctylamine and Tridodecylamine in ScCO2 and Feasibility Study of Extraction of Carboxylic Acids from Petrochemical Waste with ScCO2, M. Kaboudvand, July 2008.
  8. Continuous Esterification, Etherification, and Dehydration Reactions in ScCO2”, A. Daneshfar, November 2004.
  9. Measurement of Nitrite, Periodate, and Iodate by Flow Injection Method and Preparation of Pure PTSA in Pilot Scale, G. Bagherian, 2001, co-supervised with Prof. A.A. Ensafi.
  10. Extraction and Measurement of Metallic and Non-metallic Species and Binary Solubility of 2-Ethyl Hexanol, 2-Ethyl Hexanoic Acid, and Their Mixtures in ScCO2, H. Eskandari, March 2001, co-supervised with Prof. A.A. Ensafi.