

1991-95 (B.Sc.): Mechanical Engineering Department, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Esfahan, Iran, Title of Dissertation: "Dynamical Design of a 6 DOFs Prismatic Industrial Robot”.

1995-97 (M.Sc.): Mechanical Engineering Department, IUT, Esfahan, Iran

The title of Dissertation: "Mathematical Model of Elastic Stands for Determination of Bending Actuators Set-Points to Control Crown and Flatness in Hot Rolling Of Strip”

1997-2002 (Ph.D.): Metal Forming, IUT, Esfahan, Iran

Title of Dissertation: "Theoretical and Experimental Investigations into the Ring-Rolling Process" (9 months as the visiting Scholar research at department of mechanical engineering, UBC, Vancouver, Canada)


2002-present:    Academic staff, Mech. Eng. Dept. Isfahan University of Technology.

2002-2006:    Director Manger; IUT Exceptional Talents Development Office.

2002- present:    Member of IUT Exceptional Talents Development Office.

2003-present:    Member of scientific and research council; Sadid Industrial Group.

1995-2010:    Member of scientific and research council; Mobarez Co., Isfahan, Iran

2004-present:     Research consultant; Isfahan Science & Technology Town (ISTT).

2008-present: Head of solid mechanics branch, Mech. Eng. Dept. Isfahan Univ. of Tech.

2010-present: Student Affairs coordinator, Mech. Eng. Dept. Isfahan Univ. of Tech.


Academic Awards

  • First rank graduated student, B.Sc. IUT. Mech Eng. Dept. 1995
  • First rank graduated student, M.Sc. IUT. Mech Eng. Dept. 1999
  • The award of the president of the Islamic republic of Iran for the prominent national university students, 2002
  • IUT Award for the best university teacher in mechanical engineering department (2010)
  • IUT Award for the best supervisor in mechanical engineering department (2012)

Research Awards

  • Iranian Society of mechanical Engineers ISME award for the best Ph.D. dissertation, 2003
  • 3rd place of middle size RoboCup league (7th international competitions Padua/Italy, July 2003)
  • 3rd place of small size RoboCup league (International competitions Paderborn/Germany, March 2003)
  • 2nd place of middle size RoboCup league (International competitions Paderborn/Germany, March 2004)
  • Award for the both  fist and second rank papers on the 1st Iranian pipe & pipeline conference (Section materials and methods of pipe manufacturing) 2007
  • One of the 1st six places of the first national RC boat competition, Azadi complex stadium, 7-10 Oct. 2008.
  • Award for the first rank oral presented paper on the 2nd Iranian pipe & pipeline conference (Section materials and methods of pipe manufacturing) 2009.
  • Award for the first rank poster presented paper on the 2nd Iranian pipe & pipeline conference (Section materials and methods of pipe manufacturing) 2009.
  • IUT Award for the best researcher in mechanical engineering department (2011)