International Conference Papers
Mahmoud Feiz Improvement of the washfastness of direct cotton dyes applied to nylon by Aftertreatment with synthetic tanning Agents 5th International conference Textile Science 2003 june 16-18,2003,liberec,Czech Republic.
Mahmoud Feiz,Zeinab Radfar Improvement of washfastness of direct and acid dyes applied to silk by aftertreatment with syntan,syntan/cation and fullbacktan process., The 8th Asian Textile conference Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran-2005.
Mahmoud Feiz ,M.A.Azizollahi The aftertreatment of direct dyes on wool and nylon 6.6 with synthetic tanning agents and fullbacktan., The 8th Asian Textile conference Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran-2005.
S.M.Mortazavi,M.Feiz,D.Abedi,M.Khajeh Mehrizi Antimicrobial properties of acrylic fabric by application of some metal salts., The 8th Asian Textile conference Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran-2005.
Mahmoud Feiz,Zeinab Radfar Improvement of wash fastness of direct and acid dyes applied to wool by aftertreatment with syntan,syntan/cation and fullbacktan process 4th Central European Conference 2005 September 7-9,2005 Liberec,Czech Republic.
Mahmoud Feiz,Neda Mirzadeh Kinetic and thermodynamic studies prediction on dyestuff with the use of intermediates.5th International Istanbul Textile Conference 19-21 May 2005 Swissotel the bosphore ,Istanbul.
Mahmoud Feiz,Zeinab Radfar Improvement of washfastness of direct and acid dyes applied to nylon6,6 by aftertreatment with syntan, syntan/cation and fullbacktan process 11th Asian Congress for the Quantum Leap of Asian Chemistry August 24-26, 2005 Korea University,Seoul,Korea 11th ACC Seoul, Korea
M. Feiz, S. Salimpour .The aftertreatment of direct dyes on wool with synthetic tanning agents and full backtan International Fiber Conference 2006 , p 197-198 , 2006.5.30-6.3, Engineer House , Seoul national university , Seoul, Korea.
M. Feiz, S. Salimpour .Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Metal Complex Acid Dyes Applied to Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents and Different Enzymes. ATC9, Taichung ,Taiwan June 28-30 2007.
M. Feiz, S. Salimpour Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Basic Dyes Applied to Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents and Different Enzymes. ATC9, Taichung ,Taiwan June 28-30 2007.
M. Feiz, S. Salimpour Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Reactive Dyes Applied to Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents and Different Enzymes. ATC9, Taichung ,Taiwan June 28-30 2007.
M. Feiz , S. Salimpour Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Basic dyes applied to Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents and Different Enzymes, 6th National conference on Textile Engineering, Textile Engineering faculty, Isfahan University of Technology 8-10 May 2007
Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Reactive Dyes Applied To Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents And Different Enzymes.M. Feiz, S. Salimpour 6th National conference on Textile Engineering, Textile Engineering faculty, Isfahan University of Technology 8-10 May 2007
Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Metal Complex Acid Dyes Applied to Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents and Different Enzymes. M. Feiz, S. Salimpour 6th National conference on Textile Engineering, Textile Engineering faculty, Isfahan University of Technology 8-10 May 2007