International Conference Papers

  1. Mahmoud Feiz Improvement of the washfastness of direct cotton dyes applied to nylon by Aftertreatment with synthetic tanning Agents 5th International conference Textile Science 2003 june 16-18,2003,liberec,Czech Republic.
  2. Mahmoud Feiz,Zeinab Radfar Improvement of washfastness of direct and acid dyes applied to silk by aftertreatment with syntan,syntan/cation and fullbacktan process., The 8th Asian Textile conference Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran-2005.
  3. Mahmoud Feiz ,M.A.Azizollahi The aftertreatment of direct dyes on wool and nylon 6.6 with synthetic tanning agents and fullbacktan., The 8th Asian Textile conference Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran-2005.
  4. S.M.Mortazavi,M.Feiz,D.Abedi,M.Khajeh Mehrizi Antimicrobial properties of acrylic fabric by application of some metal salts., The 8th Asian Textile conference Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran-2005.
  5. Mahmoud Feiz,Zeinab Radfar Improvement of wash fastness of direct and acid dyes applied to wool by aftertreatment with syntan,syntan/cation and fullbacktan process 4th Central European Conference 2005 September 7-9,2005 Liberec,Czech Republic.
  6. Mahmoud Feiz,Neda Mirzadeh Kinetic and thermodynamic studies prediction on dyestuff with the use of intermediates.5th International Istanbul Textile Conference 19-21 May 2005 Swissotel the bosphore ,Istanbul.
  7. Mahmoud Feiz,Zeinab Radfar Improvement of washfastness of direct and acid dyes applied to nylon6,6 by aftertreatment with syntan, syntan/cation and fullbacktan process 11th Asian Congress for the Quantum Leap of Asian Chemistry August 24-26, 2005 Korea University,Seoul,Korea 11th ACC Seoul, Korea
  8. M. Feiz, S. Salimpour .The aftertreatment of direct dyes on wool with synthetic tanning agents and full backtan International Fiber Conference 2006 , p 197-198 , 2006.5.30-6.3, Engineer House , Seoul national university , Seoul, Korea.
  9. M. Feiz, S. Salimpour .Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Metal Complex Acid Dyes Applied to Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents and Different Enzymes. ATC9, Taichung ,Taiwan June 28-30 2007.
  10. M. Feiz, S. Salimpour Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Basic Dyes Applied to Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents and Different Enzymes. ATC9, Taichung ,Taiwan June 28-30 2007.
  11. M. Feiz, S. Salimpour Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Reactive Dyes Applied to Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents and Different Enzymes. ATC9, Taichung ,Taiwan June 28-30 2007.
  12. M. Feiz , S. Salimpour Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Basic dyes applied to Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents and Different Enzymes, 6th National conference on Textile Engineering, Textile Engineering faculty, Isfahan University of Technology 8-10 May 2007
  13. Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Reactive Dyes Applied To Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents And Different Enzymes.M. Feiz, S. Salimpour 6th National conference on Textile Engineering, Textile Engineering faculty, Isfahan University of Technology 8-10 May 2007
  14. Improvement of Wash Fastness and Light Fastness of Metal Complex Acid Dyes Applied to Silk Using a Syntan in Conjunction with Complexing Agents and Different Enzymes. M. Feiz, S. Salimpour 6th National conference on Textile Engineering, Textile Engineering faculty, Isfahan University of Technology 8-10 May 2007