M. Shafiei, F. Fazileh, F. M. Peeters, M. V. Milošević
Tailoring weak and metallic phases in a strong topological insulator by strain and disorder: Conductance fluctuations signatures
Physical Review B, 109: 045129 (2024).
FM Borojeni, ET Sisakht, F Fazileh, FM Peeters
Enhanced thermoelectric properties in phosphorene nanorings
Physical Review B, 108: 035425 (2023).
M. Shafiei, F. Fazileh, F. M. Peeters, M. V. Milošević
High Chern number in strained thin films of dilute magnetic topological insulators
Physical Review B, 107: 195119 (2023).
Esmaeil Taghizadeh Sisakht, Farhad Fazileh, S. Javad Hashemifar, and Francois M. Peeters
Role of the band-gap parameter in the characterization of Landau levels in a gapped-phase semi-Dirac system: Monolayer phosphorene
Physical Review B, 107: 125417 (2023).
M. Shafiei, F. Fazileh, F. M. Peeters, M. V. Milošević
Axion insulator states in a topological insulator proximitized to magnetic insulators: A tight-binding characterization
Physical Review Materials, 6: 074205 (2022).
M. Shafiei, F. Fazileh, F. M. Peeters, M. V. Milošević
Controlling the hybridization gap and transport in a thin-film topological insulator: Effect of strain, and electric and magnetic field
Physical Review B, 106: 035119 (2022).
Z. Aslani, E. Taghizadeh Sisakht, F. Fazileh, H. Ghorbanfekr-Kalashami, F.M. Peeters
Conductance fluctuations of monolayer GeSnH2 in the topological phase using a low-energy effective tight-binding Hamiltonian
Physical Review B, 99: 115421 (2019).
M. Rezaei, E. Taghizadeh Sisakht, F. Fazileh, Z. Aslani, and F. M. Peeters
Tight-binding model investigation of the biaxial strain induced topological phase transition in GeCH3.
Physical Review B. 96: 085441 (2017).
E. Taghizadeh Sisakht, F. Fazileh, M. H. Zare, M Zarenia, and F. M. Peeters
Strain-induced topological phase transition in phosphorene and in phosphorene nanoribbons.
Physical Review B. 94: 085417 (2016).
E. Taghizadeh Sisakht, Mohammad H. Zare, and F. Fazileh
Scaling laws of band gaps of phosphorene nanoribbons: A tight-binding calculation.
Physical Review B. 91: 085409 (2015).
E. Taghizadehsisakht, F. Fazileh, and M. Forouzandeh
Numerical study of the effect of disorder and magnetic field on the quantum transport of two-dimensional nanostructures modeled by tight-binding approximation.
Iranian Journal of Physics Research 13(1): 9 (2013).
Mohammad H. Zare, F. Fazileh, and F. Shahbazi
Zero-temperature phase diagram of the classical Kane-Mele-Heisenberg model.
Physical Review B. 87: 224416 (2013).
B. Bagheri and F. Fazileh
Study of magnetic properties of graphene nanostructures and graphene nanoribbons.
Iranian Journal of Physics Research 11(4): 347 (2012).
F. Fazileh, M. Ghorbani, Z. Maghoul, B. Mirza, and M. A. Salehi
Investigating the effect of disorder on density of states of graphene nano-ribbons.
Iranian Journal of Physics Research 11(2): 167 (2011).
F. Fazileh, X. Chen, R. J. Gooding, W. A. Atkinson, and D. C. Johnston
Role of magnetic moments in the metal-to-insulator transition.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 150: 022016 (2009).
Farhad Fazileh and Eugene H. Kim
The influence of Kondo physics on the properties of a spin glass.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20: 095202 (2008).
Farhad Fazileh and Eugene H. Kim
Interplay of spin glass physics and the Kondo effect in a model for dilute magnetic alloys.
Physical Review B. 76: 144429 (2007).
F. Fazileh, R. J. Gooding, W. A. Atkinson, and D. C. Johnston
Role of Strong Electronic Correlations in the Metal-To-Insulator Transition in Disordered LiAlyTi2-yO4.
Physical Review Letters. 96: 046410 (2006).
F. Fazileh, X. Chen, R. J. Gooding, and K. Tabunshchyk
Electronic properties of disordered corner-sharing tetrahedral lattices.
Physical Review B. 73: 035124 (2006).
F. Fazileh, R. J. Gooding, and D. C. Johnston
Examining the metal-to-insulator transitions in Li1 + xTi2–xO4 and LiAlyTi2–yO4 with a quantum site percolation model.