I have been involved in following projects during my career at several universities and companies. For more details about these projects or if you are interested to continue your research in one of these areas please contact me.
- Research on using wireless network in controlling clouds of networked unmanned aerial vehicles
- Research in advanced cooperative relaying techniques including Amplify and Forward for unidirectional and network coding for bidirectional transmission for WIMAX air interface
- Developing and verifying a flexible user friendly and comprehensive multi antennas multi node channel model, usable in WIMAX simulator and other air interface simulation chains
- Implementing of LDPC codes
- The design and implementation of the MIMO techniques for wireless personal area network (WPAN) high data rate air interface
- Proposing novel cooperative relaying techniques suitable for personal area network
- Enhancing MIMO capability of system C link layer simulator for wireless personal area network
- Research on the efficient air interface for personal area networks
- Investigating on enhancing highly adaptive and scalable spectrally efficient air interfaces for high data rate within the framework of the personal area network
- Developing a comprehensive MATLAB/Simulink based simulation chain for High data rate Personal area network
- Evaluating of performance of the HipherMan system especially with joint detection techniques (Turbo Multi-user detection), bit interleaved space frequency coded modulation, trellis codes and multiuser scheduling
- Developing a flexible link layer simulation chain for HipherMan system with MIMO capability in MATLAB/Simulink
- Developing and verifying HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) UMTS based C++ link layer simulator and modelling the important features of its physical layer with special focus on the implementation of AMC and HARQ
- Developing and verifying of an AMR speech codec based uplink/downlink GSM and UMTS WCDMA physical layer simulator in MATLAB (Simulink)
- Porting a MATLAB -based UMTS WCDMA physical layer simulator to PYTHON
- Working on GSM Mobile and Wireless LAN 802.11a cellular networks Analysis tool for cell planning and optimisation cellular and internet wireless network by taking into account major features such as coverage analysis in term of propagation prediction modelling and packet error rate and etc
- Implementation of full uplink/downlink UMTS WCDMA physical layer simulator in MATLAB /Simulink